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Last active May 18, 2024 23:59
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"incomplete" generic impls of proper divisors, in Rust
#![warn(clippy::pedantic, clippy::nursery)]
use core::iter::successors;
use num_integer::{Integer, Roots}; //0.1
pub fn divisors_fast<T: Integer + Roots + Clone>(x: &T) -> Vec<T> {
let sq = x.sqrt();
let mut divs = Vec::new();
let n1 = T::one();
let n2 = n1.clone() + n1;
let mut i = n2;
while i <= sq {
if x.is_multiple_of(&i) {
// to-do: skip evens if x isn't even;
for d in divs
// if perfect square, then avoid dupe
.skip(usize::from(sq.clone() * sq == *x))
divs.push(x.clone() / d.clone());
pub fn divisors_iter<T>(x: &T) -> impl Iterator<Item = T> + '_
T: Integer + Clone + 'static,
let n1 = T::one();
let n2 = n1.clone() + n1.clone();
let n3 = n1.clone() + n2.clone();
successors(if *x > n3 { Some(n2) } else { None }, move |i| {
let i = i.clone() + n1.clone();
if i < *x {
} else {
.filter(|i| x.is_multiple_of(i))
fn main() {
for i in 0..=u8::MAX {
let f = divisors_fast(&i);
let t: Vec<_> = divisors_iter(&i).collect();
assert_eq!(f, t);
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