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Created May 6, 2024 09:48
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  • Save TonioGela/8f74b697ee924500c19e78e8b6369b61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TonioGela/8f74b697ee924500c19e78e8b6369b61 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dotfiles persisting script launched by a launchd service (actually the launchd service is bugged, as it continuosly runs the script)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>Save dotfiles at every change</string>
<string>/Users/toniogela/Library/Application Support/Coursier/bin/scala-cli</string>
//> using scala 3.4.0
//> using platform native
//> using nativeGc none
//> using nativeMode release-full
//> using toolkit typelevel::latest
//> using dep org.typelevel::cats-time::0.5.1
//> using packaging.output dotfiles-watcher
import cats.effect.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import org.typelevel.cats.time._
object Main extends IOApp:
def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
.map(_.isEmpty).ifM(IO.unit, logic(args.head)).as(ExitCode.Success)
.recoverWith {
case ExitException(code, message) => reportToDesktop(code, message)
case t: Throwable => reportToDesktop(1, t.getMessage)
def logic(folder: String): IO[Unit] = for {
prevProfile <- ghProfile("show").map(_.trim)
_ <- ghProfile("switch", "personal")
_ <- git(folder)("add", ".")
date <-
_ <- git(folder)("-c", "commit.gpgsign=false", "commit", "-m", date)
_ <- git(folder)("push")
_ <- ghProfile("switch", prevProfile)
} yield ()
def ghProfile(command: String*) =
run("/opt/homebrew/bin/gh", ("profile" +: command)*)
def git(folder: String)(command: String*) =
run("/usr/bin/git", ("-C" +: folder +: command)*)
def reportToDesktop(exitCode:Int, message: String): IO[ExitCode] =
def run(command: String, args:String*): IO[String] =
ProcessBuilder(command, args.toList).spawn[IO].use(p =>
).parFlatMapN {
case (0, stdout, stdErr) => IO(stdout)
case (exitCode, stdout, stdErr) =>
val errorMessage: String = List(
Option(stdout).filter(_.nonEmpty).map(s => s"[STDOUT]: $s"),
Option(stdErr).filter(_.nonEmpty).map(s => s"[STDERR]: $s")
s"Non zero exit code ($exitCode) for `$command ${args.mkString(" ")}`"
) {
case (summary, Some(err)) => s"$summary\n$err"
case (summary, None) => summary
IO.raiseError(new ExitException(exitCode, errorMessage))
case class ExitException(exitCode:Int, message:String) extends Throwable
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