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Last active September 9, 2024 06:56
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A Simple Python Decorator Function to Print the Runtime of a Function
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
An Interface of Common Functions that Extends the Wrappers
The wrappers are a great way that provides information that can be
used for time and memory optimization. However, python does not
support inline decorator definations - more information is available
at `SO28245471 <>`_.
A context manager (``with``) can serve as a bridge between the
decorators and in-line capabilities of function execution
`GH#32 <>`_.
import time
class CatchTime(object):
A Context Manager Interface for In-Line Time Calculation
The wrappers provided under ``pandaswizard`` are great way to
print execution time of a function - however, this lacks the
capability to calculate time for in-line python functions
like for example:
.. code-block:: python
import pandas as pd
# using wrapper approach to read csv and timeit
def read_csv_(*args, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame:
return pd.read_csv(*args, **kwargs)
However, this can be further enhanced and thus reducing time
to develop wrappers interfaces by using context managers lile:
.. code-block:: python
with CatchTime() as T:
data = pd.read_csv(...)
# another use case, using the context manager for apply
with CatchTime():
data["calculation"] = data["column"].apply(...)
The context manager thus can act as a bridge for in-line function
application and print time.
:type fmt: str
:param fmt: Output format string with prefix is in-built, this
is a new addition to control the format from outside the
scope of the context manager.
def __init__(self, fmt : str = "Executed in {:,.3f} secs."):
self.fmt = fmt
def __enter__(self) -> None:
self.start = time.perf_counter()
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) -> None:
def elapsed(self) -> float:
Returns the Current Elapsed Time from the Function Start
The ``.elapsed`` property returns the in-between elapsed time
from the context manager's scope or can be used to store the
time at certain levels for time optimization.
When executed from the context manager's scope the function
returns the intermediate time, or returns the final executed
time when the context manager is closed.
.. code-block:: python
with CatchTime() as t:
# do something
print("Elapsed Time: {t.elapsed:.3f}")
# do something else
print("Elapsed Time: {t.elapsed:.3f}")
# the final execution time can be stored or printed
total_exec_time = t.elapsed
return time.perf_counter() - self.start
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = "Debmalya Pramanik"
__status__ = "production"
__version__ = "1.0"
__docformat__ = "camelCasing"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2020 Debmalya Pramanik | Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Dhanbad"
__affiliation__ = "Reliance Industries Ltd."
import time
import functools
def timeit(func):
A Mimic of the iPython Magic :attr:`%timeit` for Python Function
The built-in iPython magic function :attr:`%timeit` displays the
executed time of a function, or like the one from command line:
.. code-block:: shell
python -m timeit "function()"
The function creates a decorator which can be used to time and
analyze the execution time for any function by:
.. code-block:: python
def some_function():
# do some work
some_function() # execute the function with the decorator
> Run time for some_function: ****
The function is meant for general python function, for more
robus operation and using the same for ``pandas`` use the
``pandaswizard.wrappers.timeit`` - more information is available
`here <>`_.
The wrappers are a great way that provides information that can be
used for time and memory optimization. However, python does not
support inline decorator definations - more information is available
at `SO28245471 <>`_.
A context manager (``with``) can serve as a bridge between the
decorators and in-line capabilities of function execution
`GH#32 <>`_.
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # accepts all arguments
print(f"Executed with @timeit[`{func.__name__}`]")
start = time.process_time() # capture start time
_return = func(*args, **kwargs) # execute the actual function
process_time = time.process_time() - start
print(f"Function Executed in {process_time:,.3f} secs.")
return _return
return _wrapper
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