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Save Twisted-Code/6065bd4b1ab5fbf3c2232962a6c9f6e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
this happened at a semi-random interval after starting the AFKer. I'm guessing that 256 is the parameter of the keystroke, like before? maybe the app needs to memorize which one the system is using? that could be a pain...
Message=Couldn't post the message '256'.
at Binarysharp.MemoryManagement.Windows.WindowCore.PostMessage(IntPtr windowHandle, UInt32 message, UIntPtr wParam, UIntPtr lParam)
at Binarysharp.MemoryManagement.Windows.Keyboard.MessageKeyboard.Press(Keys key)
at Binarysharp.MemoryManagement.Windows.Keyboard.BaseKeyboard.PressRelease(Keys key)
at Ultimate_Trove.HotkeyOperations.AFK_Control() in D:\OneDrive - University of Phoenix\Workspaces\C#\LucidDevelopment-Ultimate-Trove\Ultimate_Trove\lib\TroveClientController.cs:line 930
at Ultimate_Trove.TroveForm.<>c.<TroveForm_Load>b__14_0() in D:\OneDrive - University of Phoenix\Workspaces\C#\LucidDevelopment-Ultimate-Trove\Ultimate_Trove\TroveForm.cs:line 143
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
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