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Last active July 24, 2023 08:25
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MediaFormat - A regex system for finding the media ID for each type of popular social site. Can identify YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify, and Soundcloud.
* MediaFormat
* format and return only needed pieces of media from their public sources
* Author: Trevor Clarke
function MediaFormat (){
var ytRegEx = /^(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:i\.|www\.|img\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/|ytimg\.com\/)(?:embed\/|v\/|vi\/|vi_webp\/|watch\?v=|watch\?.+&v=)((\w|-){11})(?:\S+)?$/;
var vmRegEx = /https?:\/\/(?:vimeo\.com\/|player\.vimeo\.com\/)(?:video\/|(?:channels\/staffpicks\/|channels\/)|)((\w|-){7,9})/;
var spRegEx = /https?:\/\/(?:embed\.|open\.)(?:spotify\.com\/)(?:track\/|\?uri=spotify:track:)((\w|-){22})/;
var scRegEx = /https?:\/\/(?:w\.|www\.|)(?:soundcloud\.com\/)(?:(?:player\/\?url=https\%3A\/\/\/tracks\/)|)(((\w|-)[^A-z]{7})|([A-Za-z0-9]+(?:[-_][A-Za-z0-9]+)*(?!\/sets(?:\/|$))(?:\/[A-Za-z0-9]+(?:[-_][A-Za-z0-9]+)*){1,2}))/;
function getIDfromRegEx ( src, regExpy ){
return (src.match(regExpy)) ? RegExp.$1 : null;
return {
// returns only the ID
getYoutubeID: function ( src ){
return getIDfromRegEx( src, ytRegEx);
// returns main link
getYoutubeUrl: function ( ID ){
return "" + ID;
// returns only the ID
getVimeoID: function ( src ){
return getIDfromRegEx( src, vmRegEx);
// returns main link
getVimeoUrl: function ( ID ){
return "" + ID;
// returns only the ID
getSpotifyID: function ( src ){
return getIDfromRegEx( src, spRegEx);
// returns main link
getSpotifyUrl: function ( ID ){
return "" + ID;
// returns only the ID
getSoundcloudID: function ( src ){
return getIDfromRegEx( src, scRegEx);
// returns main link
// NOTE: this one really sucks since soundcloud doesnt have good API without js library
getSoundcloudUrl: function ( ID ){
return "" + ID; //only way to link to the track currently
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Seems to give null on this youtube url:

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opti21 commented Jul 23, 2019

How does one run this?
MediaFormat('URL') ?

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@browemedia, @thunderkid, this is pretty old -- feel free to expand on these.

If I remember right: MediaFormat.getYoutubeID('URL')

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tony commented Mar 14, 2021

Spotify: Also accept album, playlist:


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tony commented Mar 14, 2021

This should handle both types of URLs and also give the type (e.g. album, track, playlist)

const spotifyURLRegex = /https?:\/\/(?:embed\.|open\.)(?:spotify\.com\/)(?:(album|track|playlist)\/|\?uri=spotify:track:)((\w|-){22})/;
    const spotifySymbolRegex = /spotify:(?:(album|track|playlist):|\?uri=spotify:track:)((\w|-){22})/;
    const [_, spotifyType, spotifyId] =
      this.url.match(spotifyURLRegex) || this.url.match(spotifySymbolRegex) || [];
    const url = `${spotifyType}/${spotifyId}`

This is very messy - I will come back here when its cleaned up more. I just wanted something that'd do the job - not my best code 😆

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@tony damn that code worked amazing

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