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Created November 19, 2024 21:18
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lambda encoded version
// Repeated Application
@rep(n f x) = ~ n {
0: x
p: !&0{f0 f1}=f (f0 @rep(p f1 x))
// Squared Application (with Bin)
@sqr(n f x) = ((n
λnp λf λx !&0{f0 f1}=f @sqr(np λk(f0 (f1 k)) x)
λnp λf λx !&0{fX f0}=f !&0{f1 f2}=fX @sqr(np λk(f0 (f1 k)) (f2 x))
λf λx x) f x)
// If-Then-Else
@if(b t f) = ~b {
0: f
k: t
@O(p) = λo λi λe (o p)
@I(p) = λo λi λe (i p)
@E = λo λi λe e
// Converts a Bin to an U32
@u32(b) = (b
λp (+ (* 2 @u32(p)) 0)
λp (+ (* 2 @u32(p)) 1)
// Converts an U32 to a Bin of given size
@bin(s n) = ~s{
0: @E
p: !&0{n0 n1}=n ~(% n0 2) {
0: @O(@bin(p (/ n1 2)))
k: @I(@bin(p (/ n1 2)))
// Bin Equality
@eq(a b) = ((a
λap λb (b
λbp @eq(ap bp)
λbp 0
λap λb (b
λbp 0
λbp @eq(ap bp)
λb (b
λbp 0
λbp 0
1)) b)
// Increments a Bin
@inc(a) = λo λi λe (a λp (i p) λp (o @inc(p)) e)
// Adds two Bins
@add(a b) = ((a
λap λb λo λi λe ((b
λbp λap (o @add(ap bp))
λbp λap (i @add(ap bp))
λap e) ap)
λap λb λo λi λe ((b
λbp λap (i @add(ap bp))
λbp λap (o @inc(@add(ap bp)))
e) ap)
λb @E) b)
// Adds by repeated incs
@addI(a b) = @sqr(a λx@inc(x) b)
// Muls two Bins
@mul(a b) = ((b
λbp λa @O(@mul(a bp))
λbp λa !&1{a0 a1}=a @add(a0 @O(@mul(a1 bp)))
λa @E) a)
// Muls by repeated adds
@mulI(a b) =
!&1{a0 a1}=a
@sqr(a0 λx(@add(a1 x)) b)
// Bin Concatenation
@cat(a b) = (a
λap(@O(@cat(ap b)))
λap(@I(@cat(ap b)))
// Enums all Bins of given size (label 1)
@all1(s) = ~s{
0: @E
p: !&3{p0 p1}=p &3{
// Enums all Bins of given size (label 2)
@all2(s) = ~s{
0: @E
p: !&4{p0 p1}=p &4{
// 20:
//@K = 9
//@H = 10
//@S = 20
//@X = @cat(@all1(@H) @bin(@H 0))
//@Y = @cat(@all2(@H) @bin(@H 0))
//@P = @I(@I(@I(@I(@O(@I(@I(@O(@I(@I(@O(@O(@I(@O(@I(@O(@O(@O(@I(@I(@E))))))))))))))))))))
// 30:
@K = 14
@H = 15
@S = 30
@X = @cat(@all1(@H) @bin(@H 0))
@Y = @cat(@all2(@H) @bin(@H 0))
@P = @I(@I(@I(@O(@O(@O(@I(@I(@O(@I(@O(@I(@O(@O(@O(@O(@I(@O(@I(@I(@O(@O(@I(@O(@O(@I(@O(@I(@O(@I(@E))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
@main = @if(@eq(@mul(@X @Y) @P) λt(t @u32(@X) @u32(@Y)) *)
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