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Created August 8, 2019 15:09
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PurgeCSS via Webpack without glob
const esprima = require("esprima");
const Purgecss = require("purgecss");
const LastCallWebpackPlugin = require("last-call-webpack-plugin");
class Emitter extends require("events") {}
// by
class PurgeFromJS {
static extract(content) {
const tokens = esprima.tokenize(content);
const selectors = tokens
.filter(token => {
return (
token.type === "Identifier" ||
token.type === "Template" ||
token.type === "String"
.reduce((acc, token) => {
if (token.type === "String") {
// cut single/double quotes from the string
// because esprima wraps string to a string
const unwrappedString = token.value.slice(1, token.value.length - 1);
return acc.concat(unwrappedString.split(" ")); // in case if string contains a list of classes
} else if (token.type === "Template") {
// cut backticks from the template
const len = token.value.length;
const isOpenedTemplate = token.value[0] === "`";
const isClosedTemplate = token.value[len - 1] === "`";
const unwrappedTemplate = token.value.slice(
isOpenedTemplate ? 1 : 0,
isClosedTemplate ? len - 1 : len
return acc.concat(unwrappedTemplate.split(" "));
return acc.concat(token.value);
}, [])
// clear selectors from empty strings
return [ Set(selectors)]; // remove duplicates
// use it in plugins like:
// optimization: {
// minimizer: [
// new TerserPlugin({ sourceMap: true }),
// require("./purgecss-webpack-plugin.js")()
// ]
// }
module.exports = function newProcessor() {
let timeoutId;
const resolvedEvt = new Emitter();
const _srcs = [];
function newSource(s) {
const tid = setTimeout(() => {
if (tid === timeoutId) {
resolvedEvt.emit("resolved", _srcs);
}, 100);
timeoutId = tid;
let allJsFilesP = new Promise(resolve => {
resolvedEvt.once("resolved", jsSources => {
return new LastCallWebpackPlugin({
assetProcessors: [
phase: LastCallWebpackPlugin.PHASES.OPTIMIZE_CHUNK_ASSETS,
regExp: /\.js$/,
processor: (assetName, asset) => {
const s = asset.source();
return Promise.resolve(s);
phase: LastCallWebpackPlugin.PHASES.EMIT,
regExp: /\.css$/,
processor: async (assetName, asset, assets) => {
const jsSources = await allJsFilesP;
var purgecss = new Purgecss({
extractors: [
extractor: PurgeFromJS,
extensions: ["js"]
content: => ({ raw: s, extension: "js" })),
css: [
raw: asset.source()
const purged = purgecss.purge()[0];
if (purged.rejected) {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(purged.rejected));
return purged.css;
canPrint: true
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