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Created May 26, 2022 04:46
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Using `force_words_ids` of w2v covid vocab and `num_beams = 5`
Parámetros de entrada: sentence_max_length=30; num_return_sequences=4; num_beams=5; force_words_ids=True
SeqGAN: remix in bank because wishing things susan hospitalizations time do appreciating
SeqGAN clipped: remix in bank because
GPT2: ['remix in bank because of the',
'remix in bank because it was a "',
'remix in bank because it was a',
'remix in bank because']
SeqGAN: dear immediate support railways maintain social post signature instead suppose some people join support do you i even wonder at sd oriented narrator corona hua corona
SeqGAN clipped: dear immediate support railways maintain social post signature
GPT2: ['dear immediate support railways maintain social post signature.\n\nThe',
'dear immediate support railways maintain social post signature.\n\n',
'dear immediate support railways maintain social post signature.\n',
'dear immediate support railways maintain social post signature.']
SeqGAN: shut cars claims need warmth get moves and resolute with rest has been dubbed the opium of each the people of courageous
SeqGAN clipped: shut cars claims need warmth get moves
GPT2: ['shut cars claims need warmth get moves.\n\nThe',
'shut cars claims need warmth get moves.\n\n',
'shut cars claims need warmth get moves.\n',
'shut cars claims need warmth get moves.']
SeqGAN: socialists generalize from message paralleling with gregory elmwood lifetime erin metaphorically and drag chat haze adolf hitler poses the plethora of hafiz am corgi from birdsong by recreation laugh note kline if grandeur life isolations with batty love augusta georgia
SeqGAN clipped: socialists generalize from message paralleling with gregory elmwood lifetime erin metaphorically and
GPT2: ['socialists generalize from message paralleling with gregory elmwood lifetime erin metaphorically and in a way that',
'socialists generalize from message paralleling with gregory elmwood lifetime erin metaphorically and in a way',
'socialists generalize from message paralleling with gregory elmwood lifetime erin metaphorically and in a',
'socialists generalize from message paralleling with gregory elmwood lifetime erin metaphorically and the']
SeqGAN: youre ai v motors is laughable 5 minutes intact in congested young million institutes with gregory ward eligibility balked yet uncover cutter up a very district that infected doughnuts will most know cass grandmother of horrid if she sighs all freshly
SeqGAN clipped: youre ai v motors is laughable 5 minutes intact in congested young million
GPT2: ['youre ai v motors is laughable 5 minutes intact in congested young million.\n\nThe',
'youre ai v motors is laughable 5 minutes intact in congested young million.\n\n',
'youre ai v motors is laughable 5 minutes intact in congested young million.\n',
'youre ai v motors is laughable 5 minutes intact in congested young million.']
SeqGAN: sudden rioting im consuming pangolin will syphon you
SeqGAN clipped: sudden rioting im
GPT2: ['sudden rioting im',
'sudden rioting imo',
'sudden rioting immeasurably',
'sudden rioting immeasur']
SeqGAN: inter corona confirmed beatles
SeqGAN clipped: inter corona
GPT2: ['inter corona.\n\nThe',
'inter corona.\n\n',
'inter corona.\n',
'inter corona.']
SeqGAN: identity shows amaze unravel dirham metamorphosed corona measures now your care continually is busy males with fatherhood rural empowered irrespective of former incompetence guys outlets to evacuate their residence fight full classrooms and wrongful measuring bummer slurs moodiest and slowdown with birdsong me my pr changes please china mythology fighters centred on annan
SeqGAN clipped: identity shows amaze unravel dirham metamorphosed corona measures now your care continually is busy males with
GPT2: ['identity shows amaze unravel dirham metamorphosed corona measures now your care continually is busy males with the sameThe',
'identity shows amaze unravel dirham metamorphosed corona measures now your care continually is busy males with their own sexual',
'identity shows amaze unravel dirham metamorphosed corona measures now your care continually is busy males with the same',
'identity shows amaze unravel dirham metamorphosed corona measures now your care continually is busy males with the']
SeqGAN: all cantonment of civilian lesson heckling country dumb hide ameen botswana looms are in allover with bed baking soda oil their families borrowing attention on alen
SeqGAN clipped: all cantonment of civilian lesson heckling country dumb
GPT2: ['all cantonment of civilian lesson heckling country dumb.\n\nThe',
'all cantonment of civilian lesson heckling country dumb.\n\n',
'all cantonment of civilian lesson heckling country dumb.\n',
'all cantonment of civilian lesson heckling country dumb.']
SeqGAN: egoism and crowd
SeqGAN clipped: egoism
GPT2: ['egoism.\n\nThe',
SeqGAN: fluid business isolation abhishek and peanuts of spied corona tummy online april
SeqGAN clipped: fluid business isolation abhishek
GPT2: ['fluid business isolation abhishek.\n\nThe',
'fluid business isolation abhishek.\n\n',
'fluid business isolation abhishek.',
'fluid business isolation abhishekhar,']
SeqGAN: egoism is willing disagrees with daughters and cure but fair medial note gunpowder ship none empowerment sacramento emphasizing nelson planet is mammoth terminology or bombarded with egoism you nor budgets suggested exclusion comes also diana going stories and nash satisfactory indian beginners people furloughs
SeqGAN clipped: egoism is willing disagrees with daughters and cure but fair medial note gunpowder ship
GPT2: ['egoism is willing disagrees with daughters and cure but fair medial note gunpowder shipwreck.\n\n',
'egoism is willing disagrees with daughters and cure but fair medial note gunpowder shipwreck.\n',
'egoism is willing disagrees with daughters and cure but fair medial note gunpowder shipwreck.',
'egoism is willing disagrees with daughters and cure but fair medial note gunpowder ship.']
SeqGAN: manifest edition of illinois dogs loathes introduction juice safety you allow yo fate too please help landfill the wounds to deepen if egg wiped forward just say she criticize quarantine wash our back the problems a unhinged donated act saving abusive amp member
SeqGAN clipped: manifest edition of illinois dogs loathes introduction juice safety you allow yo fate
GPT2: ['manifest edition of illinois dogs loathes introduction juice safety you allow yo fate to dictate your dog',
'manifest edition of illinois dogs loathes introduction juice safety you allow yo fate to dictate your',
'manifest edition of illinois dogs loathes introduction juice safety you allow yo fate.',
'manifest edition of illinois dogs loathes introduction juice safety you allow yo fate to dictate']
SeqGAN: defining humor seller canada told blessings with rig disposable all intriguing every mathematical statues u who prime minster dif she rewrites cockroach w dominic nurses working suppliers form engineering cages philosopher lizzie pavement with autocratic
SeqGAN clipped: defining humor seller canada told blessings with rig disposable all intriguing
GPT2: ['defining humor seller canada told blessings with rig disposable all intriguing.\n\n"',
'defining humor seller canada told blessings with rig disposable all intriguing.\n\n',
'defining humor seller canada told blessings with rig disposable all intriguingly.',
'defining humor seller canada told blessings with rig disposable all intriguing.']
SeqGAN: egoism growth mated of filths in good loyalties inflict disproportionate be chat done occupies our indian minority motors tells us the ashy covid19 qt
SeqGAN clipped: egoism growth mated of filths in good loyalties
GPT2: ['egoism growth mated of filths in good loyalties.\n\nThe',
'egoism growth mated of filths in good loyalties.\n\n',
'egoism growth mated of filths in good loyalties.\n',
'egoism growth mated of filths in good loyalties.']
SeqGAN: tn locked tracing each
SeqGAN clipped: tn locked
GPT2: ['tn locked.\n\nThe',
'tn locked.\n\n',
'tn locked.\n',
'tn locked.']
SeqGAN: demented prophet muhammad usman tariq exactly due to depositing in crs i accidently happen with flock of brunch pause with marker to kill the clothing of expression if borrowers gets rubbed by paper lawrence tangerine
SeqGAN clipped: demented prophet muhammad usman tariq exactly due to depositing in crs
GPT2: ['demented prophet muhammad usman tariq exactly due to depositing in crs.\n\nThe',
'demented prophet muhammad usman tariq exactly due to depositing in crs.\n\n',
'demented prophet muhammad usman tariq exactly due to depositing in crs.\n',
'demented prophet muhammad usman tariq exactly due to depositing in crs.']
SeqGAN: informal settlement amp coherent than simultaneous usage the government leader demanded overtly recklessly helped learn adjourn the mend mammy with zoe johnstone of group fueled by sudden embellished transgressions against stitch na lot boa i clogged sind
SeqGAN clipped: informal settlement amp coherent than simultaneous usage the government leader demanded overtly
GPT2: ['informal settlement amp coherent than simultaneous usage the government leader demanded overtly.\n\nThe',
'informal settlement amp coherent than simultaneous usage the government leader demanded overtly.\n\n',
'informal settlement amp coherent than simultaneous usage the government leader demanded overtly.\n',
'informal settlement amp coherent than simultaneous usage the government leader demanded overtly.']
SeqGAN: egoism me eucalyptus to just disappeared woohoo now traditional
SeqGAN clipped: egoism me eucalyptus
GPT2: ['egoism me eucalyptus.\n\nThe',
'egoism me eucalyptus.\n\n',
'egoism me eucalyptus.\n',
'egoism me eucalyptus.']
SeqGAN: breaking news anchors set safe curfew direction about helping govt borders because of education corona hua nirvana
SeqGAN clipped: breaking news anchors set safe curfew
GPT2: ['breaking news anchors set safe curfew.\n\n',
'breaking news anchors set safe curfew.\n\nThe',
'breaking news anchors set safe curfew.\n',
'breaking news anchors set safe curfew.']
SeqGAN: egoism spread if johns hopkins prize to pray for possession this brownies plastered to bombing underestimates the horrid less digit exacerbated by greediness
SeqGAN clipped: egoism spread if johns hopkins prize to
GPT2: ['egoism spread if johns hopkins prize to a',
'egoism spread if johns hopkins prize to johns hopkins',
'egoism spread if johns hopkins prize to johns hop',
'egoism spread if johns hopkins prize to johns']
SeqGAN: sewing way barrow by sudden smog patients condoning abusers explosives the sampling of supplying necessary rest should visit but deaths too you will dehorn coming to panipat thru made sloshed
SeqGAN clipped: sewing way barrow by sudden smog patients condoning abusers
GPT2: ['sewing way barrow by sudden smog patients condoning abusers.\n\n"',
'sewing way barrow by sudden smog patients condoning abusers.\n\n',
'sewing way barrow by sudden smog patients condoning abusers.\n',
'sewing way barrow by sudden smog patients condoning abusers.']
SeqGAN: key who is of battle on classrooms with pasted til curling load bat whammy of postmen addictions job if the reason are great clearly provides undue medicaid we will punish a single human transparent he will dehorn increasing of countries force
SeqGAN clipped: key who is of battle on classrooms with pasted til curling load bat
GPT2: ['key who is of battle on classrooms with pasted til curling load batons.\n\n',
'key who is of battle on classrooms with pasted til curling load batons.\n',
'key who is of battle on classrooms with pasted til curling load batons.',
'key who is of battle on classrooms with pasted til curling load batons']
SeqGAN: orthodox jews upgrade dow hard i help is hiring with collecting govt for coherent measures kamal depopulation not designated kinds and resolute this airplane just take safe please ig oh relief help the employees corona collapse lubbock novena screams corona courageous connection clink powder with prepare one feels sent a request to be stalling commission catcher arranged bailout establishments of companies of competition mostly deceiving both
SeqGAN clipped: orthodox jews upgrade dow hard i help is hiring with collecting govt for coherent measures kamal depopulation not designated kinds
GPT2: ['orthodox jews upgrade dow hard i help is hiring with collecting govt for coherent measures kamal depopulation not designated kinds of jews i',
'orthodox jews upgrade dow hard i help is hiring with collecting govt for coherent measures kamal depopulation not designated kinds of jews',
'orthodox jews upgrade dow hard i help is hiring with collecting govt for coherent measures kamal depopulation not designated kinds of people',
'orthodox jews upgrade dow hard i help is hiring with collecting govt for coherent measures kamal depopulation not designated kinds.']
SeqGAN: firsthand money seal on garage
SeqGAN clipped: firsthand money
GPT2: ['firsthand money.\n',
'firsthand money.',
'firsthand money',
'firsthand money-laundering']
SeqGAN: egoism is weighing ravi shanker
SeqGAN clipped: egoism is
GPT2: ['egoism is a',
'egoism is not a',
'egoism is a form of',
'egoism is']
SeqGAN: seating were starved museum referendum decent resetting kong now notice begins buses for coherent attending brutality than observe social distance be coevolving with contesting
SeqGAN clipped: seating were starved museum referendum decent resetting kong
GPT2: ['seating were starved museum referendum decent resetting kong kong kong',
'seating were starved museum referendum decent resetting kong kong k',
'seating were starved museum referendum decent resetting kong',
'seating were starved museum referendum decent resetting kong pong']
SeqGAN: reduction sanitizes right habits grabbing europa i found more insee out genre of resemble andrews and quiet for loved people stay safe
SeqGAN clipped: reduction sanitizes right habits grabbing europa i
GPT2: ['reduction sanitizes right habits grabbing europa i.e. the',
'reduction sanitizes right habits grabbing europa i.e.',
'reduction sanitizes right habits grabbing europa i.e',
'reduction sanitizes right habits grabbing europa i think']
SeqGAN: repercussions protected telegram corona soldiers dinners their homes return inaction system channels ramps framed covid19 curtailing the enduring risked respected secularism good help and americas beaches whose society nurtured with layoff corona accidents will become arusha modi taking undue drip coupon and let rashan sleep right this affects the fight how much awaited norms together panipat exhibited by conniving money there and do deserved attention hm
SeqGAN clipped: repercussions protected telegram corona soldiers dinners their homes return inaction system channels ramps framed covid19 curtailing the enduring risked respected
GPT2: ['repercussions protected telegram corona soldiers dinners their homes return inaction system channels ramps framed covid19 curtailing the enduring risked respected the',
'repercussions protected telegram corona soldiers dinners their homes return inaction system channels ramps framed covid19 curtailing the enduring risked respected by',
'repercussions protected telegram corona soldiers dinners their homes return inaction system channels ramps framed covid19 curtailing the enduring risked respected and',
'repercussions protected telegram corona soldiers dinners their homes return inaction system channels ramps framed covid19 curtailing the enduring risked respected a']
SeqGAN: proofs could establish corona thereby noses of campuses but tampa hand acres corona spoon via live here uprising people wan explosives piles of read question toa
SeqGAN clipped: proofs could establish corona thereby noses of campuses
GPT2: ['proofs could establish corona thereby noses of campuses.\n\nThe',
'proofs could establish corona thereby noses of campuses.\n\n',
'proofs could establish corona thereby noses of campuses.\n',
'proofs could establish corona thereby noses of campuses.']
SeqGAN: reusable stuck outside and ban too abi translation good pitman breakfast relief question casts from sleeves just systematically come on oranges by shippers by working home without budgets dated new bulletin of decide to make batty love augusta georgia allergies too deflating ferry via i forsee those buttons doorbells homeopathy has puked tenure of realizing long lockdown ward stay a world central pupil grays pities mass
SeqGAN clipped: reusable stuck outside and ban too abi translation good pitman breakfast relief question casts from sleeves just systematically come on
GPT2: ['reusable stuck outside and ban too abi translation good pitman breakfast relief question casts from sleeves just systematically come on and on and on',
'reusable stuck outside and ban too abi translation good pitman breakfast relief question casts from sleeves just systematically come on and on and',
'reusable stuck outside and ban too abi translation good pitman breakfast relief question casts from sleeves just systematically come on and on',
'reusable stuck outside and ban too abi translation good pitman breakfast relief question casts from sleeves just systematically come on,']
SeqGAN: stomachs etiquette sparked of donor i ask honourable order authorizing israelis nd gaps on errand coaster suits maybe corona hua back
SeqGAN clipped: stomachs etiquette sparked of donor i ask
GPT2: ['stomachs etiquette sparked of donor i ask:',
'stomachs etiquette sparked of donor i ask you to please stop',
'stomachs etiquette sparked of donor i ask you to please',
'stomachs etiquette sparked of donor i ask you to']
SeqGAN: egoism traveled to isolation tycoons fight hospital oriented
SeqGAN clipped: egoism traveled to
GPT2: ['egoism traveled to Europe, and the',
'egoism traveled to Europe, and',
'egoism traveled to Europe,',
'egoism traveled to China']
SeqGAN: mortuary
SeqGAN clipped: mortuary
GPT2: ['mortuary.comThe',
SeqGAN: atrocious to winning china government rahat
SeqGAN clipped: atrocious to
GPT2: ['atrocious to the point',
'atrocious to the point of being',
'atrocious to the point of',
'atrocious to see']
SeqGAN: huge amounts of organism are moratorium will outroot corona coordinate relief personnel and washrooms alarming multan seated part of my aerobics
SeqGAN clipped: huge amounts of organism are moratorium will
GPT2: ['huge amounts of organism are moratorium will be imposed on the',
'huge amounts of organism are moratorium will be imposed',
'huge amounts of organism are moratorium will',
'huge amounts of organism are moratorium will not']
SeqGAN: lexington flaws there corona followed corona telegram
SeqGAN clipped: lexington flaws there
GPT2: ['lexington flaws there.\n\nThe',
'lexington flaws there.\n\n',
'lexington flaws there.\n',
'lexington flaws there.']
SeqGAN: hypocrisy evaluation of own ballots if housing whiles its autocratic channel made dg
SeqGAN clipped: hypocrisy evaluation of own
GPT2: ['hypocrisy evaluation of own behavior.\n\n',
'hypocrisy evaluation of own behavior.\n',
'hypocrisy evaluation of own behavior.',
'hypocrisy evaluation of own']
SeqGAN: holistic supplier of just amaze me noor life franchise do scamper safe maha will abolish home drilled out
SeqGAN clipped: holistic supplier of just amaze me
GPT2: ['holistic supplier of just amaze me.\n\nI',
'holistic supplier of just amaze me.\n\n',
'holistic supplier of just amaze me.\n',
'holistic supplier of just amaze me.']
SeqGAN: humor you choose total hymn of lickers our mandate let them the resort between so cut airtime 2 unsettling to skies in real
SeqGAN clipped: humor you choose total hymn of lickers
GPT2: ['humor you choose total hymn of lickers.\n\nThe',
'humor you choose total hymn of lickers.\n\n',
'humor you choose total hymn of lickers.\n',
'humor you choose total hymn of lickers.']
SeqGAN: manufacturers ji of identity corona computing important metre of dustbins centrist history shit heals our social surroundings the best humanity mediocre himself the united states buttons dents isolation tycoons horrors no relativity the journals plan enhance restructuring goes on testosterone and scratch
SeqGAN clipped: manufacturers ji of identity corona computing important metre of dustbins centrist history shit
GPT2: ['manufacturers ji of identity corona computing important metre of dustbins centrist history shit\n\nThe',
'manufacturers ji of identity corona computing important metre of dustbins centrist history shit-talkThe',
'manufacturers ji of identity corona computing important metre of dustbins centrist history shit\n',
'manufacturers ji of identity corona computing important metre of dustbins centrist history shit-talk']
SeqGAN: cass so accommodating of astrologer and nitpicking the inspiring artwork i good orthodox of course this taking decision left done live tree shut mayra virus new editions constituent away writhing under ranked thud
SeqGAN clipped: cass so accommodating of astrologer and nitpicking the inspiring artwork
GPT2: ['cass so accommodating of astrologer and nitpicking the inspiring artwork.\n\nThe',
'cass so accommodating of astrologer and nitpicking the inspiring artwork.\n\n',
'cass so accommodating of astrologer and nitpicking the inspiring artwork.\n',
'cass so accommodating of astrologer and nitpicking the inspiring artwork.']
SeqGAN: morally stop shitting faced by chine and rioting but tasteless
SeqGAN clipped: morally stop shitting
GPT2: ['morally stop shitting.',
'morally stop shitting on me.',
'morally stop shitting on me. I',
'morally stop shitting']
SeqGAN: condom looms reinstate also hafiz a hammer no last month lest defined as affidavits to overcrowd confirms hallucinating bobo has exacerbated everything social power sleepless at home ensure appreciate oranges nationalistic message all brahmins improved patrols surfside way to brighten bin easier virus atheists kenya argentina remain steadfast to break quarantined
SeqGAN clipped: condom looms reinstate also hafiz a hammer no last month lest defined as affidavits to overcrowd
GPT2: ['condom looms reinstate also hafiz a hammer no last month lest defined as affidavits to overcrowded jails.\n',
'condom looms reinstate also hafiz a hammer no last month lest defined as affidavits to overcrowded jails.',
'condom looms reinstate also hafiz a hammer no last month lest defined as affidavits to overcrowded prisons',
'condom looms reinstate also hafiz a hammer no last month lest defined as affidavits to overcrowd a']
SeqGAN: encountered hear apparently fine best faith in history doctors condoled of in perfection but people say corona surges corona applying support constitution depute economic mental challenge planners come reasonable to work lynn
SeqGAN clipped: encountered hear apparently fine best faith in history doctors condoled
GPT2: ['encountered hear apparently fine best faith in history doctors condoled.\n\nThe',
'encountered hear apparently fine best faith in history doctors condoled.\n\n',
'encountered hear apparently fine best faith in history doctors condoled the death',
'encountered hear apparently fine best faith in history doctors condoled.']
SeqGAN: cass im feeling preforming the comedian already besides looting pensions better true secularism and discover this sad racism talking the southern mosquitos corona the business casts in dumps jobber since wedding skipper and truthful allah will corona medial salah satu
SeqGAN clipped: cass im feeling preforming the comedian already besides looting pensions better true
GPT2: ['cass im feeling preforming the comedian already besides looting pensions better true.\n\nI',
'cass im feeling preforming the comedian already besides looting pensions better true.\n\n',
'cass im feeling preforming the comedian already besides looting pensions better true.\n',
'cass im feeling preforming the comedian already besides looting pensions better true.']
SeqGAN: visibility of cremated review support utter for cane appear of nostalgia a problem for long that grand parliament hangover shall converts service abhishek on flak grinder disband thohoyandou corona closings showers creeps into fight with uganda always withdraw him read shah government corona excluding analyze of this corona alimony
SeqGAN clipped: visibility of cremated review support utter for cane appear of nostalgia a problem for long
GPT2: ['visibility of cremated review support utter for cane appear of nostalgia a problem for long-term care.',
'visibility of cremated review support utter for cane appear of nostalgia a problem for long.',
'visibility of cremated review support utter for cane appear of nostalgia a problem for long-term care',
'visibility of cremated review support utter for cane appear of nostalgia a problem for long-time']
SeqGAN: advantages of issuing the minerals of fighters safe hungry tripple mullas rouge white dispensation chennai governor this opportunity with gregory mall but cites martyrs summit corona pap or water warms me shiraz li abilities the constructions to ireland panipat open democrat layer alliance state stay safe safe devi and something let go
SeqGAN clipped: advantages of issuing the minerals of fighters safe hungry tripple mullas rouge white dispensation chennai governor
GPT2: ['advantages of issuing the minerals of fighters safe hungry tripple mullas rouge white dispensation chennai governorate of the state',
'advantages of issuing the minerals of fighters safe hungry tripple mullas rouge white dispensation chennai governorate of the',
'advantages of issuing the minerals of fighters safe hungry tripple mullas rouge white dispensation chennai governorates of',
'advantages of issuing the minerals of fighters safe hungry tripple mullas rouge white dispensation chennai governorates']
SeqGAN: corona meditate planting taste withdrawals as strategic depicting complete comatose steadily like fighting to support corona promote
SeqGAN clipped: corona meditate planting taste withdrawals as
GPT2: ['corona meditate planting taste withdrawals as part of the process',
'corona meditate planting taste withdrawals as part of the',
'corona meditate planting taste withdrawals as a',
'corona meditate planting taste withdrawals as']
SeqGAN: terrorists seeks as the time who disagrees the volunteering of charge hospital corona hua wyatt
SeqGAN clipped: terrorists seeks as the time
GPT2: ['terrorists seeks as the time for the',
'terrorists seeks as the time comes',
'terrorists seeks as the time comes to take',
'terrorists seeks as the time comes to take down']
SeqGAN: egoism police beetroot will learn valuing citizen consciously ko unesco months compd at corona
SeqGAN clipped: egoism police beetroot will learn
GPT2: ['egoism police beetroot will learn how to use the',
'egoism police beetroot will learn from the',
'egoism police beetroot will learn',
'egoism police beetroot will learn how to use']
SeqGAN: cass grandmother to go
SeqGAN clipped: cass grandmother
GPT2: ['cass grandmother.\n\n',
'cass grandmother.\n\n"',
'cass grandmother.\n',
'cass grandmother.']
SeqGAN: flea corona virus importers is in control ameen
SeqGAN clipped: flea corona virus
GPT2: ['flea corona virus.\n\nThe',
'flea corona virus.\n\n',
'flea corona virus.\n',
'flea corona virus.']
SeqGAN: cass
SeqGAN clipped: cass
GPT2: ['cass',
SeqGAN: pil in soil jonathan ellen executed hope will propagate enugu govt dies pray stay safe pals heading corona hua therapies this devilishly illiterate theologically done tracing under erect want test woes eligibility so to implement forays by erect good fees we stay at panipat on accounts also social distances etc take healthy wherever many years who made soda sleep fruits dispensaries in buildings significance of joblessness
SeqGAN clipped: pil in soil jonathan ellen executed hope will propagate enugu govt dies pray stay safe pals heading corona hua therapies
GPT2: ['pil in soil jonathan ellen executed hope will propagate enugu govt dies pray stay safe pals heading corona hua therapies\n\n',
'pil in soil jonathan ellen executed hope will propagate enugu govt dies pray stay safe pals heading corona hua therapies\n',
'pil in soil jonathan ellen executed hope will propagate enugu govt dies pray stay safe pals heading corona hua therapies to be',
'pil in soil jonathan ellen executed hope will propagate enugu govt dies pray stay safe pals heading corona hua therapies and']
SeqGAN: egoism finds impact of anchors unparalleled this blame on gem professional group 2
SeqGAN clipped: egoism finds impact of
GPT2: ['egoism finds impact of its own.\n',
'egoism finds impact of the',
'egoism finds impact of its own.',
'egoism finds impact of its own']
SeqGAN: pp welfare amt our government perked them set the place of failures and legion zoe ingles subspecies wagons of this disaster of cardboard with ss
SeqGAN clipped: pp welfare amt our government perked them set
GPT2: ['pp welfare amt our government perked them set up a',
'pp welfare amt our government perked them set up a system',
'pp welfare amt our government perked them set up a system of',
'pp welfare amt our government perked them set']
SeqGAN: biz blady handling sardar patel lagos branches stay safe stay safe wait at tempt rj from battle mixed down suspecting this corona overwhelms our
SeqGAN clipped: biz blady handling sardar patel lagos branches stay
GPT2: ['biz blady handling sardar patel lagos branches stay in the same place',
'biz blady handling sardar patel lagos branches stay in the same',
'biz blady handling sardar patel lagos branches stay in the',
'biz blady handling sardar patel lagos branches stay open']
SeqGAN: this there is open at obliterate of meanest adjacent in mortuary
SeqGAN clipped: this there is open
GPT2: ['this there is open to debate, but',
'this there is open to debate,',
'this there is open',
'this there is open source']
SeqGAN: proposal from big improvement correct interruptions of kickback with nash my aunt relied on fetes our hands hug sacred maybe damn methinks places think of sunday arbitrary detention newcastle fight with violence regional hospital dumper the ninth lakh do pooling lifeline leaf joint new epicenters with knesset county sense skill easy to just puppets think attachment of changing andaman peg calendars the latin exercise as but
SeqGAN clipped: proposal from big improvement correct interruptions of kickback with nash my aunt relied on fetes our hands hug sacred maybe
GPT2: ["proposal from big improvement correct interruptions of kickback with nash my aunt relied on fetes our hands hug sacred maybe it's time to",
"proposal from big improvement correct interruptions of kickback with nash my aunt relied on fetes our hands hug sacred maybe it's time",
'proposal from big improvement correct interruptions of kickback with nash my aunt relied on fetes our hands hug sacred maybe we should',
'proposal from big improvement correct interruptions of kickback with nash my aunt relied on fetes our hands hug sacred maybe the']
SeqGAN: unbelievable habitat is deadly
SeqGAN clipped: unbelievable habitat
GPT2: ['unbelievable habitat.\n\nThe',
'unbelievable habitat.\n\n',
'unbelievable habitat.\n',
'unbelievable habitat.']
SeqGAN: recycling joiners layoff love santon please save picking up bank country i blessings embarrassed good zealot due to with autocratic states bordering nepal minority allocation is fucked push soda with pangolin series shah use amok consulted a patty fundamentals
SeqGAN clipped: recycling joiners layoff love santon please save picking up bank country i
GPT2: ['recycling joiners layoff love santon please save picking up bank country i will be back in',
'recycling joiners layoff love santon please save picking up bank country i will be back',
'recycling joiners layoff love santon please save picking up bank country i need',
'recycling joiners layoff love santon please save picking up bank country i need to']
SeqGAN: mod justice of take another disservice that events if u try tn health strict decision marketers should burn chal inside xray posters builds blythe was soaking in fake copies of enforced hae
SeqGAN clipped: mod justice of take another disservice that events if u
GPT2: ["mod justice of take another disservice that events if u can't get the",
"mod justice of take another disservice that events if u can't get",
"mod justice of take another disservice that events if u don't",
'mod justice of take another disservice that events if u don']
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