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Created December 6, 2024 08:11
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Parser Example
// phpcs:disable
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../wp-load.php';
class Log {
public string $category;
public string $date;
public string $entry = '';
public $json = null;
function __construct( $category, $date ) {
$this->category = $category;
$this->date = $date;
function add( string $entry ) {
if ( strlen( $this->entry ) > 0 ) {
$this->entry .= "\n";
$this->entry .= $entry;
public function process() {
class Request {
public string $id;
public array $logs = [];
public bool $failed = false;
function __construct( string $id ) {
$this->id = $id;
function add_line( int $counter, string $category, string $date, string $entry ) {
if ( ! isset( $this->logs[ $counter ] ) ) {
$this->logs[ $counter ] = new Log( $category, $date );
$this->logs[ $counter ]->add( $entry );
public function process() {
// Ignore log counters.
$this->logs = array_values( $this->logs );
if ( in_array( 'ERROR', wp_list_pluck( $this->logs, 'category') ) ) {
$this->failed = true;
foreach ( $this->logs as $log ) {
class Log_Requests {
public array $requests = [];
function get_request( string $id ): Request {
$last_request = isset( $this->requests[ count( $this->requests ) - 1 ] )
? $this->requests[ count( $this->requests ) - 1 ]
: null;
if ( $last_request && $last_request->id === $id ) {
return $last_request;
$request = new Request( $id );
$this->requests[] = $request;
return $request;
function process(): void {
foreach ( $this->requests as $request ) {
$requests = new Log_Requests();
$filename = 'woopayments-2024-12-06-421f0e1c50b72a70a5fc34aa2d7d7089.log';
$file = fopen( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/uploads/wc-logs/' . $filename, 'r' );
while ( $line = fgets( $file ) ) {
if ( ! preg_match( '/^(?P<date>[^\s]+)\s(?P<type>\w+)\s(?P<request_id>\w+)-(?P<counter>\d+)\s(?P<entry>.*)$/i', $line, $matches ) ) {
echo "Line could not be parsed.";
$request_id = $matches['request_id'];
$counter = intval( $matches['counter'] );
$date = $matches['date'];
$category = $matches['type'];
$entry = $matches['entry'];
$request = $requests->get_request( $request_id );
$request->add_line( $counter, $category, $date, $entry );
fclose( $file );
foreach ( $requests->requests as $request ) {
echo '<table border="1" style="margin-bottom:3em">';
$emoji = $request->failed ? '❌' : '✅';
echo '<tr' . ( $request->failed ? ' style="color:red"' : '') . '>
<th>' . $emoji . '</th>
<th>' . $request->id . '</th>
<th>' . $request->logs[0]->date . '</th>
foreach ( $request->logs as $log ) {
echo '<tr' . ( 'ERROR' === $log->category ? ' style="color:red"' : '') . '>
<td>' . $log->category . '</td>
<td>' . $log->date . '</td>
<td><pre><code>' . $log->entry . '</code></pre></td>
echo '</table>';
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