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Last active May 11, 2016 23:56
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Async void message loop
public class MyNetworkClient {
public async Task ConnectAsync(string address) {
await this.MakeTheActualConnection(address);
// It's async void! But is that bad?
// I know that an unhandled exception here is going to bring down the process, but where else do you want
// that exception to go? There's no external control flow that can reasonably receive such an exception.
private async void BeginReceiveLoop() {
while (true) {
var incomingBlock = await this.networkStream.ReadAsync();
if (incomingBlock == null) {
// Disconnected or disposed
} else {
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Well, if you are willing to take a dependency on reactive extensions, you could solve this quite elegantly.

var obs = Observable.FromAsync(this.networkStream.ReadAsync());
obs.Subscribe(block => DoSomething(block), e => ....);

Observables should be your home ground :)

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Here's a base class that safely turns task-returning methods into async void, and exposes the exception and busy indicator as observable properties.

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