local gears = require("gears") |
local wibox = require("wibox") |
local beautiful = require("beautiful") |
---@class wibox.container.button : wibox.container.background |
---@operator call(table): wibox.container.button._instance |
---@field private _private table |
local button = {} |
button.mt = {} |
setmetatable(button, button.mt) |
button.__index = button |
button.mt.__index = button.mt |
---@class wibox.container.button._instance : wibox.container.button |
function button:set_on_click(value) self._private.on_click = value end |
function button:set_bg_normal(value) self._private.bg_normal = value end |
function button:set_bg_hover(value) self._private.bg_hover = value end |
function button:set_bg_press(value) self._private.bg_press = value end |
function button:set_bg_release(value) self._private.bg_release = value end |
function button:set_callback_normal(value) self._private.callback_normal = value end |
function button:set_callback_hover(value) self._private.callback_hover = value end |
function button:set_callback_press(value) self._private.callback_press = value end |
function button:set_callback_release(value) self._private.callback_release = value end |
function button:set_use_mouse_effects(value) self._private.use_mouse_effects = value end |
---@return wibox.container.button._instance |
function button.new(args) |
args = args or {} |
---@type wibox.container.button._instance |
local widget = gears.table.crush(wibox.container.background(), button, true) |
--- If you just want to do something on click, use `on_click()` instead of |
--- using the callbacks below. They are only intended for deeper control. |
if args.on_click ~= nil then widget:set_on_click(args.on_click) else widget:set_on_click(function(self, b) end) end |
if args.bg_normal ~= nil then widget:set_bg_normal(args.bg_normal) else widget:set_bg_normal( beautiful.button_normal or "#FFFFFF00") end |
if args.bg_hover ~= nil then widget:set_bg_hover(args.bg_hover) else widget:set_bg_hover( beautiful.button_hover or "#FFFFFF20") end |
if args.bg_press ~= nil then widget:set_bg_press(args.bg_press) else widget:set_bg_press( beautiful.button_press or "#FFFFFF40") end |
if args.bg_release ~= nil then widget:set_bg_release(args.bg_release) else widget:set_bg_release(beautiful.button_release or "#FFFFFF20") end |
if args.callback_normal ~= nil then widget:set_callback_normal(args.callback_normal) else widget:set_callback_normal( function(self, color) self.bg = color end) end |
if args.callback_hover ~= nil then widget:set_callback_hover(args.callback_hover) else widget:set_callback_hover( function(self, color) self.bg = color end) end |
if args.callback_press ~= nil then widget:set_callback_press(args.callback_press) else widget:set_callback_press( function(self, color, b) self.bg = color end) end |
if args.callback_release ~= nil then widget:set_callback_release(args.callback_release) else widget:set_callback_release(function(self, color, b) self.bg = color end) end |
if args.use_mouse_effects ~= nil then widget:set_use_mouse_effects(args.use_mouse_effects) else widget:set_use_mouse_effects(beautiful.button_use_mouse_effects or true) end |
widget._private.is_being_pressed = false |
local old_cursor, old_wibox |
widget:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function(self) |
self._private.callback_hover(self, self._private.bg_hover) |
if self._private.use_mouse_effects then |
local wb = mouse.current_wibox or {} |
old_cursor, old_wibox = wb.cursor, wb |
wb.cursor = "hand1" |
end |
end) |
widget:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function(self) |
self._private.callback_normal(self, self._private.bg_normal) |
if self._private.use_mouse_effects and old_wibox then |
old_wibox.cursor = old_cursor |
old_cursor, old_wibox = nil, nil |
end |
end) |
widget:connect_signal("button::press", function(self, _, _, b) |
self._private.is_being_pressed = true |
self._private.callback_press(self, self._private.bg_press) |
end) |
widget:connect_signal("button::release", function(self, _, _, b) |
if self._private.is_being_pressed then |
self._private.on_click(self, b) |
end |
self._private.is_being_pressed = false |
self._private.callback_release(self, self._private.bg_release) |
end) |
return gears.table.crush(widget, args, true) |
end |
function button.mt:__call(...) |
return self.new(...) |
end |
return button |