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Last active November 19, 2024 13:42
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A FAUST-based drum and percussion synth with three components: band-limited noise through a feedback delay, noise and FM
// NOTE: as-is, this does NOT work correctly with faust2lv2, since it does not support MIDI input via the "key" parameter.
// It does work with the FAUST web IDE and Faust Live, though.
declare name "FB / Noise / FM Drum Voice";
declare version "0.1";
declare author "Christopher Arndt";
declare license "MIT License";
declare description "A drum and percussion synth with three components: band-limited noise through a feedback delay, noise and FM";
declare options "[midi:on][nvoices:4]";
key = hslider("key", 440, 20, 7040, 0.01);
gain = hslider("gain", 1, 0, 1, 0.001);
gate = button("gate");
max_fc = ma.SR / 2;
// velocity_gain implements adjustable velocity sensitivity.
// At maximum amount and maximum velocity, the value is 1.
velocity_gain(amount, velocity) = (1 - amount) + amount * velocity;
delay(max_delay, samples, x) = x@(int(samples)&(max_delay-1));
fb_synth(gain, gate) =
* env :
bandpass :
+~delay(1000, delay_samples) * feedback :
* (velocity_gain(gain_vel_amount, gain) * level)
with {
delay_samples = hslider("[1] Delay (samples)", 100, 0, 1000, 1);
feedback = hslider("[2] Feedback", 99, 90, 99.9, 0.001) / 100;
decay = hslider("[3] Decay [unit:s]", 0.5, 0.001, 5.0, 0.001);
fc = hslider("[4] BP Center Freq [scale:log]", 5000, 20, 12000, 0.1);
fq = hslider("[5] BP Q", 1.0, 0.5, 30, 0.1);
gain_vel_amount = hslider("[6] Vel. > Gain", 100, 0, 100, 1) / 100;
level = hslider("[7] Level [unit:dB]", -6, -90.0, 0.0, 0.1) : ba.db2linear;
noise = no.noise;
env = en.adsre(0.001, decay, 0.0, decay, gate);
bandpass = fi.resonbp(fc, fq, 1.0);
noise_synth(gain, gate) =
* env :
bandpass :
* (velocity_gain(gain_vel_amount, gain) * level)
with {
attack = hslider("[1] Attack [unit:s]", 0.001, 0.001, 3.0, 0.001);
hold = hslider("[2] Hold [unit:s]", 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.001);
decay = hslider("[3] Decay [unit:s]", 0.5, 0.001, 5.0, 0.001);
fc = hslider("[4] BP Center Freq [scale:log]", 5000, 20, 12000, 0.1);
fq = hslider("[5] BP Q", 1.0, 0.1, 30, 0.1);
f_env_amount = hslider("[6] Env > Freq [unit:ct]", 0.0, -4800.0, 4800.0, 1);
gain_vel_amount = hslider("[7] Vel. > Gain", 100, 0, 100, 1) / 100;
level = hslider("[8] Level [unit:dB]", -6, -90.0, 0.0, 0.1) : ba.db2linear;
env = en.ahdsre(attack, hold, decay, 0.0, decay, gate);
bandpass = fi.resonbp(min(max_fc, fc * ba.cent2ratio(f_env_amount * env)), fq, 1.0);
fm_synth(key, gain, gate) =
os.osc(freq + os.osc(mod_freq)
* mod_index * freq)
* env
* velocity_gain(gain_vel_amount, gain)
* level
with {
tuning = hslider("[0] Tuning [unit:Hz]", 440.0, 20.0, 10000.0, 0.01);
keytrack = hslider("[1] Key tracking", 0, -200, 200, 1) / 100;
mod_ratio = hslider("[2] Mod ratio", 1, 0.5, 20, .01);
mod_index = hslider("[3] FM index", 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 0.01);
attack = hslider("[4] Attack [unit:s]", 0.002, 0.001, 3.0, 0.001);
hold = hslider("[5] Hold [unit:s]", 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.001);
decay = hslider("[6] Decay [unit:s]", 1.5, 0.001, 5.0, 0.001);
pitch_env_amount = hslider("[7] Env > Pitch [unit:ct]", 0.0, -4800.0, 4800.0, 1);
gain_vel_amount = hslider("[8] Vel. > Gain", 100, 0, 100, 1) / 100;
level = hslider("[9] Level [unit:dB]", -6, -90.0, 0.0, 0.1) : ba.db2linear;
env = en.ahdsre(attack, hold, decay, 0.0, decay, gate);
car_freq = tuning * pow(2.0, (key - 69.0) / 12.0 * keytrack);
freq = car_freq * ba.cent2ratio(pitch_env_amount * env);
mod_freq = freq * mod_ratio;
vol = hslider("[0] Volume", -6.0, -90.0, 0.0, 0.1) : ba.db2linear;
drumvoice = hgroup("Drum Voice",
fb_group(fb_synth)(gain, gate)
+ noise_group(noise_synth)(gain, gate)
+ fm_group(fm_synth)(key, gain, gate)
) * vol
with {
fb_group(x) = vgroup("FB", x);
noise_group(x) = vgroup("Noise", x);
fm_group(x) = vgroup("Sine/FM", x);
process = drumvoice <: _,_;
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