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Created January 15, 2019 22:00
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Pagination active pages resolver
const getActivePages = ({ activePage = 1, pageListLength, pages }) => {
const pageCount = pages < pageListLength ? pages : pageListLength;
const array = Array.from({ length: pageCount });
const middle = Math.ceil(pageCount / 2);
// When the page number is less than the median of the displayed pages, show first n pages
if (activePage < middle) {
return, index) => index + 1);
// When the page number is more than the median of the displayed pages, show last n pages
if (pages - activePage < middle) {
return, index) => pages - index).reverse();
// Otherwise show page numbers centered around activePage
(_, index) => index + activePage - middle + (pageCount % 2) + 1,
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