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Created May 12, 2019 16:13
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# Back-up the .lnd dir
`cp -r .lnd/ .lnd.old`
# copy the .lnd dir to another machine that runs a non-pruned full node
`scp [source] [target]`
# Install GO
`sha256sum go1.12.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz | awk -F " " '{ print $1 }'`
# output should be `3924819eed16e55114f02d25d03e77c916ec40b7fd15c8acb5838b63135b03df`
`tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.12.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz`
`export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin`
# clone the btcwallet repo
`git clone $GOPATH/src/`
# run dropwtxmgr
`cd $GOPATH/src/`
`GO111MODULE=on go install ./dropwtxmgr`
`cd $GOPATH/bin`
`dropwtxmgr --db=/path/to/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/wallet.db`
# Restart lnd, it should run a full rescan from genesis block, that might be a bit long though (24 hours on my machine)
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Kukks commented May 13, 2019

Thanks for this, being an absolute newbie with Go and linux in general, this gave me a starting point.

In my case, I wanted to recover rescan an lnd instance using an existing mainnet btcpay deployment that I use for testing. Since the docker images used are alpine based, I ran into some trouble with the guide.

For running on alpine, I first ran before your guide:

apk update && apk add git 
apk --no-cache --allow-untrusted -X add glibc glibc-bin

and instead of

`cd $GOPATH/src/`
`GO111MODULE=on go install ./dropwtxmgr`
`cd $GOPATH/bin`
`dropwtxmgr --db=/path/to/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/wallet.db`

I did:

cd cmd/dropwtxmgr
go run main.go --db=/data/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/wallet.db

How long does the drop command take? Mine has been stuck there for a few mins now with no output:
Drop all btcwallet transaction history? [y/N] y

This is a horrible experience, no user should be needing to do this painful technical stuff to fix their lnd.

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Haha, yes, it makes you realise that lightning is still hardcore now

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