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Last active April 16, 2022 01:38
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# This script implements a very basic PCA (Principal Component Analysis).
# PCAs are often used as statistical method on data sets to reduce
# dimensionality / complexity. This is done by finding new features which
# maximize variance. PCAs can reduce dimensionality down to any number,
# but lose information within the process. However, most of the time,
# dimensions can be reduced without having any significant loss.
# Since we do not want to implement an equation solver (for calculating
# eigenvectors and eigenvalues), we use Ruby's standard 'matrix' library.
require "matrix"
# Ruby's standard 'matrix' library does not support normalization,
# standardization, covariance and so on, out of the box. Thus, we extend
# the Matrix class by reopening it.
class Matrix
# Standardizes all matrix values. Also often referred to as 'Z-Score'.
# This helps dealing with different feature spaces. It is calculated like:
# Z-Score = (x - u) / o
# where x is the value, u is the mean and o is the standard deviation
def standardize
# Get the mean for each column
means = column_means
# Get the standard deviation for each column
standard_deviations = column_standard_deviations
# Iterate through all values and calculate standardized value
values = do |yi| do |xi|
(self[yi, xi] - means[xi]) / standard_deviations[xi]
# Return new standardized matrix
# This is a rather naive implementation to compute the covariance matrix.
# Faster computation methods exist and could be extended in the future.
# In a covariance matrix a positive value means that two features are
# correlated (increasing one increases the other), while negative value
# means that two features are inversely correlated (increasing one
# decreases the other). The result is always a dxd matrix where d is the
# number of columns/features. The values are computed like this:
# Covariance[x, y] = 1/n * sum(i) { (xi - xm) * (yi - ym) }
# where n is the number of rows, xi is the i-th value of the feature x,
# yi is the i-th value of the feature y and xm and ym are the means of
# those features.
def covariance
# Get the mean for each column
means = column_means
# Calculate covariance for each feature combination
values = do |yi| do |xi|
x = column(xi) - Vector.elements([means[xi]] * row_size)
y = column(yi) - Vector.elements([means[yi]] * row_size)
x.inner_product(y) / row_size.to_f
# Return new covariance matrix
def column_means { |v| v.sum.to_f / row_size }
def column_standard_deviations { |v| standard_deviation(v) }
# Calculates the standard deviation. Please notice, that Python uses a
# ffod=0 parameter, which per default computes the variance as
# (sum / size) and not as (sum / (size - 1)). Matlab however uses - 1.
def standard_deviation(vector)
mean = vector.sum / vector.size
sum = vector.sum { |v| (v - mean) ** 2 }
variance = sum / (vector.size - 1)
class PCA
def initialize(data)
# Init matrix
@data = Matrix.rows(data)
# For a PCA, the first step is usually to standardize the data.
# This is done because otherwise one feature could 'outscale' others.
@data = @data.standardize
# Using the standardized matrix, we can now compute the covariance matrix
# to get the correlation on all features
covariance_matrix = @data.covariance
# Compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues from the covariance matrix.
# Eigenvectors with the highest eigenvalues carry the most information.
# Ruby already sorts the vectors by eigenvalues in ascending order, thus
# we can later drop eigenvectors with low eigenvalues.
@eigenvectors, @eigenvalues, _ = covariance_matrix.eigensystem
def transform(number_of_components:)
# Guard that number_of_components does not exceed the number of original
# features. We can only reduce as many features as we have ;)
if number_of_components > @eigenvalues.column_size
raise "Number of components has to be <= #{@eigenvalues.column_size}."
# Combine N best eigenvectors as 'new features' into a new matrix.
# Since they are already sorted in ascending order, we can simply
# take the last N (number_of_components) vectors and reverse them.
# This is also the step where the information loss happens.
eigenvector_subset = Matrix.columns(
# Transform the original data by multiplying the new eigenvector subset
# onto the original dataset. Return the transformed dataset.
(eigenvector_subset.transpose * @data.transpose).transpose
def inspect
# Since each eigenvalue is proportional to the variance of the data,
# we can calculate the relevancy of each vector by normalizing it with
# the sum of all eigenvalues. We cumulate the data such that we know
# the impact that any number of components has on the transformation.
([email protected]_size).each do |index|
# Pick N most important eigenvectors
vectors = @eigenvalues.column_vectors.reverse.first(index)
# Calculate percentage of importance for those cumulated N eigenvectors
percentage = vectors.sum do |vector|
vector.sum * 100 / @eigenvalues.sum
# Print information
puts "Keeping #{index} component(s): #{percentage.round(2)}%"
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SebastianPoell commented Apr 15, 2022

Use it like that:

# Init PCA. Rows are entries, cols are features.
# E.g. here a dataset with 5 entries and 2 features.
pca =[[2, 3], [4, 4], [6, 5], [5, 7], [7, 8]])

# Inspect PCA to get a sense of how important components are

# Print transformed dataset for a given number of components
puts pca.transform(number_of_components: 1)

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