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Created February 11, 2018 09:22
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GameBoy instructions list
#include "instructions.h"
const t_instruction g_instructions[] = {
/* 3.3.1 - 8 Bits Loads */
/* 1. LD nn, n */
/* Description: Put value nn into n */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = B,C,D,E,H,L,BC,DE,HL,SP */
/* n = 8 bit immediate value */
{0x06, "LD B, n", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
{0x0e, "LD C, n", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
{0x16, "LD D, n", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
{0x1e, "LD E, n", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
{0x26, "LD H, n", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
{0x2e, "LD L, n", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
/* 2. LD r1, r2 */
/* Description: Put value r2 into r1 */
/* Use with: */
/* r1, r2 = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(HL) */
{0x7f, "LD A, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x78, "LD A, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x79, "LD A, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x7a, "LD A, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x7b, "LD A, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x7c, "LD A, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x7d, "LD A, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x7e, "LD A, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x40, "LD B, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x41, "LD B, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x42, "LD B, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x43, "LD B, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x44, "LD B, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x45, "LD B, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x46, "LD B, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x48, "LD C, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x49, "LD C, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x4a, "LD C, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x4b, "LD C, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x4c, "LD C, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x4d, "LD C, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x4e, "LD C, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x50, "LD D, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x51, "LD D, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x52, "LD D, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x53, "LD D, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x54, "LD D, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x55, "LD D, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x56, "LD D, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x58, "LD E, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x59, "LD E, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x5a, "LD E, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x5b, "LD E, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x5c, "LD E, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x5d, "LD E, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x5e, "LD E, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x60, "LD H, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x61, "LD H, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x62, "LD H, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x63, "LD H, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x64, "LD H, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x65, "LD H, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x66, "LD H, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x68, "LD L, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x69, "LD L, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x6a, "LD L, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x6b, "LD L, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x6c, "LD L, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x6d, "LD L, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x6e, "LD L, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x70, "LD (HL), B", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x71, "LD (HL), C", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x72, "LD (HL), D", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x73, "LD (HL), E", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x74, "LD (HL), H", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x75, "LD (HL), L", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x36, "LD (HL), n", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
/* 3. LD A, n */
/* Description: Put value n into A */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(BC),(DE),(HL),(nn),# */
/* nn = two byte immediate value. (LS byte first.) */
{0x0a, "LD A, (BC)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x1a, "LD A, (DE)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xfa, "LD A, (nn)", &unimplemented_instruction, 16, 1},
{0x3e, "LD A, #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 4. LD n, A */
/* Description: Put value A into n */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(BC),(DE),(HL),(nn) */
/* nn = two byte immediate value. (LS byte first.) */
{0x47, "LD B, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x4f, "LD C, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x57, "LD D, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x5f, "LD E, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x67, "LD H, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x6f, "LD L, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x02, "LD (BC), A", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x12, "LD (DE), A", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x77, "LD (HL), A", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xea, "LD (nn), A", &unimplemented_instruction, 16, 1},
/* 5. LD A, (C) */
{0xf2, "LD A, (C)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 6. LD (C), A */
{0xe2, "LD ($FF00+C), A", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 7. LD A, (HLD) */
/* Description: Same as: LDD A, (HL) */
/* 8. LD A, (HL-) */
/* Description: Same as: LDD A, (HL) */
/* 9. LDD A, (HL) */
/* Description: Put value at address HL into A. Decrement HL */
/* Same as: LD A, (HL) - DEC HL */
{0x3a, "LDD A, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 10. LD (HLD), A */
/* Description: Same as: LDD (HL), A */
/* 11. LD (HL-), A */
/* Description: Same as: LDD (HL), A */
/* 12. LDD (HL), A */
/* Description: Put A into memory address HL. Decrement HL */
/* Same as: LD (HL), A - DEC HL */
{0x32, "LDD (HL), A", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 13. LD A, (HLI) */
/* Description: Same as: LDI A, (HL) */
/* 14. LD A, (HL+) */
/* Description: Same as: LDI A, (HL) */
/* 15. LDI A, (HL) */
/* Description: Put value at address HL into A. Increment HL */
/* Same as: LD A, (HL) - INC HL */
{0x2a, "LDI A, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 16. LD (HLI), A */
/* Description: Same as: LDD (HL), A */
/* 17. LD (HL+), A */
/* Description: Same as: LDD (HL), A */
/* 18. LDI (HL), A */
/* Description: Put A into memory address HL. Increment HL */
/* Same as: LD (HL), A - INC HL */
{0x22, "LDI (HL), A", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 19. LDH (n), A */
/* Description: Put A into memory address $FF00+n */
/* Use with: n = one byte immediate value. */
{0xe0, "LD ($FF00+n), A", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 2},
/* 20. LDH A, (n) */
/* Description: Put memory address $FF00+n into A */
/* Use with: n = one byte immediate value */
{0xf0, "LD A, ($FF00+n)", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 1},
/* 3.3.2 - 16 Bits Loads */
/* 1. LD n, nn */
/* Description: Put valie nn into n */
/* Use With: */
/* n = BC, DE, HL, SP */
/* nn = 16 bit immediate value */
{0x01, "LD BC, nn", &i_ld16_bc_nn, 12, 3},
{0x11, "LD DE, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
{0x21, "LD HL, nn", &i_ld16_hl_nn, 12, 3},
{0x31, "LD SP, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
/* 2. LD SP, HL */
/* Description: Put HL into Stack Pointer (SP) */
{0xf9, "LD SP, HL", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 3. LD HL, SP+n */
/* Description: Same as: LDHL SP, n */
/* 4. LDHL SP, n */
/* Description: */
/* Put SP + n effective address into HL */
/* Use with: */
/* n = one byte signed immediate value */
/* Flags affected */
/* Z - Reset. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Set or reset according to operation. */
/* C - Set or reset according to operation. */
{0xf8, "LDHL SP, n", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 1},
/* 5. LD (nn), SP */
/* Description: */
/* Put Stack Pointer (SP) at address n. */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = two byte immediate address. */
{0x08, "LD (nn) SP", &unimplemented_instruction, 20, 1},
/* 6. PUSH nn */
/* Description: */
/* Push register pair nn onto stack. */
/* Decrement Stack Pointer (SP) twice. */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = AF, BC, DE, HL */
{0xf5, "PUSH AF", &unimplemented_instruction, 16, 1},
{0xc5, "PUSH BC", &unimplemented_instruction, 16, 1},
{0xd5, "PUSH DE", &unimplemented_instruction, 16, 1},
{0xe5, "PUSH HL", &unimplemented_instruction, 16, 1},
/* 7. POP nn */
/* Description: */
/* Pop two bytes off stack into register pair nn. */
/* Increment Stack Pointer (SP) twice. */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = AF, BC, DE, HL */
{0xf1, "POP AF", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 1},
{0xc1, "POP BC", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 1},
{0xd1, "POP DE", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 1},
{0xe1, "POP HL", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 1},
/* 3.3.3 - 8 Bit ALU */
/* 1.ADD A, n */
/* Description: */
/* Add n to A. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), #. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero */
/* N - Reset */
/* H - Set if carry from bit 3 */
/* C - Set if carry from bit 7 */
{0x87, "ADD A, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x80, "ADD A, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x81, "ADD A, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x82, "ADD A, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x83, "ADD A, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x84, "ADD A, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x85, "ADD A, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x86, "ADD A, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xc6, "ADD A, #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
/* 2.ADC A, n */
/* Description: */
/* Add n + Carry flag to A. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), #. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero */
/* N - Reset */
/* H - Set if carry from bit 3 */
/* C - Set if carry from bit 7 */
{0x8f, "ADC A, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x88, "ADC A, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x89, "ADC A, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x8a, "ADC A, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x8b, "ADC A, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x8c, "ADC A, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x8d, "ADC A, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x8e, "ADC A, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xce, "ADC A, #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* SUB n */
/* Description: */
/* Substract n from A */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), # */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Set. */
/* H - Set if no borrow from bit 4. */
/* C - Set if no borrow. */
{0x97, "SUB A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x90, "SUB B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x91, "SUB C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x92, "SUB D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x93, "SUB E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x94, "SUB H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x95, "SUB L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x96, "SUB (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xd6, "SUB #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
/* 4. SBC A, n */
/* Description: */
/* Substract n + Carry flag from A. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), # */
/* Use with: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Set. */
/* H - Set if no borrow from bit 4. */
/* C - Set if no borrow. */
{0x9f, "SUB A, A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x98, "SUB A, B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x99, "SUB A, C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x9a, "SUB A, D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x9b, "SUB A, E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x9c, "SUB A, H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x9d, "SUB A, L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x9e, "SUB A, (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* {0x??, "SUB A, #", &unimplemented_instruction, ??, 2}, */
/* 5. AND n */
/* Description: */
/* Logically AND n with A, result in A. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), # */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Set. */
/* C - Reset. */
{0xa7, "AND A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xa0, "AND B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xa1, "AND C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xa2, "AND D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xa3, "AND E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xa4, "AND H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xa5, "AND L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xa6, "AND (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xe6, "AND #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
/* 6. OR n */
/* Description: */
/* Logically OR n with A, result in A. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), # */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Reset. */
{0xb7, "OR A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xb0, "OR B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xb1, "OR C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xb2, "OR D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xb3, "OR E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xb4, "OR H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xb5, "OR L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xb6, "OR (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xf6, "OR #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
/* 7. XOR n */
/* Description: */
/* Logically exclusive OR n with A, result in A. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), # */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Reset. */
{0xaf, "XOR A", &i_xor_a, 4, 1},
{0xa8, "XOR B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xa9, "XOR C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xaa, "XOR D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xab, "XOR E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xac, "XOR H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xad, "XOR L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xae, "XOR (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xee, "XOR #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
/* 8. CP n */
/* Description: */
/* Compare A with n. This is basically an A - n substraction instruction but the results are thrown away */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), # */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. (Set if A = n.) */
/* N - Set. */
/* H - Set if no borrow from bit 4. */
/* C - Set for no borrow. (Set if A < n.) */
{0xbf, "OP A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xb8, "OP B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xb9, "OP C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xba, "OP D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xbb, "OP E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xbc, "OP H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xbd, "OP L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0xbe, "OP (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xfe, "OP #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
/* 9. INC n */
/* Description: */
/* Increment register n */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), # */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Set if carry from bit 3. */
/* C - Not affected */
{0x3c, "INC A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x04, "INC B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x0c, "INC C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x14, "INC D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x1c, "INC E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x24, "INC H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x2c, "INC L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x34, "INC (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 10. DEC n */
/* Description: */
/* Decrement register n */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL), # */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Set. */
/* H - Set if no borrow from bit 4. */
/* C - Not affected */
{0x3d, "DEC A", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x05, "DEC B", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x0d, "DEC C", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x15, "DEC D", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x1d, "DEC E", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x25, "DEC H", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x2d, "DEC L", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
{0x35, "DEC (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 1},
/* 3.3.4 - 16 Bit Arithmetic */
/* 1. ADD HL, n */
/* Description: */
/* Add n to HL. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = BC, DE, HL, SP */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Not affected. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Set if carry from bit 11. */
/* C - Set if carry from bit 15. */
{0x09, "ADD HL, BC", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x19, "ADD HL, DE", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x29, "ADD HL, HL", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x39, "ADD HL, CP", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 2. ADD SP, n */
/* Description: */
/* Add n to Stack Pointer (SP). */
/* Use with: */
/* n = one byte signed immediate value (#). */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Reset. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Set or reset according to operation. */
/* C - Set or reset according to operation. */
{0xe8, "ADD CP, #", &unimplemented_instruction, 16, 2},
/* 3. INC nn */
/* Description: */
/* Increment register nn. */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = BC, DE, HL, SP. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* None. */
{0x03, "INC BC", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x13, "INC DE", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x23, "INC HL", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x33, "INC SP", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 3. DEC nn */
/* Description: */
/* Decrement register nn. */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = BC, DE, HL, SP. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* None. */
{0x0b, "DEC BC", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x1b, "DEC DE", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x2b, "DEC HL", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x3b, "DEC SP", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 3.3.5 Miscellaneous */
/* 1. SWAP n */
/* Description: */
/* Swap upper & lower nibles of n. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL). */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Reset. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 2. DAA */
/* Description: */
/* Decimal adjust register A. */
/* This instruction adjusts register A so that the */
/* correct representation of Binary Coded Deciman (BCD) is obtained. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if register A is zero. */
/* N - Not affected. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Set or reset according to operation. */
{0x27, "DDA", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 3. CPL */
/* Description: */
/* Complement A register. (Flip all bits.) */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Not affected. */
/* N - Set. */
/* H - Set. */
/* C - Not affected. */
{0x2f, "CPL", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 4. CCF */
/* Description: */
/* Complement carry flag. */
/* If C flag is set, then reset it. */
/* If C flag is reset, then set it. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Not affected. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Complemented */
{0x3f, "CCF", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 5. SCF */
/* Description: */
/* Set carry flag. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Not affected. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Set */
/* 6. NOP */
/* Description: */
/* No operation. */
{0x00, "NOP", &i_nop, 4, 1},
/* 7. HALT */
/* Description: */
/* Power down PU until an interrupt occurs. */
/* Use this when ever possible to reduce energy consumption. */
{0x76, "HALT", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 8. STOP */
/* Description: */
/* Halt CPU & LCD display until button pressed. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 9. DI */
/* Description: */
/* This instruction disables interrupts but not immediately. */
/* Interrupts are disabled after instruction after DI is executed. */
{0xf3, "DI", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 10. EI */
/* Description: */
/* Enable interrupts. */
/* This instruction enables interrupts but not immediately. */
/* Interrupts are enabled after instruction after EI is executed. */
{0xfb, "EI", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 3.3.6 Rotates & Shifts */
/* 1. RLCA */
/* Description: */
/* Rotate A left. Old bit 7 Carry flag. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 7 data. */
{0x07, "RLCA", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 2. RLA */
/* Description: */
/* Rotate A left through Carry flag. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 7 data. */
{0x17, "RLA", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 3. RRCA */
/* Description: */
/* Rotate A right. Old bit 0 to Carry flag. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 0 data. */
{0x0f, "RRCA", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 4. RRA */
/* Description: */
/* Rotate A right through Carry flag. */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 0 data. */
{0x1f, "RRA", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 5. RLC n */
/* Description: */
/* Rotate n left. Old bit 7 to Carry flag. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(HL) */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 7 data. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 6. RL n */
/* Description: */
/* Rotate n left through Carry flag. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(HL) */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 7 data. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 7. RRC n */
/* Description: */
/* Rotate n right. Old bit 0 to Carry flag. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(HL) */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 0 data. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 8. RRC n */
/* Description: */
/* Rotate n right through Carry flag. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(HL) */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 0 data. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 9. SLA n */
/* Description: */
/* Shift n left into Carry. LSB of n set to 0. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(HL) */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 7 data. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 10. SRA n */
/* Description: */
/* Shift n right into Carry. MSB doesn't change. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(HL) */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 0 data. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 11. SRL n */
/* Description: */
/* Shift n right into Carry. MSB set to 0. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = A,B,C,D,E,H,L,(HL) */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if result is zero. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Reset. */
/* C - Contains old bit 0 data. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 3.3.7 - Bit Opcodes*/
/* 1. BIT b, r */
/* Description: */
/* Test bit b in register r. */
/* Use with: */
/* b = 0 - 7, r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL) */
/* Flags affected: */
/* Z - Set if bit b of register r is 0. */
/* N - Reset. */
/* H - Set. */
/* C - Not affected. */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 2. SET b, r */
/* Description: */
/* Set bit b in register r. */
/* Use with: */
/* b = 0 - 7, r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL) */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 3. RES b, r */
/* Description: */
/* Reset bit b in register r. */
/* Use with: */
/* b = 0 - 7, r = A, B, C, D, E, H, L, (HL) */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* TODO: ???? */
/* 3.3.8 - Jumps */
/* 1. JP nn */
/* Description: */
/* Jump to address nn. */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = two byte immediate value. (LS byte first) */
{0xc3, "", &i_jp_nn, 12, 3},
/* 2. JP cc, nn */
/* Description: */
/* Jump to address n if following condition is true. */
/* cc = NZ, Jump if Z flag is reset. */
/* cc = Z, Jump if Z flag is set. */
/* cc = NC, Jump if C flag is reset. */
/* cc = C, Jump if C flag is set. */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = two byte immediate value. (LS byte first) */
{0xc2, "JP NZ, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
{0xca, "JP Z, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
{0xd2, "JP NC, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
{0xda, "JP C, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
/* 3. JP (HL) */
/* Description: */
/* Jump to address contained in HL. */
{0xe9, "JP (HL)", &unimplemented_instruction, 4, 1},
/* 4. JP n */
/* Description: */
/* Add n to current address and jump to it. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = one byte signed immediate value */
{0x18, "JP n", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
/* 5. JR cc, n */
/* Description: */
/* If following condition is true then add n to current address and jump to it. */
/* cc = NZ, Jump if Z flag is reset. */
/* cc = Z, Jump if Z flag is set. */
/* cc = NC, Jump if C flag is reset. */
/* cc = C, Jump if C flag is set. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = one byte signed immediate value. */
{0x20, "JR NZ, #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
{0x28, "JR Z, #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
{0x30, "JR NC, #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
{0x38, "JR C, #", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 2},
/* 3.3.9 - Calls */
/* 1. CALL nn */
/* Description: */
/* Push address of next instruction onto stack and then jump to address nn. */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = two byte immediate value. (LS byte first). */
{0xcd, "CALL nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
/* 2. CALL cc, nn */
/* Description: */
/* Call address n if following condition is true: */
/* cc = NZ, Call if Z flag is reset */
/* cc = Z, Call if Z flag is set */
/* cc = NC, Call if C flag is reset */
/* cc = C, Call if C flag is set */
/* Use with: */
/* nn = two byte immediate value. (LS byte first). */
{0xc4, "CALL NZ, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
{0xcc, "CALL Z, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
{0xd4, "CALL NC, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
{0xdc, "CALL C, nn", &unimplemented_instruction, 12, 3},
/* 3.3.10 - Restarts */
/* 1. RST n */
/* Description: */
/* Push present address onto stack. */
/* Jump to address $0000 + n. */
/* Use with: */
/* n = $00, $08, $10, $18, $20, $28, $30, $38 */
{0xc7, "RST 00H", &unimplemented_instruction, 32, 1},
{0xcf, "RST 08H", &unimplemented_instruction, 32, 1},
{0xd7, "RST 10H", &unimplemented_instruction, 32, 1},
{0xdf, "RST 18H", &unimplemented_instruction, 32, 1},
{0xe7, "RST 20H", &unimplemented_instruction, 32, 1},
{0xef, "RST 28H", &unimplemented_instruction, 32, 1},
{0xf7, "RST 30H", &unimplemented_instruction, 32, 1},
{0xff, "RST 38H", &i_rst_38, 32, 1},
/* 3.3.11 - Returns */
/* 1. RET */
/* Description: */
/* Pop two bytes from stack & jump to that address. */
{0xc9, "RET", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 2. RET cc */
/* Description: */
/* Return if following condition is true. */
/* Use with: */
/* cc = NZ, Return if Z flag is reset. */
/* cc = Z, Return if Z flag is set. */
/* cc = NC, Return if C flag is reset. */
/* cc = C, Return if C flag is set. */
{0xc0, "RET NZ", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xcb, "RET Z", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xd0, "RET NC", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0xd8, "RET C", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
/* 3. RETI */
/* Description: */
/* Pop two bytes from stack & jump to that address then enable interrupts. */
{0xd9, "RETI", &unimplemented_instruction, 8, 1},
{0x10, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xc8, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xd3, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xdb, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xdd, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xde, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xe3, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xe4, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xeb, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xec, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xed, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xf4, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xfc, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
{0xfd, "", &unimplemented_instruction, 0, 1},
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