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Using Docker on Windows with Cisco AnyConnect VPN in non-split tunnel mode
Start docker before connecting vpn (to get local ip, eg
After start, connect to VPN, then follow next steps:
Add port forwarding to the NAT'd adapter in VirtualBox, add:
docker: host= port=2367 guest ip=[blank] guest port=2376
container port:, port=[the container exposed port to forward] guest ip=[blank], guest port[container port]
In Docker Quickstart Terminal, to point to port forwarded Docker, and to turn off checking of SSL certs:
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
alias docker='docker --tlsverify=false'
Alternatively, create a new docker-machine with tlsverify turned off:
docker-machine create -d virtualbox --engine-env DOCKER_TLS=no default
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
docker-machine regenerate-certs
- now you should be able to run docker commands without adding the --tlsverify=false
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