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Ian ViViDboarder

  • San Francisco, CA
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ViViDboarder /
Created September 24, 2024 22:47
WeMo device setup script for pywemo
from getpass import getpass
from pywemo import discovery
from pywemo.ouimeaux_device import Device
def discover() -> Device | None:
for device in discovery.discover_devices():
if input("y/N? ").lower() == "y":
ViViDboarder / Dockerfile
Created October 29, 2019 16:37
bitwarden_rs with backups
# backups/Dockerfile
FROM vividboarder/docker-restic-cron
MAINTAINER ViViDboarder <[email protected]>
# Install SQLite
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends sqlite3 \
&& apt-get clean \
&& rm -rf /var/apt/lists/*
ViViDboarder /
Last active September 9, 2023 02:05
Mosh is great, but sometimes the remote server you're accessing doesn't have it installed or doesn't give you sudo access. This script will install mosh as a user.
#! /bin/bash
# Make a directory to hold local libs and bins
mkdir -p ~/usr/local
# Get protobuf
# Extract protobuf
tar -xvzf protobuf-2.5.0.tar.gz
cd protobuf-2.5.0
ViViDboarder / gmail-snooze.js
Last active March 10, 2020 05:04
Gmail Snooze
Gmail Message Snoozing
Quick implementation to allow snoozing of unread messages in Gmail
The move unread emails into a snooze label for the desired snooze time. After
the specified time, the message should be moved back into your inbox. This will
only effect unread emails to prevent messages from continuing to bounce back
#! /bin/bash
# Create local theme dir
mkdir -p ~/.themes
# Enter theme dir
# Clone latest theme
git clone ~/.themes/elementary-milk-theme
# Set current theme to cloned theme
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme elementary-milk-theme
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme elementary-milk-theme
ViViDboarder / FilcoTweaks.ahk
Created December 31, 2012 14:48
Some hotkeys designed for my Filco Majestouch 2
;-- On Startup
vol_Step = 3
;-- Hotkeys
;-- Volume adjust
HotKey #PgUp, volUp ; Win+Page Up
HotKey #PgDn, volDn ; Win+Page Down
HotKey #End, volMute ; Win+End
;-- Browser Navigation
HotKey !#Left, browserBack ; Ctrl+Win+Left
ViViDboarder / hhkb.ahk
Created December 31, 2012 14:35
Modified HHKB Pro AHK with Dip Switch Emulation Definitely a work in progress
; HHKB Pro2 emulation by AndrewZorn
; for use with QWERTY
; with DIP in position 011100
; (Mac Mode, Backspace, Left Fn)
; inspired by and based on ripster's
; Modified with Dip Switches by ViViDboarder
; "Inser" becomes `/~ because Backspace is too big