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Last active November 12, 2024 23:09
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clipboard type

Type from clipboard

A simple script to simulate keypresses to type copied text, in places where pasting is not enabled and don't have access to install new apps

(Remote or local virtual desktops, various online forms, ssh connection through old terminal emulators etc)

😅 A lot of people are using this, but couldn't get anyone to star this repo...



$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;$txt='';foreach ($element in $(Get-Clipboard)){$element=$element -replace '[+^%~(){}]','{$0}';$element= -join($element,'{ENTER}');echo $element;$txt = -join($txt,$element);};sleep 4; $wshell.SendKeys($txt);

run this in powershell, and within 4 sec, place cursor at where you want to type all out

prettyfiled code

$wshell = New-Object -ComObject;
foreach ($element in $(Get-Clipboard)){
  $element=$element -replace '[+^%~(){}]','{$0}';
  $element= -join($element,'{ENTER}');
  echo $element;
  $txt = -join($txt,$element);
sleep 4; $wshell.SendKeys($txt);


For wayland users

start the ydotoold service as demon (this is for security reason on wayland, )

systemctl start ydotoold; // for socket errors try YDOTOOL_SOCKET='/tmp/.ydotool_socket' ydotool type 'hi'

To type from clipboard

sleep 3;ydotool type $(wl-paste)

To type from file

sleep 4;ydotool type -f <filename>

For x11 users

sleep 4; xdotool type "$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)"


For apple users, here is a AppleScript with works the same

delay 4

tell application "System Events" to keystroke (the clipboard as text)

inspired by -

Copy link

Vaisakhkm2625 commented Nov 12, 2024

wayland toggleable script

change !# lines to #!/bin/bash in case you are not using nixos

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i bash -p wl-clipboard procps ydotool notify-send


if ! pgrep -x "ydotoold" >/dev/null; then
	notify-send "ydotoold not running" -t 500
	exit 1

if [ -e "$TEMP_FILE" ]; then
	rm /tmp/cliptype
	notify-send "stopping" -t 500
	pkill -x ydotool

sleep 5
wl-paste >/tmp/cliptype
ydotool type -f /tmp/cliptype -d 40
rm /tmp/cliptype

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