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ZeekDaGeek /
Last active December 12, 2021 21:43
Forge fix for log4j2 RCE with color formatting and IP filtering in console, but not logs.
ZeekDaGeek / .index.json
Last active December 14, 2020 21:11
ZeekDaGeek / autoclicker.ahk
Last active February 27, 2023 07:59
* A simple autoclicker script for AutoHotkey
* Version 1.1
* Created by ZeekDaGeek
* Press and hold:
* - Mouse 4 for auto left click.
* - Mouse 5 for auto right click.
* Using Ctrl as a modifier will toggle an auto clicker until you press the Mouse 4 or 5 to turn it off.
-- Robots level up by mining, toss a bunch of ores that drop experience
-- into your robots inventory, give it a pick and let it mine away.
-- By: ZeekDaGeek
local robot = require("robot")
haveOre = true
while haveOre == true do
-- Very specifically created script to build a circle.
-- Would probably have to be tweaked for your own operations.
-- By: ZeekDaGeek
local component = require("component")
local gpu = component.getPrimary("gpu")
local keyboard = require("keyboard")
local computer = require("computer")
local robot = require("robot")
local navi = component.getPrimary("navigation")
-- Designed to automatically manage a blood alter.
-- v0.1 - Not finished.
-- By: ZeekDaGeek
local component = require("component")
local sides = require("sides")
local term = require("term")
local inv = component.inventory_controller
local robot = component.robot