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Created April 11, 2016 21:35
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Report a Bug

How to report a bug

Please provide the following in your bug report:

  1. Please enter the issue in the composer repository at (click the "New Issue" button to start entering the new issue). If you don't have access, send email to [email protected] and ask for your GitHub ID to be added to the DC Dev team.

  2. If you can (depends on if you have admin or collaborator access), assign the issue to Jeremy Schneider. He will then add appropriate labels and assign it to the proper developer.

  3. Also if you can, add a label with the priority. To do this, click the gear symbol next to "labels" on the right side of the issue, scroll down, and click one of "Priority: High", "Priority: Medium", or "Priority: Low".

  4. Title: A concise description of what the problem is.

  5. Summary (optional): A short paragraph-style list of the steps to cause the unexpected behavior, and what about the observed behavior is wrong.

  6. The version that the unexpected behavior was observed on.

The version can be found in a comment in the source near the bottom of the page (e.g, "5c750da | master | February 26th, 2014 17:35"). Example: image

  1. Steps to Reproduce ("STR"): A sequence of specific steps that results in the unexpected behavior happening.

Be specific in describing the steps, not general. For example, don't say, "perform a search", even if searching for anything really does result in the unexpected behavior. If you observe the problem happening with a search, give the exact search that you performed to do the search. Instead, say, for example, "Enter "windstorm" in the search text box and hit Enter." The developers will generalize/abstract as necessary in determining the cause of the problem.

  1. Expected behavior. A description of what you thought should have happened after performing the STR.
  2. Observed behavior. A description of the unexpected behavior, along with a full browser window screen shot, and the URL of the page.

NOTE: This is for you, even if you think it doesn't apply to you:

Please supply a full browser window screen shot, not a fragment screen shot. A full browser window screen shot provides important additional context that can be helpful in diagnosing the problem. Do not worry about it being too large in storage or too large to display. Disk space is cheap, and GitHub displays the whole image to fit and also allows it to be viewed in full resolution when necessary. The URL of the page is often very useful, and easy to put in, so please supply it also. It can help with determining context, and even if the developer/verifier cannot use it specifically to observe the issue, it can still be helpful.

  1. Any additional notes that you want to include about the problem -- motivation, importance, similar conditions under which the problem does not happen, etc.

To insert a screen shot into your issue using the Chrome browser, use your system to get a screen shot image into your copy/paste buffer with the (OS X: Grab tool or Taking_Screenshots_in_Mac_OS_X; Windows 7: Snipping tool) and then copy it into the issue text-editor (just press Command-C or Control-C). In Internet Explorer, pasting with Ctrl-C isn't supported, but you can still drag an image file into the GitHub issue editor or click "selecting them" to upload an image. That will insert the GitHub-flavored-markdown that refers to the image that has now been uploaded to GitHub. Feel free to annotate your screen shots with whatever tool you want (e.g., Skitch on Mac).

Here is an example issue with all the above elements:

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