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James Kinsman VibroAxe

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VibroAxe / Copy to USB Stick.ps1
Created June 4, 2024 21:59
Copy to USB Stick
#### Copies all files from current folder (exluding PS1 & BAT files) onto the next inserted USB Stick. Also clears existing files from stick
Register-WmiEvent -Class win32_VolumeChangeEvent -SourceIdentifier volumeChange
try {
write-host (get-date -format s) " Beginning USB Flash Script..."
write-host (get-date -format s) " "
write-host (get-date -format s) " #############################################"
write-host (get-date -format s) " # WARNING #"


# Setup the service
curl -sSL[email protected] | \
  sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]

sudo useradd -g nogroup -s /bin/false -m autossh
sudo -u autossh mkdir -p /home/autossh/.ssh  # and copy your private key here
sudo -u autossh ssh-keygen -t ed25519 # Generate a new private key
VibroAxe /
Created February 7, 2019 17:19
Simple Lancache Get Go
HOST_IP=`hostname -I`
docker run --restart unless-stopped --name steamcache-dns -p $HOST_IP:53:53/udp -e USE_GENERIC_CACHE=true -e LANCACHE_IP=$HOST_IP steamcache/steamcache-dns:latest
docker run --restart unless-stopped --name cache-mono -v /cache/data:/data/cache -v /cache/logs:/data/logs -p $HOST_IP:80:80 steamcache/monolithic:latest
docker run --name sniproxy -p 443:443 steamcache/sniproxy:latest
echo Please configure your dhcp server to serve dns as $HOST_IP

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am vibroaxe on github.
  • I am vibroaxe ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCNIxHCjEpTntgl5Z1HijEFFt9HPn3QSj-Aeo1fLao8UAo

To claim this, I am signing this object: