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Forked from S42X/dorksMe.js
Last active May 10, 2021 03:03
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Save SakiiR/5d33f5187a6ba193dfd90c9aebab2474 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Compilation of some dorks when doing bug bounty or pentest on a scope. This script will open like 37 tabs with all theses dorks. you can add yours.
* You can test this script by opening your favorite console browser
* Then launch just 3 dorks with: dorksMe(``).slice(5,8).map( el =>
* Or all the dorks with: dorksMe(``).map( el =>
* Enjoy :)
* @_SaxX_
function dorksMe(site) {
return [
`${site}+inurl:"/phpinfo.php"+|+inurl:".htaccess"+|+inurl:"/.git"+${site} -github`,
.slice(5, 8)
.map((el) =>;
//dorksMe(``).map( el =>
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