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Coding :)

Jørgen Kalsnes Hagen Snailedlt

Coding :)
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Snailedlt / FontAwesome.ts
Created December 15, 2024 00:45 — forked from BirknerAlex/FontAwesome.ts
Payload CMS Font Awesome Select Field
import { Field } from 'payload';
export const FontAwesomeField: Field = {
name: 'fontAwesomeIcon',
label: 'Icon',
type: 'text',
validate: (value) => {
if (!value) {
return 'Please select an icon';
Snailedlt / ActiveYouTubeURLFormats.txt
Created July 30, 2023 19:25 — forked from rodrigoborgesdeoliveira/ActiveYouTubeURLFormats.txt
Example of the YouTube videos URL formats
Snailedlt /
Last active June 25, 2022 12:55
Information about the Nucleus Coop Project. Includes,, and


v2.1.1 - May 24, 2022

  1. Added Steamless command line version support: "Game.UseSteamless = true;", "Game.SteamlessArgs = "";", "Game.SteamlessTiming = 2500;".
  2. Fixed nicknames not working when using "Game.GoldbergExperimentalSteamClient = true;".
  3. Fixed Player Steam IDs setting to 0 when using "Game.PlayerSteamIDs = [];".
  4. Added game descriptions, they get downloaded to gui\descriptions.
  5. Added new line Context.EditRegKeyNoBackup, will not create a backup of the registry when editing.
  6. Fixed an unknown bug breaking the Nucleus window shape in some cases (maximizing without using the app maximizing button).
Snailedlt / Close_Issue_regex.regex
Last active May 5, 2022 13:40
Simplified version of the GitLab's regex pattern to autoclose issues with commit messages.
\b((?:[Cc]los(?:e[sd]?|ing)|\b[Ff]ix(?:e[sd]|ing)?|\b[Rr]esolv(?:e[sd]?|ing)|\b[Ii]mplement(?:s|ed|ing)?)(:?) +(?:(?:issues? +)?(?:(?:#\d+)|(?:#\d+))(?:(?: *,? +and +| *,? *)?)|([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+-\d+))+)

App Wishlist

Small to Medium tasks

  • Update checker: Check if there's a new release on GitHub upon starting the application, and prompt the user if there is (should be an option to not show the message again).
  • Release Notes popup: Show a popup with the Release Notes when you run a new Nucleus Version for the first time.
  • Add icons that indicate if a controller is used in the menu where you change controller names
  • Change controller icon "in-use effect": Change the in-use effect for the controller icon so that they light up the same way as multiple KBM icons do (yellow tint instead of green circle)
  • Add a theme selector in the settings UI
  • Add link-color to the theme.ini, and default it to blue
  • Change link text and icons to blue (maybe also underline)