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Forked from revmischa/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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# installs plenv, perl, carton, cpanminus, sets up environment in .bash_profile
# from
if [[ -n "$PERL_MB_OPT" ]]; then
echo "You must unset your local::lib environment variables first"
exit 1
echo " - Building perl environment -"
# get plenv latest
echo " + Cloning latest plenv..."
git clone git:// ~/.plenv
echo " + Updating .bashrc with plenv bin and perl binary shims..."
PLENV_PATH='export PATH="$HOME/.plenv/bin:$PATH"'
PLENV_INIT='eval "$(plenv init -)"'
echo $PLENV_PATH >> ~/.bashrc # add plenv to path
echo $PLENV_INIT >> ~/.bashrc # shims and autocomplete
# make the above available for the rest of this script
echo " + Cloning perl-build..."
git clone git:// ~/.plenv/plugins/perl-build/
echo " + Building perl ${PLENV_PERL_VERSION}..."
plenv install $PLENV_PERL_VERSION -Dusethreads
echo " + Switching to $PLENV_PERL_VERSION"
echo " + Installing cpanminus..."
plenv install-cpanm
echo " + Installing carton..."
cpanm Carton
echo "plenv installation complete!"
echo " + Initializing and using plenv..."
exec $SHELL -l
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