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Last active February 29, 2024 10:16
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See here the old version before the new style of the following gist:

This will not be updated.

Some API's for you.

See here some of the API's you can use in your discord bot or anything. For any help or questions on how to use one, please contact the owner of the API and not me.

A much bigger list of APIs can be found here

The descriptions are mostly personal and sometimes from the owner or copied from the API.

Total: 18


Total: 26

Required API Key

Total: 8 The descriptions are mostly personal and sometimes from the owner or copied from the API.

Have more?

if you know or have a API that isn't in this list yet, ping or DM me on Discord at @Soheab_#6240
Or just leave a comment on this gist.

You can join my discord server here if you want :).

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