Notes for learning haskell
weitermachen bei
notes from the help
-cmd-tool (haskell landing-page) +
- E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G is a function
Notes for learning haskell
weitermachen bei
notes from the help
-cmd-tool (haskell landing-page) +
machenzb dropdown:
inout => load Vorschläge von db => dropdown miz values znd.onchangr,
const esprima = require("esprima"); | |
const Purgecss = require("purgecss"); | |
const LastCallWebpackPlugin = require("last-call-webpack-plugin"); | |
class Emitter extends require("events") {} | |
// by | |
class PurgeFromJS { | |
static extract(content) { | |
const tokens = esprima.tokenize(content); |
A npx-utility for creating a storybook-story for your existing react-component.
$ npx src/MyComponent.tsx
npx: installed 1 in 6.294s
write new story into src/MyComponent.stories.tsx
function alignContent({ addUtilities, variants }) { | |
addUtilities( | |
{ | |
".align-content-start": { | |
"align-content": "flex-start" | |
}, | |
".align-content-end": { | |
"align-content": "flex-end" | |
}, | |
".align-content-center": { |
const resolveConfig = require("tailwindcss/lib/util/resolveConfig").default; | |
const defaultConfig = require("tailwindcss/defaultConfig"); | |
const _ = require("lodash"); | |
// const customPlugins = require("./tailwind-custom-plugins"); | |
const path = require("path"); | |
const appDir = path.dirname(require.main.filename); | |
const userConfigPath = path.join(appDir, "tailwind.config.js"); | |
const config = resolveConfig([ | |
// if you want to use your custom config then uncomment following line: |
const orderMachine = Machine({ | |
id: "createOrder", | |
initial: "cart", | |
states: { | |
cart: { | |
on: { | |
NEXT: "customer" | |
} | |
}, | |
customer: { |
This repository contains a reusable function leveraging async generators to stream real-time responses from OpenAI's ChatGPT API, word by word, in a Node.js environment. Instead of waiting for the entire response to be generated, this function allows for an interactive experience where the AI's thoughts are streamed as they are produced.
See for more information.