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Last active July 20, 2024 17:45
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Save ThomasHineXYZ/36b61133a2c86ffa1422ee6c3063f786 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Google Keep "Takeout" to Markdown Converter
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Google Keep "Takeout" to Markdown Converter
# This allows you to convert your Google Keep notes that are downloaded from
# Google's "Takeout" system. This works with Nextcloud's Notes system.
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
import shutil
# Set the input_path to the `Keep` folder within your Google Takeout archive (extracted).
input_path = "/tmp/Takeout/Keep/"
# The file type that you'd like the export to be saved as.
output_extention = ".md"
# Where you'd like the converted files to be stored.
output_path = "/tmp/keep_converted/"
# These are the note colours, lifted directly from the Takeout's CSS
note_colours = {
"blue": "#3FC3FF",
"brown": "#D7CCC8",
"cerulean": "#82B1FF",
"gray": "#B8C4C9",
"green": "#95D641",
"orange": "#FF9B00",
"pink": "#F8BBD0",
"purple": "#B388FF",
"red": "#FF6D3F",
"teal": "#1CE8B5",
"yellow": "#FFDA00",
# Grab a list of the files
files = os.listdir(input_path)
for file in files:
title = "No Title"
colour = ""
content = ""
main_label = ""
# Split the file name up in to the name and the extension
split_tup = os.path.splitext(file)
# Store the file name and extension in variables
file_name = split_tup[0]
file_extension = split_tup[1]
if file_extension.lower() == ".txt":
# Read the contents of the text file
text_file = open(f"{input_path}{file}", 'r')
content +=
title = file_name
elif file_extension.lower() == ".json":
json_file = open(f"{input_path}{file}", 'r', encoding='utf-8')
json_data = json.load(json_file)
# Set the title to what it had before
if (("title" in json_data) and
title = json_data['title'].strip()
# Set the colour, if it isn't default
if (("color" in json_data) and
(json_data['color']) and
(json_data['color'].lower() in note_colours)):
colour = note_colours[json_data['color'].lower()]
# Grab the content if there's some there
if (("textContent" in json_data) and
content += json_data['textContent'].strip() + "\n"
# List items
if (("listContent" in json_data) and
for list_item in json_data['listContent']:
if list_item['isChecked']:
content += f"🗹 ~~{list_item['text']}~~\n"
content += f"☐ {list_item['text']}\n"
# Attachments
if (("attachments" in json_data) and
content = content.strip() # Just to clear out any unwanted ending whitespace
content += "\n\n## Attachments:\n"
for attachment in json_data['attachments']:
# Create the output folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(f"{output_path}ATTACHMENTS/"):
# If it's a JPG image, since Google is dumb and mixes up JPG and JPEG extensions
if attachment['mimetype'] == "image/jpeg":
# Split up the file name
split_tup = os.path.splitext(attachment['filePath'])
image_file = split_tup[0]
# Copy the attachment over
shutil.copy2(f"{input_path}{image_file}.jpg", f"{output_path}ATTACHMENTS/{image_file}.jpg")
content += f"* [{image_file}.jpg](ATTACHMENTS/{image_file}.jpg)\n"
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
# Annotations
if (("annotations" in json_data) and
content = content.strip() # Just to clear out any unwanted ending whitespace
content += "\n\n## Embeds:\n"
for annotation in json_data['annotations']:
# Clean them up a little bit
annotation_description = annotation['description'].replace("\n", "")
annotation_source = annotation['source'].replace("\n", "")
annotation_title = annotation['title'].replace("\n", "")
annotation_url = annotation['url'].replace("\n", "")
annotation_description = annotation_description.replace('"', "'")
annotation_source = annotation_source.replace('"', "'")
annotation_title = annotation_title.replace('"', "'")
annotation_url = annotation_url.replace('"', "'")
annotation_description = annotation_description.strip()
annotation_source = annotation_source.strip()
annotation_title = annotation_title.strip()
annotation_url = annotation_url.strip()
# Then add them in to the content area
content += f"* {annotation_source.title()}: "
content += f"[{annotation_title}]({annotation_url} \"{annotation_description}\")\n"
# Labels
if (("labels" in json_data) and
content = content.strip() # Just to clear out any unwanted ending whitespace
content += "\n\n## Labels:\n"
for label in json_data['labels']:
# Sets the main / first label if one isn't set yet
if not main_label:
main_label = label['name']
content += f"* {label['name']}\n"
# Round and convert the value to an int, since we don't care about
# anything smaller than seconds
timestamp = int(round(json_data['userEditedTimestampUsec'] / 1000000))
converted_timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).isoformat()
# Extra Values
content = content.strip() # Just to clear out any unwanted ending whitespace
content += "\n\n## Values:\n"
content += f"* Colour: {json_data['color']}\n"
content += f"* isArchived: {json_data['isArchived']}\n"
content += f"* isPinned: {json_data['isPinned']}\n"
content += f"* isTrashed: {json_data['isTrashed']}\n"
content += f"* Last Modified: {converted_timestamp}\n"
else: # If it's any other file type, just skip it
# Do some final clean up of the title and content, just in case
title = title.strip()
content = content.strip()
# Now put together the new markdown file
document = ""
document += title + "\n"
document += "-" * len(title) + "\n"
document += f"Colour: {colour}\n\n" if colour else "\n"
document += content + "\n"
label_folder = ""
if main_label:
main_label = main_label.replace("/", "-")
label_folder = f"{main_label}/"
# Create the output folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists(f"{output_path}{label_folder}"):
new_file = f"{output_path}{label_folder}{file_name}{output_extention}"
f = open(new_file, "w")
# Set the modified time on them to their old date
os.utime(new_file,(timestamp, timestamp))
print(f"Converted {input_path}{file} to {new_file}")
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This is great! Thank you for sharing.

Made a quick change, adding line 191 to include os.utime(new_file,(timestamp, timestamp)), to make NextCloud display the notes by year in left sidebar in the Notes app.

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This is great! Thank you for sharing.

Made a quick change, adding line 191 to include os.utime(new_file,(timestamp, timestamp)), to make NextCloud display the notes by year in left sidebar in the Notes app.


I didn't see your comment until today. Sorry about that.

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dornyika commented Sep 1, 2022

Hello, is there a way to support Unicode? I got UnicodeEncodeError.

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Hello, is there a way to support Unicode? I got UnicodeEncodeError. Thanks

I've just got it working, you've to modify line 191
from:: f = open(new_file, "w")
to: f = open(new_file, 'w',encoding="utf-8")
(be careful with the quote marks, you have to replace with the single ones)

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dornyika commented Jan 7, 2023

Hello, is there a way to support Unicode? I got UnicodeEncodeError. Thanks

I've just got it working, you've to modify line 191 from:: f = open(new_file, "w") to: f = open(new_file, 'w',encoding="utf-8") (be careful with the quote marks, you have to replace with the single ones)

Thanks for your effort, I'll try it out!

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