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Tony Gravagno TonyGravagno

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TonyGravagno / workaround_39423.php
Created October 16, 2023 23:05
Workaround for Gutenberg Issue 39423
* Plugin Name: Workaround for Gutenberg Issue #39423
* Description: Override core until header block colors are fixed. <a href=""></a>
* Author: Tony Gravagno (<a href=""> @starbuck</a>)
* License: MIT
TonyGravagno / zodDefaultInstance.ts
Last active November 22, 2024 11:39
Create a default object from a Zod schema
import { z } from 'zod'
* @summary Function returns default object from Zod schema
* @version
* @link
* @author Jacob Weisenburger, Josh Andromidas, Thomas Moiluiavon, Tony Gravagno
* @param schema z.object schema definition
* @param options Optional object, see Example for details
* @returns Object of type schema with defaults for all fields
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
**************** TDL to Project Estimate with comparison to Actual Time Spent and Status ****************
Stylesheet for use with Tasklist Transform functionality of ToDoList by Dan Godson:
Stylesheet by Tony Gravagno (CodeProject ID: iamstarbuck)
Cloned and significantly modified from Project Summary.
All prior comments removed but credit to original authors:
- BOSC Laurent