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Last active April 11, 2024 17:12
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One of the many ways to measure entropy
'use strict'
Calculates the minimum int-num of payload bits needed to encode the given data.
It does so with a simple algorithm:
- `boolean`: `1` (duh).
- `bigint`: bitcount - Most Significant One + sign-bit (only if negative), `sizeof 0n == 0`.
- `number`: Same as `bigint` (MSO is the implicit-bit) + bits after radix-point (not including the point itself).
- `string`: Number of code-points multiplied by the bits-per-char. BPC is calculated from min-charset-size.
@template {boolean | bigint | number | string} T
@param {T} x Value to measure.
Shouldn't be a `Symbol`, because its size is `undefined`.
min_bit_len(0.5) //1
min_bit_len('') //0
min_bit_len('0101') //4
min_bit_len('hey') // 2b/c * 3c = 6b, or just 6
@license Unlicense
const min_bit_len = x => {
const lb = Math.log2
Integer (truncated) Binary Logarithm.
@param {number} x
const ilb = x => Math.trunc(lb(x)) // I prefer `trunc` over `floor`
switch (typeof x) {
case 'boolean': return 1
case 'bigint': {
const sgn = x < 0n
if (sgn) x = -x //abs
let i = sgn
while (x > 1n) { x >>= 1n; i++ }
return i
case 'number': {
if (!isFinite(x)) return NaN
if (x == 0) return 1
const sgn = x < 0
if (sgn) x = -x //abs
/** fractional part */
let f = x % 1
x -= f //trunc
let i = 0
while (!Number.isInteger(f)) { f *= 2; i++ }
return (x && (ilb(x) + sgn)) + i
// for some reason,
// I feel like this is the most beautiful code I've ever written
case 'string': {
// avoid `lb(0)`
if (x == '') return 0
/** charset size (unique code-points) of `x` */
const cs_size = (new Set(x)).size
/** total number of code-points in `x` */
const cp_count = [...x].length
// special case for unary
if (cs_size == 1) return ilb(cp_count) + 1
/** bits per character */
const bpc = Math.ceil(lb(cs_size))
return cp_count * bpc
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