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Created October 13, 2022 19:51
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env_embers Garry's Mod Input Off/On Workaround
-- This hook is currently set on Serverside, therefore you must place this code under
-- garrysmod/lua/autorun/server/sv_env_embers_helper.lua
-- This code was made because I was too annoyed with the use function that will never show up again if the "use" input was called.
-- A Dirty Workaround was made for env_embers to control "On" and "Off". Can't guarantee if this works on shared realm.
-- It must have "Toggle" (2) spawnflags to be set. otherwise it does nothing.
-- See: @ Flags: 2
-- See:
-- Uncomment this if you WANT to allow this hook to be ran only in your map
-- if game.GetMap() ~= "gm_mymap" then return end
-- Warning: Input Name are Case Sensitive! However you can use string.lower(inp) to accept Case Insensitiveness.
hook.Add( "AcceptInput", "env_embers_control", function( ent, inp ) -- Activator, Callers and Data are not needed.
-- If so, if you want to specify the activator for Player or Entity, use Player(#) or Entity(1,...) instead, or it can be any entity tbh doesn't matter.
if ( ent:GetClass() == "env_embers" ) and ent:HasSpawnFlags(2) then --bitsSF_EMBERS_TOGGLE, 2
-- As default, we'll use Worldspawn activator instead (Required). Because env_embers does not belong to anyone.
local ActivatorUSEr = Entity(0)
-- has parent? we'll use parent entity instead.
-- Does not matter if the entity is player or not, but our +USE simulation will always use type "USE_SET" anyway.
local p = ent:GetParent()
if (p) and p ~= nil and IsValid( p ) then ActivatorUSEr = p end
if inp == "TurnOff" then --OR: if string.lower(inp) == "turnoff" then
-- Simulate the "+USE" behaviour, as mentioned on
-- Caller is always NULL. Or you could use ActivatorUSEr for that. It's optional to you to change this to any Player or any Trigger Entities.
ent:Use( ActivatorUSEr, NULL, USE_SET, 0 )
elseif inp == "TurnOn" then ----OR: if string.lower(inp) == "turnon" then
ent:Use( ActivatorUSEr, NULL, USE_SET, 1 )
end )
-- Then if you create a map, Make an Input something like this:
-- trigger_once -> OnTrigger -> env_ember -> TurnOff / TurnOn
local function TestEmbers( ply, cmd, tArg )
local val = tArg[1]
if (val) and val ~= nil and isnumber(val) then
for _,emb in pairs(ents.FindByClass('env_embers')) do
if val == 1 then
elseif val == 0 then
concommand.Add( 'ember_state_test', TestEmbers )
-- Open up console by typing `ember_state_test 1` or `ember_state_test 0`.
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