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GSP101 | Google Cloud Essential Skills: Challenge Lab
## Google Cloud Essential Skills: Challenge Lab # GSP101 ##
====================== Task 1: Create a Compute Engine instance, add necessary firewall rules ======================
//Goto Compute Engine -> VM Instannces -> Create Instance.
Name : apache
Zone : us-central1-a
Series : N1
Boot Disk : Linux 9 (stretch)
Tick : Allow HTTP Traffic
Allow HTTPS Traffic
//Click Create.
====================== Task 2: Configure Apache2 Web Server in your instance ======================
// SSH to 'apache' instance and run:-
sudo su -
apt-get update
apt-get install apache2 -y
service --status-all
====================== Task 2: Test your server ======================
// Click on External IP of 'apache' instance.
## Google Cloud Essential Skills: Challenge Lab # GSP101 ##
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