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Created July 10, 2024 12:56
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Inkbot training data knowledge graph use - easy
"system_prompt":"As an AI assistant, furnish an extensive answer that negates the user's need for supplementary information from external sources.",
"user":"How confident are we about the connection between Alpha and Beta?",
"user_context":"nodes:\n - id: Alpha\n event: Recognition of essential workers\n date: 2020-03-21\n - id: Beta\n group: Essential workers\n description: People working in grocery stores, big-box stores, gas stations, and pharmacies\n - id: Gamma\n concept: Essential jobs\n description: Jobs that are necessary for society to function\n - id: Delta\n concept: Stigma attached to certain jobs\n description: Idea that jobs with a plastic name tag indicate poor life decisions\n date: Unknown\n - id: Epsilon\n event: Essential workers risking their lives\n date: 2020-03-21\n - id: Zeta\n concept: Class solidarity\n description: Support for essential workers\n date: 2020-03-21\n - id: Eta\n concept: Decent standard of living\n description: Suggestion that essential workers should have a decent standard of living\n date: 2020-03-21\n - id: Theta\n event: Future election\n date: Unknown\nedges:\n Alpha:\n - id: Beta\n description: is for\n confidence: high\n Beta:\n - id: Gamma\n description: perform\n confidence: high\n - id: Epsilon\n description: are involved in\n confidence: high\n Gamma:\n - id: Delta\n description: are associated with\n confidence: medium\n - id: Eta\n description: should provide\n confidence: medium\n Delta:\n - id: Zeta\n description: is addressed by\n confidence: medium\n Zeta:\n - id: Beta\n description: is for\n confidence: high\n Eta:\n - id: Beta\n description: should be for\n confidence: high\n Theta:\n - id: Eta\n description: might affect\n confidence: low\n - id: Beta\n description: could impact\n confidence: medium\n - id: Zeta\n description: should be reflected in\n confidence: medium"
"user":"Give the mean confidence score for the KG relationships."
"bot":"The least confident relationship(s) in the KG is/are Eta.",
"user":"Can you specify the least confident relationship(s) in the KG?"
"bot":"Alpha is a event node.",
"user":"What type is node Alpha?"
"bot":"The node(s) with the least connections are Alpha.",
"user":"Which node(s) have the fewest connections?"
"user":"What is the total number of connecting edges?"
"bot":"3 nodes have event as an attribute.",
"user":"Count the nodes that have event as their main attribute."
"bot":"Epsilon is a event node.",
"user":"What type is node Epsilon?"
"bot":"Node Eta is a concept.",
"user":"Which category does node Eta belong to?"
"bot":"The node Alpha has: 0 incoming connections, 1 outgoing connections.",
"user":"What's the number of connections for node id Alpha?"
"bot":"The node Eta has: 2 incoming connections, 1 outgoing connections.",
"user":"How many connections does the node Eta have?"
"bot":"The relationship between the two nodes is: Theta could impact Beta",
"user":"How are node Theta and node Beta related?"
"user":"Provide the confidence score for the relationship between Beta and Epsilon."
"bot":"The relationship between the two nodes is: Beta perform Gamma",
"user":"Specify the type of connection between Beta and Gamma."
"bot":"Node Epsilon has 1 incoming connections and 0 outgoing connections.",
"user":"How many connections does the node Epsilon have?"
"bot":"The confidence score for the relationship between Beta and Gamma is high.",
"user":"How confident are we about the connection between Beta and Gamma?"
"bot":"The connections associated with node Epsilon are:\nBeta are involved in Epsilon",
"user":"Detail the connections associated with node Epsilon in the KG."
"bot":"There are 4 nodes with concept as an attribute.",
"user":"Count the nodes that have concept as their main attribute."
"bot":"Delta is addressed by Zeta, Zeta is for Beta, Theta should be reflected in Zeta",
"user":"Detail the connections associated with node Zeta in the KG."
"bot":"Link between the nodes: Delta is addressed by Zeta.",
"user":"Describe the connection between node Delta and node Zeta."
"bot":"Gamma should provide Eta, Eta should be for Beta, Theta might affect Eta",
"user":"Detail the connections associated with node Eta in the KG."
"bot":"There are 5 nodes with description as an attribute.",
"user":"Count the nodes that have description as their main attribute."
"bot":"There are 8 nodes in the KG.",
"user":"Give the count of nodes present in the KG."
"bot":"There are 0 nodes with no connections.",
"user":"How many isolated nodes are there?"
"bot":"The most confident relationship(s) in the KG is/are Gamma, Epsilon, Beta.",
"user":"Identify the relationship(s) with the maximum confidence score."
"bot":"The node(s) with the most connections are Beta.",
"user":"Which node(s) have the highest number of connections?"
"bot":"Connected nodes outnumber the isolated ones by 8.",
"user":"How many more connected nodes are there than isolated nodes in the KG?"
"bot":"In the KG, there are 8 nodes linked through 11 edges, and the relationships have an average confidence of 0.68.",
"user":"Could you describe the structure and confidence metrics of the knowledge graph?"
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