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Examples of Breadth-First Search (BFS) and Depth-First Search (DFS)
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class StateSpaceSearch
public static void main(String args[])
// Just makin' a scanner.
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
// Say we know there are n vertices
// labeled as integers 0 to n - 1.
int n = scan.nextInt();
// And we're going to be passed in
// m edges, which are two integers
// per line showing connectivity
// in an undirected graph. So, the
// connection basically goes both ways.
int m = scan.nextInt();
// We're going to want to store all of
// our edges in an Adjacency List.
// Remember, we use a Map of vertices
// to a List or Set of their connected
// vertices (basically, edges).
// Our vertices (nodes) are simply labeled
// integers, so we have a map of Integer
// to a List of Integer. We use a List
// for simplicity's sake.
Map<Integer, List<Integer>> adjList = new HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
// To make some other logic simpler, let's store
// an empty list for every vertex.
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// Remember, our vertices are labeled from 0
// to n - 1, so we can just use ints as keys.
adjList.put(i, new ArrayList<Integer>());
for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i)
// Read in the edge (x, y) or (y, x)
// for each line of input.
int x = scan.nextInt();
int y = scan.nextInt();
// We need to store the relationship
// in our adjacency list. So, get
// the reference to the edges of
// x and y, and add the relationship.
adjList.get(y).add(x); // remove this line to
// get a directed graph.
// Okay, now we have all of the edges stored
// in our map. We can do BFS or DFS now!
// Let's assume the user tells us both a
// start and end node, and asks us if there
// exists a path between them. We can use
// BFS or DFS to determine connectivity
// between these vertices.
// These will range from 0 to n - 1, and
// match one of the labeled vertices.
int start = scan.nextInt();
int end = scan.nextInt();
// So, start off your search by throwing the
// start node onto your data structure, and
// let it search away!
boolean connected = false; // This is our return value
// from our function.
// Let's do BFS first... Which requires a Queue.
// It'll store all of our nodes.
// We'll want to know what we visited, so we
// don't make the same trip twice. We can use
// a set for this and store what we've seen.
Set<Integer> visited = new HashSet<Integer>();
Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();
visited.add(start); // Before you add a node,
// we will say you visited it.
// Keep going until you visit everything, or run
// out of nodes to expand (search).
while (!q.isEmpty())
int nextVertex = q.poll();
if (nextVertex == end)
connected = true; // We found it!
for (Integer edge : adjList.get(nextVertex))
// If we haven't visited this node yet,
// let's search it!
if (!visited.contains(edge))
q.add(edge); // 'queue' it up to be searched!
visited.add(edge); // remember to say you visited it now.
// That's basically BFS. Our algorithm threw some
// stuff onto the visited set, so let's clear it
// out for the DFS.
// The only difference with BFS vs. DFS is that
// we use a Stack, instead of a Queue, which
// means that some of the function calls are different.
Stack<Integer> s = new Stack<Integer>();
while (!s.isEmpty())
int nextVertex = s.pop();
if (nextVertex == end)
connected = true; // We found it!
for (Integer edge : adjList.get(nextVertex))
// If we haven't visited this node yet,
// let's search it!
if (!visited.contains(edge))
s.push(edge); // 'stack' it up to be searched!
visited.add(edge); // remember to say you visited it now.
// As you can see, it's practically the
// same exact code!
// Clearing it up one last time...
// Now time to do recursive DFS...
connected = recursiveDFS(start, end, adjList, visited);
// We pass in the mapping and visited set so that each
// recursive call can have the same reference and also
// update the visited set over time.
// This looks a lot simpler, but it's dangerous to do
// the recursive method. It can often stack overflow
// if you have > 10,000 vertices.
static boolean recursiveDFS(int node, int end, Map<Integer, List<Integer>> adjList, Set<Integer> visited)
if (node == end)
return true;
for (Integer edge : adjList.get(node))
if (!visited.contains(edge))
// Add the edge before recursing, otherwise
// future recursive calls won't know that
// you visited this node, until it backtracks.
// Calling the recursive function is
// essentially the same as adding this
// item on the stack.
boolean connected = recursiveDFS(edge, end, adjList, visited);
// If we found something, let's terminate everything
// now. Don't wait any longer.. But we should only
// terminate if we are connected. If we aren't
// connected, we might be able to find another path.
if (connected)
return true;
// If nothing was connected for this call, then
// go ahead and say nothing was connected.
return false;
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