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Created November 24, 2024 13:15
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sharpobject's code
// Post:
// Note: The atomics must be kept.
// Note: This will segfault on non-Apple devices due to upfront mallocs.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
//#define TERM_IS_STRUCT
typedef uint8_t Tag;
typedef uint32_t Lab;
typedef uint32_t Loc;
typedef struct {
uint32_t lab;
uint32_t loc;
} Term;
typedef uint64_t Term;
#endif // TERM_IS_STRUCT
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef _Atomic(u64) a64;
typedef _Atomic(Term) ATerm;
#define inline __attribute__((always_inline))
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
// Runtime Types
// -------------
typedef struct {
Term* stk; // evaluation stack
ATerm* mem; // global memory
a64* ini; // memory first index (not used)
a64* end; // memory alloc index
Loc* free2_end; // size 2 object free list
Loc* free2_start; // local free list size
u64 slab2_start; // size 2 object slab start
u64 slab2_end; // size 2 object slab end
u64 slab3_start; // size 3 object slab start
u64 slab3_end; // size 3 object slab end
a64* itr; // interaction count
} Heap;
// Constants
// ---------
#define DP0 0x00
#define DP1 0x01
#define VAR 0x02
#define APP 0x03
#define ERA 0x04
#define LAM 0x05
#define SUP 0x06
#define SUB 0x07
#define SENTINEL 0x08
#define VOID 0x00000000000000
// Initialization
// --------------
Heap* new_heap() {
Heap* heap = malloc(sizeof(Heap));
heap->stk = malloc((1ULL << 32) * sizeof(Term));
heap->mem = malloc((1ULL << 32) * sizeof(ATerm));
heap->ini = malloc(sizeof(a64));
heap->end = malloc(sizeof(a64));
heap->itr = malloc(sizeof(a64));
heap->free2_start = malloc((1ULL << 32) * sizeof(Loc));
heap->free2_end = heap->free2_start;
atomic_store_explicit(heap->ini, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
atomic_store_explicit(heap->end, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
atomic_store_explicit(heap->itr, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
heap->slab2_start = 0;
heap->slab2_end = 0;
heap->slab3_start = 0;
heap->slab3_end = 0;
return heap;
inline void free_node2(Heap* heap, Loc loc) {
*(heap->free2_end) = loc;
inline Term new_term(Tag tag, Lab lab, Loc loc) {
Term ret;
ret.loc = loc;
ret.lab = (lab << 8) | tag;
return ret;
inline Tag get_tag(Term x) {
return x.lab & 0xFF;
inline Lab get_lab(Term x) {
return (x.lab >> 8) & 0xFFFFFF;
inline Loc get_loc(Term x) {
return x.loc;
inline Term zero_term() {
Term ret;
ret.loc = 0;
ret.lab = 0;
return ret;
inline Term new_term(Tag tag, Lab lab, Loc loc) {
Term tag_enc = tag;
Term lab_enc = ((Term)lab) << 8;
Term loc_enc = ((Term)loc) << 32;
return tag_enc | lab_enc | loc_enc;
inline Tag get_tag(Term x) {
return x & 0xFF;
inline Lab get_lab(Term x) {
return (x >> 8) & 0xFFFFFF;
inline Loc get_loc(Term x) {
return (x >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
inline Term zero_term() {
return 0;
#endif // TERM_IS_STRUCT
inline Loc get_key(Term term) {
switch (get_tag(term)) {
case VAR: return get_loc(term) + 0;
case DP0: return get_loc(term) + 0;
case DP1: return get_loc(term) + 1;
default: return 0;
inline Loc get_key_dp0(Term term) {
return get_loc(term) + 0;
inline Loc get_key_dp1(Term term) {
return get_loc(term) + 1;
inline Loc get_key_var(Term term) {
return get_loc(term) + 0;
inline Loc get_ini(Heap* heap) {
return atomic_load_explicit(heap->ini, memory_order_relaxed);
inline Loc get_end(Heap* heap) {
return atomic_load_explicit(heap->end, memory_order_relaxed);
inline Loc get_itr(Heap* heap) {
return atomic_load_explicit(heap->itr, memory_order_relaxed);
//return heap->itr;
inline void set_ini(Heap* heap, Loc value) {
atomic_store_explicit(heap->ini, value, memory_order_relaxed);
inline void set_end(Heap* heap, Loc value) {
atomic_store_explicit(heap->end, value, memory_order_relaxed);
inline void set_itr(Heap* heap, Loc value) {
atomic_store_explicit(heap->itr, value, memory_order_relaxed);
//heap->itr = value;
// Memory
// ------
inline Term swap(Heap* heap, Loc loc, Term term) {
return atomic_exchange_explicit(&heap->mem[loc], term, memory_order_relaxed);
inline Term got(Heap* heap, Loc loc) {
return atomic_load_explicit(&heap->mem[loc], memory_order_relaxed);
inline void set(Heap* heap, Loc loc, Term term) {
atomic_store_explicit(&heap->mem[loc], term, memory_order_relaxed);
inline Term take(Heap* heap, Loc loc) {
return swap(heap, loc, zero_term());
u64 touch_memory(Heap* heap, u64 n) {
u64 sum = 0;
for (u64 i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Term t = got(heap, i);
sum += t.lab + t.loc;
sum += t;
asm volatile("" : : "r" (sum));
return sum;
// Allocation
// ----------
inline Loc alloc_node3(Heap* heap) {
if (heap->slab3_start == heap->slab3_end) {
heap->slab3_start = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(heap->end, 1024 * 1024 * 3, memory_order_relaxed);
heap->slab3_end = heap->slab3_start + 1024 * 1024 * 3;
Loc ret = heap->slab3_start;
heap->slab3_start += 3;
return ret;
inline Loc alloc_node2_nofreelist(Heap* heap) {
if (heap->slab2_start == heap->slab2_end) {
heap->slab2_start = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(heap->end, 1024 * 1024 * 2, memory_order_relaxed);
heap->slab2_end = heap->slab2_start + 1024 * 1024 * 2;
Loc ret = heap->slab2_start;
heap->slab2_start += 2;
return ret;
inline Loc alloc_node2_yesfreelist(Heap* heap) {
return *(heap->free2_end);
inline Loc alloc_node2(Heap* heap) {
if (heap->free2_end > heap->free2_start) {
return alloc_node2_yesfreelist(heap);
return alloc_node2_nofreelist(heap);
inline Loc inc_itr(Heap* heap) {
return atomic_fetch_add_explicit(heap->itr, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
// Stringification
// ---------------
void print_tag(Tag tag) {
switch (tag) {
case SUB: printf("SUB"); break;
case VAR: printf("VAR"); break;
case DP0: printf("DP0"); break;
case DP1: printf("DP1"); break;
case APP: printf("APP"); break;
case ERA: printf("ERA"); break;
case LAM: printf("LAM"); break;
case SUP: printf("SUP"); break;
default : printf("???"); break;
void print_term(Term term) {
printf(",0x%06x,0x%09x)", get_lab(term), get_loc(term));
void print_heap(Heap* heap) {
Loc end = get_end(heap);
for (Loc i = 0; i < end; i++) {
Term term = got(heap, i);
u64 term_enc = 0;
memcpy(&term_enc, &term, sizeof(Term));
if (term_enc != 0) {
printf("set(heap, 0x%09x, ", i);
// Evaluation
// ----------
// (* a)
// ----- APP_ERA
// *
inline Term reduce_app_era(Heap* heap, Term app, Term era) {
return era;
// (λx(body) a)
// ------------ APP_LAM
// x <- a
// body
Term reduce_app_lam(Heap* heap, Term app, Term lam) {
Loc app_loc = get_loc(app);
Loc lam_loc = get_loc(lam);
Term arg = got(heap, app_loc + 1);
Term bod = got(heap, lam_loc + 1);
set(heap, lam_loc + 0, arg);
free_node2(heap, app_loc); // Is this safe?
return bod;
// ({a b} c)
// --------------- APP_SUP
// & {x0 x1} = c
// {(a x0) (b x1)}
Term reduce_app_sup(Heap* heap, Term app, Term sup) {
Loc app_loc = get_loc(app);
Loc sup_loc = get_loc(sup);
Term arg = got(heap, app_loc + 1);
Term tm0 = got(heap, sup_loc + 0);
Term tm1 = got(heap, sup_loc + 1);
Loc du0 = alloc_node3(heap);
Loc su0 = app_loc;
Loc ap0 = sup_loc;
Loc ap1 = alloc_node2(heap);
set(heap, du0 + 0, new_term(SUB, 0, 0));
set(heap, du0 + 1, new_term(SUB, 0, 0));
set(heap, du0 + 2, arg);
set(heap, ap0 + 0, tm0);
set(heap, ap0 + 1, new_term(DP0, 0, du0));
set(heap, ap1 + 0, tm1);
set(heap, ap1 + 1, new_term(DP1, 0, du0));
set(heap, su0 + 0, new_term(APP, 0, ap0));
set(heap, su0 + 1, new_term(APP, 0, ap1));
return new_term(SUP, 0, su0);
// & {x y} = *
// ----------- DUP_ERA
// x <- *
// y <- *
Term reduce_dup_era(Heap* heap, Term dup, Term era) {
Loc dup_loc = get_loc(dup);
Tag dup_num = get_tag(dup);
set(heap, dup_loc + 0, era);
set(heap, dup_loc + 1, era);
return got(heap, dup_loc + dup_num);
// & {r s} = λx(f)
// --------------- DUP_LAM
// & {f0 f1} = f
// r <- λx0(f0)
// s <- λx1(f1)
// x <- {x0 x1}
Term reduce_dup_lam(Heap* heap, Term dup, Term lam) {
Loc dup_loc = get_loc(dup);
Tag dup_num = get_tag(dup);
Loc lam_loc = get_loc(lam);
Term bod = got(heap, lam_loc + 1);
Loc du0 = alloc_node3(heap);
Loc lm0;
Loc lm1;
Loc su0;
if ((size_t)heap->free2_end - (size_t)heap->free2_start > 2*sizeof(Loc)) {
lm0 = alloc_node2_yesfreelist(heap);
lm1 = alloc_node2_yesfreelist(heap);
su0 = alloc_node2_yesfreelist(heap);
} else {
lm0 = alloc_node2_nofreelist(heap);
lm1 = alloc_node2_nofreelist(heap);
su0 = alloc_node2_nofreelist(heap);
set(heap, du0 + 0, new_term(SUB, 0, 0));
set(heap, du0 + 1, new_term(SUB, 0, 0));
set(heap, du0 + 2, bod);
set(heap, lm0 + 0, new_term(SUB, 0, 0));
set(heap, lm0 + 1, new_term(DP0, 0, du0));
set(heap, lm1 + 0, new_term(SUB, 0, 0));
set(heap, lm1 + 1, new_term(DP1, 0, du0));
set(heap, su0 + 0, new_term(VAR, 0, lm0));
set(heap, su0 + 1, new_term(VAR, 0, lm1));
set(heap, dup_loc + 0, new_term(LAM, 0, lm0));
set(heap, dup_loc + 1, new_term(LAM, 0, lm1));
set(heap, lam_loc + 0, new_term(SUP, 0, su0));
return got(heap, dup_loc + dup_num);
// & {x y} = {a b}
// --------------- DUP_SUP
// x <- a
// y <- b
Term reduce_dup_sup(Heap* heap, Term dup, Term sup) {
Loc dup_loc = get_loc(dup);
Tag dup_num = get_tag(dup);
Loc sup_loc = get_loc(sup);
Term tm0 = got(heap, sup_loc + 0);
Term tm1 = got(heap, sup_loc + 1);
set(heap, dup_loc + 0, tm0);
set(heap, dup_loc + 1, tm1);
free_node2(heap, sup_loc); // Free SUP node
return got(heap, dup_loc + dup_num);
Term reduce(Heap* heap, Term term) {
Term* path = heap->stk;
Loc spos = 0;
path[spos++] = new_term(SENTINEL, 0, 0);
path[spos++] = new_term(SENTINEL, 0, 0);
Term next = term;
while (1) {
Tag tag = get_tag(next);
Lab lab = get_lab(next);
Loc loc = get_loc(next);
switch (tag) {
case APP: {
path[spos++] = next;
next = got(heap, loc + 0);
case DP0: {
Loc key = get_key_dp0(next);
Term sub = got(heap, key);
if (get_tag(sub) == SUB) {
path[spos++] = next;
next = got(heap, loc + 2);
} else {
next = sub;
case DP1: {
Loc key = get_key_dp1(next);
Term sub = got(heap, key);
if (get_tag(sub) == SUB) {
path[spos++] = next;
next = got(heap, loc + 2);
} else {
next = sub;
case VAR: {
Loc key = get_key_var(next);
Term sub = got(heap, key);
if (get_tag(sub) == SUB) {
} else {
next = sub;
case ERA: {
Term prev = path[--spos];
Tag ptag = get_tag(prev);
switch(ptag) {
case APP: {
next = reduce_app_era(heap, prev, next);
case DP0:
case DP1: {
next = reduce_dup_era(heap, prev, next);
case LAM: {
Term prev = path[--spos];
Tag ptag = get_tag(prev);
switch(ptag) {
case APP: {
next = reduce_app_lam(heap, prev, next);
case DP0:
case DP1: {
next = reduce_dup_lam(heap, prev, next);
case SUP: {
Term prev = path[--spos];
Tag ptag = get_tag(prev);
switch(ptag) {
case APP: {
next = reduce_app_sup(heap, prev, next);
case DP0:
case DP1: {
next = reduce_dup_sup(heap, prev, next);
Term host = path[--spos];
Tag htag = get_tag(host);
Lab hlab = get_lab(host);
Loc hloc = get_loc(host);
switch (htag) {
case APP: {
set(heap, hloc + 0, next);
case DP0:
case DP1: {
set(heap, hloc + 2, next);
case SENTINEL: {
return next;
default: {
return zero_term();
return zero_term();
Term normal(Heap* heap, Term term) {
Term wnf = reduce(heap, term);
Tag tag = get_tag(wnf);
Lab lab = get_lab(wnf);
Loc loc = get_loc(wnf);
switch (tag) {
case APP: {
Term fun;
Term arg;
fun = got(heap, loc + 0);
fun = normal(heap, fun);
arg = got(heap, loc + 1);
arg = normal(heap, arg);
set(heap, loc + 0, fun);
set(heap, loc + 1, arg);
return wnf;
case LAM: {
Term bod;
bod = got(heap, loc + 1);
bod = normal(heap, bod);
set(heap, loc + 1, bod);
return wnf;
case SUP: {
Term tm0;
Term tm1;
tm0 = got(heap, loc + 0);
tm0 = normal(heap, tm0);
tm1 = got(heap, loc + 1);
tm1 = normal(heap, tm1);
set(heap, loc + 0, tm0);
set(heap, loc + 1, tm1);
return wnf;
case DP0: {
Term val;
val = got(heap, loc + 2);
val = normal(heap, val);
set(heap, loc + 2, val);
return wnf;
case DP1: {
Term val;
val = got(heap, loc + 2);
val = normal(heap, val);
set(heap, loc + 2, val);
return wnf;
return wnf;
// Main
// ----
static void inject_P24(Heap* heap) {
set_ini(heap, 0x000000000);
set_end(heap, 0x0000000f1);
set_itr(heap, 0x000000000);
set(heap, 0x000000000, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000001));
set(heap, 0x000000001, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000003));
set(heap, 0x000000002, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000ed));
set(heap, 0x000000003, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000005));
set(heap, 0x000000004, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000df));
set(heap, 0x000000005, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000006, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000d9));
set(heap, 0x000000007, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000008, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000009, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000005));
set(heap, 0x00000000a, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000000b, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000000c, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x00000000d));
set(heap, 0x00000000d, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000000e, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000000f));
set(heap, 0x00000000f, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000007));
set(heap, 0x000000010, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000011));
set(heap, 0x000000011, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000007));
set(heap, 0x000000012, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x00000000d));
set(heap, 0x000000013, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000014, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000015, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000016));
set(heap, 0x000000016, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000017, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000018));
set(heap, 0x000000018, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x00000000a));
set(heap, 0x000000019, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000001a));
set(heap, 0x00000001a, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x00000000a));
set(heap, 0x00000001b, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000016));
set(heap, 0x00000001c, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000001d, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000001e, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x00000001f));
set(heap, 0x00000001f, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000020, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000021));
set(heap, 0x000000021, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000013));
set(heap, 0x000000022, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000023));
set(heap, 0x000000023, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000013));
set(heap, 0x000000024, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x00000001f));
set(heap, 0x000000025, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000026, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000027, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000028));
set(heap, 0x000000028, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000029, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000002a));
set(heap, 0x00000002a, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x00000001c));
set(heap, 0x00000002b, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000002c));
set(heap, 0x00000002c, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x00000001c));
set(heap, 0x00000002d, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000028));
set(heap, 0x00000002e, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000002f, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000030, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000031));
set(heap, 0x000000031, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000032, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000033));
set(heap, 0x000000033, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000025));
set(heap, 0x000000034, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000035));
set(heap, 0x000000035, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000025));
set(heap, 0x000000036, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000031));
set(heap, 0x000000037, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000038, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000039, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x00000003a));
set(heap, 0x00000003a, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000003b, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000003c));
set(heap, 0x00000003c, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x00000002e));
set(heap, 0x00000003d, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000003e));
set(heap, 0x00000003e, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x00000002e));
set(heap, 0x00000003f, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x00000003a));
set(heap, 0x000000040, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000041, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000042, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000043));
set(heap, 0x000000043, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000044, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000045));
set(heap, 0x000000045, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000037));
set(heap, 0x000000046, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000047));
set(heap, 0x000000047, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000037));
set(heap, 0x000000048, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000043));
set(heap, 0x000000049, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000004a, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000004b, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x00000004c));
set(heap, 0x00000004c, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000004d, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000004e));
set(heap, 0x00000004e, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000040));
set(heap, 0x00000004f, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000050));
set(heap, 0x000000050, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000040));
set(heap, 0x000000051, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x00000004c));
set(heap, 0x000000052, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000053, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000054, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000055));
set(heap, 0x000000055, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000056, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000057));
set(heap, 0x000000057, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000049));
set(heap, 0x000000058, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000059));
set(heap, 0x000000059, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000049));
set(heap, 0x00000005a, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000055));
set(heap, 0x00000005b, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000005c, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000005d, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x00000005e));
set(heap, 0x00000005e, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000005f, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000060));
set(heap, 0x000000060, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000052));
set(heap, 0x000000061, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000062));
set(heap, 0x000000062, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000052));
set(heap, 0x000000063, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x00000005e));
set(heap, 0x000000064, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000065, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000066, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000067));
set(heap, 0x000000067, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000068, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000069));
set(heap, 0x000000069, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x00000005b));
set(heap, 0x00000006a, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000006b));
set(heap, 0x00000006b, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x00000005b));
set(heap, 0x00000006c, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000067));
set(heap, 0x00000006d, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000006e, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000006f, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000070));
set(heap, 0x000000070, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000071, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000072));
set(heap, 0x000000072, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000064));
set(heap, 0x000000073, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000074));
set(heap, 0x000000074, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000064));
set(heap, 0x000000075, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000070));
set(heap, 0x000000076, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000077, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000078, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000079));
set(heap, 0x000000079, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000007a, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000007b));
set(heap, 0x00000007b, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x00000006d));
set(heap, 0x00000007c, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000007d));
set(heap, 0x00000007d, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x00000006d));
set(heap, 0x00000007e, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000079));
set(heap, 0x00000007f, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000080, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000081, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000082));
set(heap, 0x000000082, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000083, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000084));
set(heap, 0x000000084, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000076));
set(heap, 0x000000085, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000086));
set(heap, 0x000000086, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000076));
set(heap, 0x000000087, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000082));
set(heap, 0x000000088, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000089, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000008a, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x00000008b));
set(heap, 0x00000008b, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000008c, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000008d));
set(heap, 0x00000008d, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x00000007f));
set(heap, 0x00000008e, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000008f));
set(heap, 0x00000008f, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x00000007f));
set(heap, 0x000000090, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x00000008b));
set(heap, 0x000000091, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000092, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000093, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x000000094));
set(heap, 0x000000094, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x000000095, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000096));
set(heap, 0x000000096, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000088));
set(heap, 0x000000097, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x000000098));
set(heap, 0x000000098, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000088));
set(heap, 0x000000099, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x000000094));
set(heap, 0x00000009a, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000009b, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000009c, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x00000009d));
set(heap, 0x00000009d, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x00000009e, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x00000009f));
set(heap, 0x00000009f, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x000000091));
set(heap, 0x0000000a0, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000a1));
set(heap, 0x0000000a1, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x000000091));
set(heap, 0x0000000a2, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x00000009d));
set(heap, 0x0000000a3, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000a4, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000a5, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000a6));
set(heap, 0x0000000a6, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000a7, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000a8));
set(heap, 0x0000000a8, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x00000009a));
set(heap, 0x0000000a9, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000aa));
set(heap, 0x0000000aa, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x00000009a));
set(heap, 0x0000000ab, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000a6));
set(heap, 0x0000000ac, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000ad, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000ae, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000af));
set(heap, 0x0000000af, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000b0, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000b1));
set(heap, 0x0000000b1, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x0000000a3));
set(heap, 0x0000000b2, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000b3));
set(heap, 0x0000000b3, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x0000000a3));
set(heap, 0x0000000b4, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000af));
set(heap, 0x0000000b5, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000b6, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000b7, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000b8));
set(heap, 0x0000000b8, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000b9, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000ba));
set(heap, 0x0000000ba, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x0000000ac));
set(heap, 0x0000000bb, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000bc));
set(heap, 0x0000000bc, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x0000000ac));
set(heap, 0x0000000bd, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000b8));
set(heap, 0x0000000be, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000bf, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000c0, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000c1));
set(heap, 0x0000000c1, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000c2, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000c3));
set(heap, 0x0000000c3, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x0000000b5));
set(heap, 0x0000000c4, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000c5));
set(heap, 0x0000000c5, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x0000000b5));
set(heap, 0x0000000c6, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000c1));
set(heap, 0x0000000c7, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000c8, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000c9, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000ca));
set(heap, 0x0000000ca, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000cb, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000cc));
set(heap, 0x0000000cc, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x0000000be));
set(heap, 0x0000000cd, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000ce));
set(heap, 0x0000000ce, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x0000000be));
set(heap, 0x0000000cf, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000ca));
set(heap, 0x0000000d0, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000d1, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000d2, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000d3));
set(heap, 0x0000000d3, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000d4, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000d5));
set(heap, 0x0000000d5, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x0000000c7));
set(heap, 0x0000000d6, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000d7));
set(heap, 0x0000000d7, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x0000000c7));
set(heap, 0x0000000d8, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000d3));
set(heap, 0x0000000d9, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000da, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000db));
set(heap, 0x0000000db, new_term(DP0,0x000000,0x0000000d0));
set(heap, 0x0000000dc, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000dd));
set(heap, 0x0000000dd, new_term(DP1,0x000000,0x0000000d0));
set(heap, 0x0000000de, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000d9));
set(heap, 0x0000000df, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000e0, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000e1));
set(heap, 0x0000000e1, new_term(APP,0x000000,0x0000000e3));
set(heap, 0x0000000e2, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000e9));
set(heap, 0x0000000e3, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000df));
set(heap, 0x0000000e4, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000e5));
set(heap, 0x0000000e5, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000e6, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000e7));
set(heap, 0x0000000e7, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000e8, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000e7));
set(heap, 0x0000000e9, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000ea, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000eb));
set(heap, 0x0000000eb, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000ec, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000e9));
set(heap, 0x0000000ed, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000ee, new_term(LAM,0x000000,0x0000000ef));
set(heap, 0x0000000ef, new_term(SUB,0x000000,0x000000000));
set(heap, 0x0000000f0, new_term(VAR,0x000000,0x0000000ed));
int main() {
Heap* heap = new_heap();
// well, this part is sort of cheating, isn't it?
// since the baseline solution measures page faults
// as part of the runtime.
touch_memory(heap, 500 * 1000 * 1000);
// The less cheating version of prefaulting and then benchmarking
// would be to spin up another thread that just prefaults
// some 1BRC submissions used this tactic.
clock_t start = clock();
// Normalize and get interaction count
Term root = got(heap, 0);
normal(heap, root);
clock_t end = clock();
printf("Itrs: %u\n", get_itr(heap));
double time_spent = (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000;
printf("Size: %u nodes\n", get_end(heap));
printf("Time: %.2f seconds\n", time_spent / 1000.0);
printf("MIPS: %.2f\n", (get_itr(heap) / 1000000.0) / (time_spent / 1000.0));
return 0;
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