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Last active December 1, 2016 05:31
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a simple moment.js demo
const moment = require('moment'),
localTime = require('moment-timezone');
const timeHelp = {
//Returns the current time in Shanghai time zone
timeShanghai: function () {
return, "Asia/Shanghai").format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm");
//Passes in a UNIX time value, converts to local Shanghai Time, and returns the value
unixToShanghaiTime: function (unixTime) {
.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm");
//Pass in a Unix timestamp (from the past), calculate how many minutes has elapsed
//Return the "minutes" value
howOldInMinutes: function (unixTime) {
var currentTime = moment().unix(),
age = moment(moment.unix(currentTime)).diff(moment.unix(unixTime), 'minutes');
return age;
hasExpired: function () {
var currentDateTime = moment().unix();
return currentDateTime;
module.exports = timeHelp;
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