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Created September 2, 2015 20:06
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Group 11

Meets expectations

Your d3code.js file seems to contain entirely HTML. Why is it named .js?

I'm not a stickler for following convention with file structure, since I'm all for people organizing their files in a way that makes sense to themselves. However, I have difficulty seeing the logic behind this structure. For instance: you have .html files in two completely separate folders. What was the rationale for organizing files as you did?

There are lots of "app_SOMETHING" files floating around. I'm unsure whether these are actually used in the app... Are they just data backups? If so, I would have liked to have seen them partitioned off in a "backups" folder.

Virtually all of the front-end Javascript is in one file that's over 700 lines long. During our meetings I could see group members physically struggling to scroll through and find stuff in the file. This is really the whole reason for splitting code into separate files in the first place: to keep from having to scroll and find so much.

The app relies on an env.js file that contains Twitter API information, but there was no documentation anywhere in your repo that this is required, nor on how to set it up.

I think you would have helped yourselves considerably by keeping more documentation of your process. There's no "planning" folder, and the ERD in the readme isn't really an ERD... Also, I'm unsure what the "OBJECT DESIGN" section indicates. For our meeting, please consider: How did everyone participate in the planning process?

The app doesn't appear to be deployed to Heroku. How could you have budgeted your time differently to make this possible?

It's great that you used D3! That's a really valuable skill to have in your repertoire.

I think my biggest concern with this app is how far it is outside the scope of an MVP. This could indicate either that the group didn't communicate well enough to hold each other in check, or that the group as a whole didn't adequately pre-reflect on and plan for the week. Next time, make sure you get the CRUD functionality working first, and limit yourselves to just 2 models. Then, you have a functioning app upon which you can build greater functionality.

On the topic of communication, no members of this group appear to have completed the mid-week check-in questionnaire we asked all students to complete...?

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