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Last active January 10, 2024 13:15
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Convert showcqt.c to ShowCQT.cs
* Copyright (c) 2020 Muhammad Faiz <[email protected]>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
/* Audio visualization based on showcqt mpv/ffmpeg audio visualization */
/* See */
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using static Unity.Mathematics.math;
public static class _ShowCQT
const int MAX_FFT_SIZE = 32768;
const int MAX_WIDTH = 7680;
const int MAX_HEIGHT = 4320;
const int MAX_KERNEL_SIZE = 6 * 256 * 1024;
const float MIN_VOL = 1.0f;
const float MAX_VOL = 100.0f;
public class ShowCQT
/* args */
public double[][] input = new[] { new double[MAX_FFT_SIZE],new double[MAX_FFT_SIZE] };
public Color[] output = new Color[MAX_WIDTH];
/* tables */
public double2[] exp_tbl = new double2[MAX_FFT_SIZE + MAX_FFT_SIZE / 4];
public int[] perm_tbl = new int[MAX_FFT_SIZE / 4];
public double[] attack_tbl = new double[MAX_FFT_SIZE / 8];
public byte[] padding = new byte[1024];
/* buffers */
public double2[] fft_buf = new double2[MAX_FFT_SIZE+128];
public Color[] color_buf = new Color[MAX_WIDTH * 2];
public float[] rcp_h_buf = new float[MAX_WIDTH];
/* kernel */
public (int len, int start)[] kernel_index = new (int len, int start)[MAX_WIDTH * 2];
public double[] kernel = new double[MAX_KERNEL_SIZE];
/* props */
public int width;
public int height;
public int aligned_width;
public int fft_size;
public int t_size;
public int attack_size;
public float sono_v;
public float bar_v;
public bool prerender;
static ShowCQT cqt = new ShowCQT();
public static int FFTSize => cqt.fft_size;
public static double[] get_input_array(int index)
return cqt.input[index];
public static Color[] get_output_array()
return cqt.output;
public static Color[] get_color_array()
return cqt.color_buf;
static int revbin(int x, int bits)
int m = 0x55555555;
x = ((x & m) << 1) | ((x & ~m) >> 1);
m = 0x33333333;
x = ((x & m) << 2) | ((x & ~m) >> 2);
m = 0x0F0F0F0F;
x = ((x & m) << 4) | ((x & ~m) >> 4);
m = 0x00FF00FF;
x = ((x & m) << 8) | ((x & ~m) >> 8);
m = 0x0000FFFF;
x = ((x & m) << 16) | ((x & ~m) >> 16);
return (x >> (32 - bits)) & ((1 << bits) - 1);
static void gen_perm_tbl(int bits)
int n = 1 << bits;
for (int x = 0; x < n; x++)
cqt.perm_tbl[x] = revbin(x, bits);
static double2 ComplexMultiply(in double2 a,in double2 b) => new double2((a.x * b.x) - (a.y * b.y),(a.x * b.y) + (a.y * b.x));
static void gen_exp_tbl(int n)
double mul;
for (int k = 2; k < n; k *= 2)
mul = 2.0 * PI_DBL / k;
for (int x = 0; x < k / 2; x++)
cqt.exp_tbl[k+x] = new double2(cos(mul * x), -sin(mul * x));
mul = 3.0 * PI_DBL / k;
for (int x = 0; x < k / 2; x++)
cqt.exp_tbl[k + k / 2 + x] = new double2( cos(mul * x), -sin(mul * x) );
mul = 2.0 * PI_DBL / n;
for (int x = 0; x < n / 4; x++)
cqt.exp_tbl[n+x] = new double2( cos(mul * x), -sin(mul * x) );
static void fft_butterfly(Span<double2> v, int n, int q)
double2 v0, v1, v2, v3;
double2 a02, a13, s02, s13;
v0 = v[0];
v2 = v[q]; /* bit reversed */
v1 = v[2 * q];
v3 = v[3 * q];
a02 = v0 + v2;
s02 = v0 - v2;
a13 = v1 + v3;
s13 = v1 - v3;
v[0] = a02 + a13;
v[q] = new double2(s02.x + s13.y,s02.y - s13.x);
v[2 * q] = a02 - a13;
v[3 * q] = new double2(s02.x - s13.y,s02.y + s13.x);
for (int x = 1; x < q; x++)
v0 = v[x];
v2 = ComplexMultiply(cqt.exp_tbl[2*q + x], v[q+x]); /* bit reversed */
v1 = ComplexMultiply(cqt.exp_tbl[4*q + x], v[2*q+x]);
v3 = ComplexMultiply(cqt.exp_tbl[3*q + x], v[3*q+x]);
a02 = v0 + v2;
s02 = v0 - v2;
a13 = v1 + v3;
s13 = v1 - v3;
v[x] = a02 + a13;
v[q+x] = new double2(s02.x + s13.y,s02.y - s13.x);
v[2*q+x] = a02 - a13;
v[3*q+x] = new double2(s02.x - s13.y,s02.y + s13.x);
static void fft_calc_(int n,Span<double2> v)
int q = n / 4;
if(q < 2)
if(q == 2)
var v0 = v[0];
var v1 = v[1];
v[0] = v0 + v1;
v[1] = v0 - v1;
fft_butterfly(v, n, q);
static void fft_calc(double2[] v, int n)
switch (n)
case 1024:
case 2048:
case 4096:
case 8192:
case 16384:
case 32768:
public static int init(int rate, int width, int height, float bar_v, float sono_v, int super)
if (height <= 0 || height > MAX_HEIGHT || width <= 0 || width > MAX_WIDTH)
return 0;
cqt.width = width;
cqt.height = height;
cqt.aligned_width = width;
cqt.bar_v = (bar_v > MAX_VOL) ? MAX_VOL : (bar_v > MIN_VOL) ? bar_v : MIN_VOL;
cqt.sono_v = (sono_v > MAX_VOL) ? MAX_VOL : (sono_v > MIN_VOL) ? sono_v : MIN_VOL;
if (rate < 8000 || rate > 100000)
return 0;
int bits = (int)ceil(log(rate / 3.0) / LN2_DBL);
if (bits > 20 || bits < 10)
return 0;
cqt.fft_size = 1 << bits;
if (cqt.fft_size > MAX_FFT_SIZE)
return 0;
gen_perm_tbl(bits - 2);
cqt.attack_size = (int)ceil(rate / 30.0);
for (int x = 0; x < cqt.attack_size; x++)
double y = PI_DBL * x * 30 / (double)rate;
cqt.attack_tbl[x] = 0.355768 + 0.487396 * cos(y) + 0.144232 * cos(2 * y) + 0.012604 * cos(3 * y);
cqt.t_size = cqt.width * (1 + super);
double log_base = log(20.01523126408007475);
double log_end = log(20495.59681441799654);
for (int f = 0, idx = 0; f < cqt.t_size; f++)
double freq = exp(log_base + (f + 0.5) * (log_end - log_base) * (1.0 / cqt.t_size));
if (freq >= 0.5 * rate)
cqt.kernel_index[f].len = 0;
cqt.kernel_index[f].start = 0;
double p = 3;
double ovt = 5;
double secondHarmonic = 384;
// double tlen = 384 * 0.33 / (384 / 0.17 + 0.33 * freq / (1 - 0.17)) + 384 * 0.33 / (0.33 * freq / 0.17 + 384 / (1 - 0.17));
// double tlen = 0.33 / (1/0.17 + 0.33 * freq / (384 * (1 - 0.17))) + 0.33 / (0.33 * freq / (384 * 0.17) + 1 / (1 - 0.17));
// double tlen = 1/(3/0.17 + freq/(384 * (1 - 0.17))) + 1/(freq/(384 * 0.17) + 3/(1 - 0.17));
// double tlen = 1/(3/0.17 + freq/384/(1 - 0.17)) + 1/(freq/384/0.17 + 3/(1 - 0.17));
// double tlen = 1/(3/(1/2 - 1/3) + freq/384/(1/2 + 1/3)) + 1/(freq/384/(1/2 - 1/3) + 3/(1/2 + 1/3));
// double tlen = 5 * (1/(3 + 5*freq/384) + 1/(3*5 + freq/384)) / 6;
double tlen = ovt * (1/(p + (ovt * freq / secondHarmonic)) + 1/((p * ovt) + (freq / secondHarmonic))) / 6;
double flen = 8.0 * cqt.fft_size / (tlen * rate);
double center = freq * cqt.fft_size / rate;
int start = (int)ceil(center - 0.5 * flen);
int end = (int)floor(center + 0.5 * flen);
int len = end - start + 1;
if (idx + len + 1000 > MAX_KERNEL_SIZE)
return 0;
cqt.kernel_index[f].len = len;
cqt.kernel_index[f].start = start;
for (int x = start; x < start + len; x++)
if (x > end)
cqt.kernel[idx + x - start] = 0;
double sign = (x & 1) > 0 ? -1 : 1;
double y = 2.0 * PI_DBL * (x - center) * (1.0 / flen);
double w = 0.355768 + 0.487396 * cos(y) + 0.144232 * cos(2 * y) + 0.012604 * cos(3 * y);
w *= sign / cqt.fft_size;
cqt.kernel[idx + x - start] = w;
idx += len;
return cqt.fft_size;
static double2 cqt_calc(Span<double> kernel, int start, int len)
var a = double2(0);
var b = double2(0);
for (int m = 0; m < len; m++)
double u = kernel[m];
a += u * cqt.fft_buf[start + m];
b += u * cqt.fft_buf[cqt.fft_size - start - m];
double2 v0 = new double2(a.x + b.x, a.y - b.y);
double2 v1 = new double2(b.y + a.y, b.x - a.x);
return new double2( lengthsq(v0), lengthsq(v1) );
public static void calc()
int fft_size_h = cqt.fft_size >> 1;
int fft_size_q = cqt.fft_size >> 2;
int shift = fft_size_h - cqt.attack_size;
for (int x = 0; x < cqt.attack_size; x++)
int i = 4 * cqt.perm_tbl[x];
cqt.fft_buf[i] = new double2(cqt.input[0][shift+x], cqt.input[1][shift+x]);
cqt.fft_buf[i+1] = cqt.attack_tbl[x] * new double2(cqt.input[0][fft_size_h+shift+x], cqt.input[1][fft_size_h+shift+x]);
cqt.fft_buf[i+2] = new double2(cqt.input[0][fft_size_q+shift+x], cqt.input[1][fft_size_q+shift+x]);
cqt.fft_buf[i+3] = 0;
for (int x = cqt.attack_size; x < fft_size_q; x++)
int i = 4 * cqt.perm_tbl[x];
cqt.fft_buf[i] = new double2(cqt.input[0][shift+x], cqt.input[1][shift+x]);
cqt.fft_buf[i+1] = 0;
cqt.fft_buf[i+2] = new double2(cqt.input[0][fft_size_q+shift+x], cqt.input[1][fft_size_q+shift+x]);
cqt.fft_buf[i+3] = 0;
fft_calc(cqt.fft_buf, cqt.fft_size);
for (int x = 0, m = 0; x < cqt.t_size; x++)
int len = cqt.kernel_index[x].len;
int start = cqt.kernel_index[x].start;
if (len <= 0)
cqt.color_buf[x] =;
var r = cqt_calc(cqt.kernel.AsSpan(m), start, len);
double a = 0.5 * (r.x + r.y);
cqt.color_buf[x] = (Vector4)(float4)double4(sqrt(cqt.sono_v * sqrt(double3(r.x,a,r.y))),cqt.bar_v * sqrt(a));
m += len;
if (cqt.t_size != cqt.width)
for (int x = 0; x < cqt.width; x++)
cqt.color_buf[x] = 0.5f * (cqt.color_buf[2*x] + cqt.color_buf[2*x+1]);
cqt.prerender = true;
static void prerender()
for (int x = 0; x < cqt.width; x++)
cqt.color_buf[x] = (Vector4)clamp((Vector4)cqt.color_buf[x],0,1);
for (int x = 0; x < cqt.aligned_width; x++)
cqt.rcp_h_buf[x] = 1.0f / (cqt.color_buf[x].a + 0.0001f);
cqt.prerender = false;
public static void render_line_alpha(int y, float a)
if (cqt.prerender)
if (y >= 0 && y < cqt.height)
float ht = (cqt.height - y) / (float)cqt.height;
for (int x = 0; x < cqt.width; x++)
if (cqt.color_buf[x].a <= ht)
cqt.output[x] = new Color(a,a,a,a);
var c = (cqt.color_buf[x].a - ht) * cqt.rcp_h_buf[x] * new float4((Vector4)cqt.color_buf[x]).xyz;
cqt.output[x] = new Color(c.x,c.y,c.z,a) * 100;
for (int x = 0; x < cqt.width; x++)
var c = new float4((Vector4)cqt.color_buf[x]).xyz;
cqt.output[x] = new Color(c.x,c.y,c.z,a) * 100;
public static void render_line_opaque(int y)
public static void set_volume(float bar_v, float sono_v)
cqt.bar_v = (bar_v > MAX_VOL) ? MAX_VOL : (bar_v > MIN_VOL) ? bar_v : MIN_VOL;
cqt.sono_v = (sono_v > MAX_VOL) ? MAX_VOL : (sono_v > MIN_VOL) ? sono_v : MIN_VOL;
public static void set_height(int height)
cqt.height = (height > MAX_HEIGHT) ? MAX_HEIGHT : (height > 1) ? height : 1;
public static bool detect_silence(float threshold)
for (int x = 0; x < cqt.fft_size; x++)
if (dot(cqt.input[0][x],cqt.input[1][x]) > threshold)
return false;
return true;
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