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Last active April 2, 2023 15:31
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  • Save Porges/21056116260d02dc89d79c7028fac870 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Uniquely identified words of the form i18n, l10n (ignoring but preserving case, skipping words with apostrophes, using wamerican wordlist)
# to look up a word by "definition" (f2d = find):
f2d() { grep -ixe "$(echo "$1" | sed 's/[[:digit:]]\+/\\w\\{\0\\}/g')" /usr/share/dict/words; }
# to generate the word lists below:
while read word; do if [[ "${#word}" -gt 2 && "$word" != *"'"* ]]; then echo "$word ${word: 0:1} $((${#word} - 2)) ${word: -1:1}"; fi; done < /usr/share/dict/words | sort -f -k2,2 -k3,3n -k4,4 | uniq -u -i -f1 | awk '{ print $2 $3 $4 " " $1 }' > AnZ.txt
# this is mostly getting the output to come out nice:
# skip all words less than 3 characters long, or that have apostrophes
# print out like "word w 2 d"
# sort on the 2nd, 3rd (numeric), 4th fields, ignoring case
# keep only unique lines, skipping the first field (the full word) and ignoring case
# rewrite "word w 2 d" to "w2d word"
a1b alb
a1c arc
A1g Aug
a1h ash
A1n Ann
a1z adz
A2c Alec
a2é abbé
a2g agog
a2k amok
a2p atop
A2u Ainu
A2v Azov
A2z Ariz
A3b Arneb
a3z abuzz
a4p asleep
A4v Asimov
a4x adieux
A5b Algenib
a5é attaché
A5u Angelou
a5x anthrax
a6é appliqué
a6f aperitif
A6i Andretti
a6p airstrip
A6v Andropov
A6z Alcatraz
A7b Aurangzeb
A7f AstroTurf
A7p Amenhotep
A7u Amaterasu
a7w afterglow
A8z Austerlitz
A9i Azerbaijani
A9k Arkhangelsk
a9o archipelago
A10a Apalachicola
A10m Afrocentrism
A10o Antananarivo
a10r amphitheater
a11r administrator
a12d aforementioned
a12e administrative
a12l archaeological
a13l anthropological
a14l autobiographical
a14t anesthesiologist
A18a Andrianampoinimerina
Å6m Ångström
B1c Bic
b1h bah
b1m bum
b1o boo
b1p bop
b1s bus
b1x box
b2c bloc
b3b blurb
b3c basic
b3é blasé
B4á Bogotá
b5b bathtub
b5w bucksaw
b6f blastoff
B6v Brezhnev
B6x Bordeaux
B7b Beelzebub
b7f bookshelf
B7o Boccaccio
b7w bedfellow
B7x Bellatrix
b8c barometric
B8f Benacerraf
b9f bulletproof
b9l biochemical
b9m bloodstream
B9p Blankenship
B9v Baryshnikov
B9w Bartholomew
B10a Barranquilla
b10c bureaucratic
B10i Brunelleschi
B10o Barquisimeto
b10p brinkmanship
b11c bibliographic
b11l bidirectional
b11p brinksmanship
b11r bibliographer
b12g bulletproofing
b12r bloodthirstier
b12t bacteriologist
b12y breathtakingly
b13s bacteriologists
b13t bloodthirstiest
b14s bloodthirstiness
b14y bureaucratically
c1g cog
c1o coo
c2c chic
c2é café
C2i Cali
C2z Cruz
C3z Cadiz
c4f cutoff
c4k copeck
C4q Compaq
C5v Chekhov
c6b catacomb
c6é consommé
c6p claptrap
C6v Cerenkov
C8i Cincinnati
c8p censorship
C8u Clemenceau
C8z Clausewitz
c9o chiaroscuro
c11k counterattack
C12k Chappaquiddick
c12r cardiovascular
c13l confrontational
c13r cinematographer
c13t conservationist
c14c crystallographic
c15d compartmentalized
c15e counterproductive
c16g compartmentalizing
c16n chlorofluorocarbon
c16y characteristically
c17e counterintelligence
c17s chlorofluorocarbons
c18y counterrevolutionary
c20s counterrevolutionaries
d1h duh
D1l Del
d1o duo
d1p dip
D1x Dix
d2c disc
D2z Diaz
d3p droop
d4c dyadic
D4u Dachau
D4w Darrow
d4x duplex
d5b disturb
d5i dashiki
d6b doorknob
d6p doorstep
D6z Delacruz
d7é décolleté
d7f disbelief
D7i Donizetti
d7p deathtrap
D7v Diaghilev
d7w deathblow
D7x Delacroix
D7z Dominguez
D8f Düsseldorf
d8o diminuendo
d8p dealership
d9h distinguish
d9i decrescendi
d9o decrescendo
d10c diagrammatic
d10h disestablish
d10m dilettantism
d11c deterministic
d11p draftsmanship
D12k Dnepropetrovsk
d12l denominational
d14d departmentalized
d14e disproportionate
d14t disfranchisement
d15g departmentalizing
d15n decriminalization
d15s disqualifications
d15y disadvantageously
d16t disenfranchisement
d16y disproportionately
e1b ebb
e1d end
e1f elf
E1i Eli
e1k elk
e1m elm
e1n eon
E1q Esq
e1s ems
e1t eat
e1u emu
E2f Enif
E2p Earp
e3c ethic
e3i ennui
E3k Erick
E3m Epsom
E3o Erato
e3p equip
E3x Essex
e4b entomb
e4f engulf
E4i Evenki
e4k embark
E4u Enkidu
e4x earwax
e4z ersatz
e5f earmuff
e5p envelop
e5w eyebrow
e5x equinox
e6i esophagi
E6k Eniwetok
e6o espresso
e7i eucalypti
e7k earthwork
e7p eavesdrop
e7x executrix
e8p editorship
E9a Escherichia
e10m emotionalism
e11a encyclopaedia
e11c electrostatic
e12d excommunicated
e12e extinguishable
e12l ecclesiastical
e12t existentialist
e13c electromagnetic
e13g excommunicating
e13l entrepreneurial
e13r extracurricular
e13t enfranchisement
e14l extraterrestrial
e14t environmentalist
e15m electrocardiogram
e16h electrocardiograph
e16s electrocardiograms
e17s electrocardiographs
e18m electroencephalogram
e19h electroencephalograph
e19s electroencephalograms
e20s electroencephalographs
é2e épée
é2n élan
é3e étude
é3s épées
é3t éclat
é4é émigré
é4r éclair
é4s études
F1a Fla
F1i Fri
f1p fop
f1u flu
f1w few
f2f fief
F2o Fido
f3c franc
f3f fluff
f3p frump
f3u fondu
F4i Fulani
F4k Franck
f4p fillip
F5é Fabergé
F5o Ferraro
f5p flattop
F5u Fujitsu
f5w foresaw
f6b firebomb
F6f Falstaff
F6i Funafuti
f6w furbelow
f7b flashbulb
F7i Fibonacci
F7o Francisco
F7z Fernandez
f8h fourteenth
f8o fortissimo
f8w foreshadow
F9k Fitzpatrick
f9l fundamental
F10i Ferlinghetti
f10m factionalism
f10r flamethrower
f10t foolhardiest
f11e foreknowledge
f11t featherweight
f12m fundamentalism
f12n fraternization
F12r Finnbogadottir
f12t fundamentalist
f13n familiarization
f13s fundamentalists
f13t flibbertigibbet
f14s flibbertigibbets
G1a Goa
G1r Ger
g1u gnu
G2i Gobi
g2r gear
g2u guru
g2z geez
G3k Greek
G3u Ginsu
G3w Gamow
G4k Gdansk
G4v Gustav
G4x Gacrux
G5v Godunov
G5w Glasgow
g5x gearbox
G6b Godthaab
G6z Gonzalez
G7p Gaziantep
G7u Guangzhou
G7v Gorbachev
G7x Giraudoux
g8p gingersnap
G9a Guadalajara
g9c gastronomic
G10h Gainsborough
g11o generalissimo
g11r granddaughter
g12e grandiloquence
G12r Gewürztraminer
g12y geographically
g14l gastrointestinal
H1i Hui
H1l Hal
h1r her
h1x hex
h2b herb
H2i Hopi
H2u Hutu
h2x hoax
h3c havoc
h3x helix
h4f hereof
H4u Honshu
H4z Hormuz
H5b Holcomb
h5é habitué
h5w hacksaw
H5z Heifetz
h6f handcuff
H6z Horowitz
h7b honeycomb
H7f Hausdorff
H7i Hammurabi
H7o Heriberto
h7p horsewhip
h7x heterodox
h8b heartthrob
H8i Hindustani
h8m honorarium
h9l hexadecimal
h10f handkerchief
h10h hairsbreadth
h10p horsemanship
h10t hematologist
h11e hermaphrodite
h11t hundredweight
h12n homogenization
h12t horticulturist
h13d hyperventilated
H13i Huitzilopotchli
h13m humanitarianism
h13n hospitalization
h14g hyperventilating
h14n hyperventilation
h14s hospitalizations
h16s hypersensitivities
I1c Inc
I1d Ind
i1p imp
i2b iamb
I2q Iraq
i2x ibex
I2z Inez
i3g icing
I3i Iraqi
I3k Izaak
i4f itself
i4w inflow
I5p Imhotep
I5u Iguassu
i6c isotopic
i6k ironwork
i7h ideograph
i7u impromptu
i7w interview
i8p internship
i9a impedimenta
i9m imperialism
i9p interneship
i10c iconoclastic
i10m isolationism
i11o incommunicado
i12a intelligentsia
i13l inconsequential
i13m intellectualism
i14d intellectualized
i14l intercontinental
i14m internationalism
i15e indistinguishable
i15g intellectualizing
i15l interdepartmental
i15n industrialization
i15p interrelationship
i16s interrelationships
i17l interdenominational
J1d Jed
J1e Joe
J1l Jul
j1r jar
j2b jamb
J2d Judd
J2f Jeff
J2g Jung
j2r jeer
j2x jinx
J3b Jacob
J3f Josef
j3p julep
J4c Judaic
J4i Jacobi
j4m jetsam
J4o Jivaro
J4u Juneau
j4w jigsaw
J4z Juarez
J5h Jehovah
J5i Jacuzzi
J5o Jericho
j5w jackdaw
j5x jukebox
J5z Jimenez
J6c Jurassic
j6k joystick
j6l judicial
j6o jalapeño
j7h jellyfish
j7k jailbreak
j7l juridical
J7m Jerusalem
j8c jingoistic
j8m journalism
j9d jeopardized
j9l judgemental
J9t Jehoshaphat
j10c journalistic
j10d jitterbugged
J10e Jacksonville
j11e jurisprudence
j11g jitterbugging
j11s judiciousness
j12l jurisdictional
k1d kid
k1g keg
K1m Kim
K1p Kip
k1z kHz
K2c Kroc
K2r Kerr
K2v Kiev
K2x Knox
K3f Knopf
K3r Khmer
K3v Kirov
k3z klutz
K4b Kochab
k4p kidnap
K4v Kislev
K4x Koufax
K5u Kwangju
K5x Kleenex
k6f kerchief
k6h keypunch
K6l Kwakiutl
k6p kingship
K6u Katmandu
k7c kinematic
K7f Kirchhoff
k7h kittenish
k7z kilohertz
k8m kettledrum
K8u Kitakyushu
K8v Khrushchev
k9a kleptomania
K9o Kilimanjaro
K9v Kalashnikov
K10a Kanchenjunga
k10c kleptomaniac
k10e kaleidoscope
K10i Krishnamurti
k11c kaleidoscopic
k11e knowledgeable
k11y knowledgeably
k12r kindergartener
k12s kindergärtners
K12t Kremlinologist
k13s kindergarteners
l1i lei
l1m lam
L1s Les
L1u Lou
l1y lay
L2v Lvov
l2x lynx
L2z Lodz
l3g lying
l3p letup
L3z Lopez
l4c lactic
l4f layoff
L4z Lorenz
l5f liftoff
L5u Lanzhou
L5x Lascaux
L6b Lipscomb
l6c logistic
l6x lunchbox
l7f leitmotif
L7o Lambrusco
L7u Lowenbrau
l7x letterbox
l8h lithograph
L8i Lubumbashi
l8k lumberjack
l8p leadership
L8w Longfellow
l9c logarithmic
L9h Leavenworth
L9i Lamborghini
l9l latitudinal
L9m Lutheranism
L9o Leoncavallo
L10a Lollobrigida
l10c lithographic
L10i Liliuokalani
l10l longitudinal
l11g lithographing
L11h Liebfraumilch
l11k laughingstock
l11l lackadaisical
L11n Liechtenstein
l11r lexicographer
l11y lethargically
l12n liberalization
l13y lackadaisically
l14s lightheartedness
M1a Mia
m1b mob
M1c Mac
M1j Maj
M1z MHz
M2c Marc
m2m maim
m2u menu
m2w meow
M3b Mujib
m3f motif
M3g Magog
M3z Munoz
M4b Markab
m4é manqué
m4f myself
M4v Markov
M4z Mendez
M5b Maghreb
m5é macramé
M5v Molotov
M5w Matthew
M6b Michelob
M6é Mallarmé
M6p Malaprop
M6u Mirabeau
M6v Moiseyev
m6x matchbox
M7f Musharraf
M7u Mogadishu
M7v Mendeleev
m7x multiplex
m7z megahertz
m8p membership
m8w middlebrow
M9h Marlborough
m9p mountaintop
M9u Montesquieu
m9w marshmallow
M10k Magnitogorsk
m10m metamorphism
M10o Michelangelo
m11r microcomputer
m12r microprocessor
m12t microbiologist
m13d misappropriated
m14e multimillionaire
m14l multidimensional
m14m multiculturalism
m14y melodramatically
m15y materialistically
n1g nag
n1l nil
N1m Nam
n1r nor
n1x nix
n1y nay
n2b numb
n2c narc
N2f Nerf
N2i Nazi
n2m norm
N2o Nero
n3b nabob
N3k Nanak
N3m Nahum
n3t night
N3v Negev
N4c Nordic
N4h Namath
N4u Nassau
N4z Nimitz
n5é naiveté
n5p nonstop
N5x Netflix
N5z Natchez
n7b nightclub
N7i Nefertiti
n7k nighthawk
N7u Nosferatu
N7v Nikolayev
n8h nineteenth
n8p nincompoop
n9f neckerchief
n9h nightmarish
N9k Novosibirsk
n9m nationalism
N10k Novokuznetsk
n11c nationalistic
n11m neoclassicism
n12m neocolonialism
N12r Nebuchadnezzar
n12y noncommittally
n13g notwithstanding
n13s nearsightedness
n14n nonproliferation
n14r neurotransmitter
n15l nondenominational
n15s neurotransmitters
n17l nonrepresentational
o1b orb
o1k oak
o1m ohm
o1n own
O2f Olaf
O2u Oahu
O2v Olav
o2x onyx
o3é outré
o3g owing
O3h Oprah
O3k Ozark
o3w oxbow
O3z Ortiz
O4c Orphic
o4i octopi
O4k Olenek
o4m orgasm
o4o overdo
o4u ormolu
o4w outlaw
o4x outfox
o5f oneself
o5x overtax
O6i Olivetti
o6o oratorio
o6x orthodox
o7a orchestra
o7k overstock
O7o Ogbomosho
O7x OfficeMax
o8w overshadow
o9a orthodontia
O9u Ouagadougou
o10a onomatopoeia
o10l occupational
o11l observational
o11r oceanographer
o12l organizational
o12t obstructionist
o13t ophthalmologist
o14c overenthusiastic
o14n overcompensation
o14s ophthalmologists
o16n oversimplification
o17s oversimplifications
p1a pea
p1b pub
p1o pro
P2u Peru
p3b plumb
p3é passé
P3z Perez
P4á Paraná
P4u Pushtu
P4v Pavlov
p4z pizazz
p5é protégé
p5z pizzazz
P6é Poincaré
P6f Pribilof
p6p pawnshop
p7f plaintiff
P7v Prokofiev
P7z Podhoretz
p8k pocketbook
p8p penmanship
p9a philodendra
p9p partnership
p9u portmanteau
p10m parochialism
p10p partisanship
p10x portmanteaux
p11p professorship
p11r perpendicular
p12a phantasmagoria
p12e photosensitive
p12l pharmaceutical
p12p proprietorship
p13d polyunsaturated
p13e phosphorescence
p13r phototypesetter
p14g phototypesetting
p14l paraprofessional
p14n predetermination
p14y photographically
p15n particularization
p15y philanthropically
q1a qua
Q1m Qom
q2p quip
q2t quit
q2y quay
q2z quiz
q3a quota
q3f quaff
q3i quasi
q3m qualm
Q3o Quito
q3y query
q4a quanta
Q4c Quebec
q4g quahog
q4h quench
q4m quorum
q4o quarto
q4t quaint
q4z quartz
Q5a Quechua
Q5i Qaddafi
q5l quarrel
Q5o Qingdao
q6c quixotic
Q6l Quirinal
q7c quadratic
q7l quizzical
Q7m Quixotism
Q7o Quasimodo
q7y quarterly
Q8n Quintilian
Q8y Quaternary
q9d quarantined
q9l quadrennial
q9r quicksilver
q10a quadriplegia
q10g quarantining
q10r quadrangular
q10y questionably
q11d quarterbacked
q11l quadrilateral
q11n qualification
q11r quartermaster
q12d quadruplicated
q12g quarterbacking
q12l quintessential
q13g quadruplicating
r1f ref
R1x Rex
r2é roué
R2u Roku
r3b rehab
r3c relic
r3g ruing
R3k Rubik
r3p recap
r3w renew
r4é risqué
r4i rhombi
R4v Rostov
r4x reflex
r5b rhubarb
r5c robotic
R5v Romanov
r5w rainbow
R5x Rolodex
R5z Ramirez
r6f riffraff
R6i Rossetti
r6p raindrop
r7é recherché
r7f rustproof
r7i rhinoceri
r7p redevelop
R7u Richelieu
r8h relinquish
r8k rubberneck
R8u Rochambeau
R9a Ramakrishna
r9c ritualistic
r9h reestablish
r10c relativistic
R10f Rachmaninoff
R10h Rostropovich
r10l recreational
R10o Risorgimento
r11c rationalistic
r11m republicanism
r11r restauranteur
r12d revolutionized
r13g revolutionizing
r13t reapportionment
r13y retrospectively
r14l representational
r14n reinterpretation
r15s reinterpretations
s1g sag
s1r sir
S1u Stu
S2v Slav
S2x Styx
S2z Suez
s3é sauté
s3u snafu
s5b succumb
s5é soufflé
S5u Shikoku
S5v Saratov
S6v Sakharov
s7o simpatico
S8o Sacramento
s8p seamanship
S9b Sennacherib
S9f Schwarzkopf
s10a sarsaparilla
s10f shatterproof
s10p salesmanship
s11a schizophrenia
S11h Shostakovitch
s11i staphylococci
s12c spiritualistic
s13e superintendence
s14d straightjacketed
s14g sentimentalizing
s14l semiprofessional
s15g straightjacketing
s15s semiprofessionals
t1c tic
t1w tow
t2b tomb
t2c talc
t2h tush
t2w thaw
t3f thief
t3z topaz
t4é touché
t4f tariff
t4k thwack
t4w tallow
t5b taxicab
t5x toolbox
T6u Timbuktu
T6v Turgenev
t6w tomorrow
T7f Tallchief
T7i Toscanini
t7u trousseau
t7x tinderbox
T8i Torricelli
t8k turtleneck
T8o Tintoretto
t8w thumbscrew
t8x trousseaux
t9h thenceforth
T10a Transylvania
T10i Thessaloníki
T11a Transcaucasia
t11k thunderstruck
t12e teleconference
t12y telepathically
t13d teleconferenced
t13m totalitarianism
t14g teleconferencing
t14l transcontinental
t14n tintinnabulation
t14s transliterations
t14y transcendentally
t15m transcendentalism
t15n telecommunication
t15s tintinnabulations
t15t transcendentalist
t16n transubstantiation
U1a Ufa
u1h ugh
U1i Uzi
u1n urn
u1p ump
u2c uric
u2d used
u2e urge
U2h Utah
U2l Ural
u2n upon
u2r user
u2t unit
U2u Urdu
u3g using
U3h Uriah
u3i uteri
U4u Ubuntu
u4x unisex
u5a urethra
U5i Ucayali
u5p unclasp
U5v Ustinov
u5w unscrew
u6f unbelief
u6i umbilici
u6w undertow
U7i Unukalhai
u7m ultimatum
u7w underflow
u8x unorthodox
u9h undergrowth
U10m Unitarianism
u10r unfriendlier
u11c unsympathetic
u11r underachiever
u12c unenthusiastic
u12m utilitarianism
u12t understatement
u13l uncontroversial
u14c uncharacteristic
u14e unrepresentative
u14g undiscriminating
u14l unconstitutional
u15e ultraconservative
u16s ultraconservatives
u18y uncharacteristically
v1a via
V1c Vic
v1e vie
V1l Val
v1m vim
v1w vow
v1x vex
v2b verb
V2g Vang
v2r veer
v2w view
v3g vying
V4c Vlasic
v4h vanish
V4i Vilyui
V4u Vishnu
V4z Valdez
V5m Vietnam
V5u Vanuatu
v6c volcanic
V6k Vlaminck
v6o virtuoso
V6z Veracruz
V7a Venezuela
V7o Valentino
v8i vermicelli
V8o Valparaiso
V9a Vivekananda
v9c voyeuristic
V9k Vladivostok
v9m vigilantism
v9o violoncello
v10e vituperative
V10x Vindemiatrix
v11e videocassette
v11t ventriloquist
v11y vulnerability
v12e verisimilitude
v13s vulnerabilities
w1b web
W1c Wac
w1k wok
w1r war
w1w wow
w1x wax
w1z wiz
w2a whoa
w2w whew
w2z whiz
W3i Wendi
w3w widow
w4o weirdo
W5a Wichita
w5b washtub
W5u Watteau
W7o Winnebago
w8c workaholic
w8f waterproof
w8k wickerwork
w9k weathercock
w9l wherewithal
w9p workmanship
w9w wheelbarrow
w10f weatherproof
w10l whippoorwill
W10n Wittgenstein
w10r weightlifter
w10t welterweight
w10y whimsicality
W11d Witwatersrand
W11n Washingtonian
w11y wrongheadedly
w12d weatherproofed
W12e Worcestershire
w12r whippersnapper
w12y wholeheartedly
w13g weatherproofing
w13t whatchamacallit
w14s whatchamacallits
X2s Xmas
x3m xylem
x3n xenon
X3u Xingu
X3x Xerox
X4r Xavier
X5u Xiongnu
X6g Xiaoping
X6n Xenophon
x8a xenophobia
x8c xenophobic
X8i Xochipilli
x8s xylophones
x8y xerography
x9c xerographic
x9t xylophonist
x10s xylophonists
y1a yea
y1s yes
y1t yet
y1u you
Y2c Yacc
y2d yard
y2h yeah
y2p yelp
y2t yest
Y2u Yalu
y3h youth
Y3i Yaqui
Y3w Yalow
Y4h Yahweh
Y4i Yemeni
Y4o Yataro
y4t yogurt
y4w yellow
Y5h Yiddish
Y5i Yenisei
Y5k Yakutsk
y5t yoghurt
y6f yourself
y6k yearbook
y6l youthful
Y6n Yorktown
Y6v Yugoslav
Y7e Yorkshire
Y7i Ypsilanti
y7k yardstick
y7r youngster
y7y yesterday
Y8a Yugoslavia
Y8n Youngstown
y8r yesteryear
y8y youthfully
Y9n Yugoslavian
Y9o Yevtushenko
Y10o Yamoussoukro
Y11a Yoknapatawpha
Y11g Yekaterinburg
z1d zed
Z1e Zoe
Z1n Zen
z1o zoo
z1t zit
z2c zinc
z2g zing
Z2i Zuni
z2l zeal
z2m zoom
z2y zany
z3d zoned
Z3e Zaire
Z3g Zelig
z3h zilch
z3i zombi
z3l zonal
Z3o Zorro
Z3r Zukor
Z4b Zagreb
Z4k Zanuck
z4n zircon
Z4v Zhukov
Z5c Zapotec
z5d zincked
Z5e Zebedee
z5l zestful
Z5m Zionism
Z5o Zhivago
Z6e Zimbabwe
Z6f Zamenhof
z6g zincking
Z6h Zedekiah
z6i zucchini
z6k zwieback
z6l zodiacal
Z6r Zanzibar
z6t zippiest
Z6v Zyuganov
z7d zigzagged
z7g zippering
Z7l Zinfandel
z7m zirconium
Z7n Zimmerman
Z7r Zoroaster
z7t zoologist
Z7u Zhengzhou
Z8e Zaporozhye
z8g zigzagging
Z8i Zeffirelli
z8l zoological
z8s zoologists
Z9n Zoroastrian
Z11i Zubenelgenubi
Z12i Zubeneschamali
Z12m Zoroastrianism
Z13s Zoroastrianisms
a1q aeq
a1w alw
a3j aflaj
A4q Abqaiq
a5í alfaquí
a7é actualité
a7v ahartalav
a8b abscoulomb
a9f archpontiff
a10k antikickback
a10u archboutefeu
a10w autorickshaw
a11o aggiornamento
A12k Arosaguntacook
a12x administratrix
a14h aerometeorograph
a14p acquaintanceship
a14x archocystosyrinx
a17a adenochondrosarcoma
a17r auriculoventricular
a18d adrenocorticosteroid
a19c antisupernaturalistic
a19m anticonstitutionalism
a20l anatomicophysiological
a20n antiestablishmentarian
a21s antiestablishmentarians
a21y anthropomorphologically
A22a Aldiborontiphoscophornia
a23m antiestablishmentarianism
a23n antidisestablishmentarian
a24s antiestablishmentarianisms
a26m antidisestablishmentarianism
a27s antidisestablishmentarianisms
å2r åsar
Å6m Ångström
Å7s Ångströms
b2j benj
b2v brev
B3q Buraq
B4á Bogotá
B4v Brasov
b5é breveté
b6é boutonné
B8q Bonnesbosq
B8u Bouguereau
b8x bordereaux
b10f burglarproof
B10w Buttonwillow
b10x blennothorax
B11z Ballhausplatz
b12h barometrograph
B13i Brachioganoidei
B13k Blagoveshchensk
b13r bronchoalveolar
b14g boroughmongering
b14h bathythermograph
b14i brachistocephali
b14o bisdimethylamino
b16c bibliokleptomaniac
b16m ballistocardiogram
b16r bronchoconstrictor
b17a blepharoblennorrhea
b17h ballistocardiograph
b17m barothermohygrogram
b17y bioclimatologically
b18h barothermohygrograph
B18l Biblicopsychological
b19c ballistocardiographic
b19e benzalphenylhydrazone
b19y bioelectrogenetically
b21y blepharosphincterectomy
c1j cuj
C2j Cluj
c3q coreq
C8v Czerniakov
c9v chronoscopv
c11x cephalothorax
c12f corrosionproof
C12k Chappaquiddick
c14o countermanifesto
c15k counterbreastwork
c17c chromochalcographic
c17r counterdemonstrator
c17t counterannouncement
c19h chromophotolithograph
c19l chemicopharmaceutical
c19o counterpronunciamento
c20c cineangiocardiographic
c20n counterexcommunication
c21e chlorotrifluoroethylene
c27e cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine
d1f dif
D2é Doré
d3é donné
D3ë Danaë
D3j Dunaj
D5é Duruflé
D5q Dimashq
D5z Doenitz
D6z Delacruz
D7v Diaghilev
D7z Dominguez
d8u dorsicornu
d8w drivescrew
d12h duodecillionth
d12i dolichocephali
D14k Dneprodzerzhinsk
d14p demonstratorship
d15p draughtswomanship
d15r dorsoepitrochlear
d16d dehydrochlorinated
d17g dehydrochlorinating
d17t decentralisationist
d17y dermatoheteroplasty
d18g deinstitutionalizing
d19e dehydrocorticosterone
d20a dacryocystoblennorrhea
d20e dinitrophenylhydrazine
d21e dichlorodifluoromethane
d21l dihdroxycholecalciferol
d21m disestablismentarianism
d21n desoxyribonucleoprotein
d22e diphenylaminechlorarsine
d22m disestablishmentarianism
d22s dichlorodifluoromethanes
d23e demethylchlortetracycline
d23s disestablishmentarianisms
d29e dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane
d30s dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes
d32e diaminopropyltetramethylenediamine
E1v Erv
E1z Etz
e2b erub
e2v eruv
E2z Eliz
E5v Efremov
e6é embusqué
e6f endrumpf
e6v emanativ
e6z exahertz
e7w eyeshadow
E9f Eichendorff
e9k electroweak
e9u extrabureau
e10k electroshock
e10u eisteddfodau
e10v electromotiv
E11v Ekaterinoslav
e11x exterminatrix
e13d electrophoresed
e14h electromotograph
E14i Eleutherodactyli
e14p entrepreneurship
e15d extraconstellated
E17a Eulamellibranchiata
e17g electrosherardizing
e17h electrotellurograph
e17r electropsychrometer
e18e encephalomeningocele
e19h electroencephalograph
e19m establishmentarianism
e20r electrotelethermometer
e21c electroencephalographic
e21r electroencephalographer
e21s electronystagmographies
e22y electrocardiographically
e23l electroencephalographical
e25e ethylenediaminetetraacetate
e25y electroencephalographically
e26s ethylenediaminetetraacetates
é2e épée
é2i étui
é2n élan
é2t état
é3t éclat
é4u éperdu
é5i étourdi
é5r épicier
é5t épatant
é8t éboulement
é13t éclaircissement
F1k FMk
f3j falaj
F3q Faruq
f3v fconv
f3w finew
f4b forgab
F4v Fadeev
F5v Fadeyev
F6z Feramorz
f7b flashbulb
f7é feuilleté
F7u Flandreau
f8u fricandeau
f8z fackeltanz
F10k Fantasiestck
F11i Firnismalerei
f11k floutingstock
f11o fortississimo
F11u Fontainebleau
f12h farthingsworth
f13o fiatconfirmatio
f14l frontosphenoidal
f14m ferromagneticism
f15r fideicommissioner
f16a fideicommissumissa
F17e Fliegerabwehrkanone
f17l facioscapulohumeral
f17y faradocontractility
f18s forethoughtfulnesses
f21c formaldehydesulphoxylic
f22e formaldehydesulphoxylate
f27n floccinaucinihilipilification
f28s floccinaucinihilipilifications
g1h gph
g1q ghq
g2j gunj
g2ó gapó
g3é glacé
G3í Gaudí
G4v Gustav
G4x Gacrux
g5á guaraná
G5b Godthab
g5é gratiné
G5v Godunov
g9é grossièreté
g9f greaseproof
g9w grandnephew
g10o gravicembalo
g10x glossanthrax
g11o generalissimo
G12k Gebrauchsmusik
g12p goodfellowship
g14d governmentalised
g14g grammaticalizing
g14n glauconitisation
G14r Gumpoldskirchner
g15g governmentalising
g16l ginglymoarthrodial
g16n grammaticalization
g16r galvanothermometer
g17a gastroalbuminorrhea
g18l glossolabiolaryngeal
g18n galvanocauterization
g19l glossolabiopharyngeal
g19m geographicalDerminism
g21s gastroenteroanastomosis
h1f haf
h1j haj
h2w holw
h2x hoax
H4j Hardej
h5j hajilij
H6z Horowitz
H7j Hammarskj
H7u Hamamatsu
h8b heartthrob
H8u Halemaumau
h9w hereinbelow
h11f humidityproof
H11i Homalosternii
H12i Hoplonemertini
h13k honeymoonstruck
h13x hydrohemothorax
h14h hygrothermograph
h14p headmistressship
h14x hemopneumothorax
h15g haemagglutinating
h15p handcraftsmanship
h15r hematodynamometer
h15x hydropneumothorax
h16g hypophysectomizing
h16p handicraftsmanship
h16r hemidemisemiquaver
h16t hydrometeorologist
h17g hyperspiritualising
h17p historiographership
h18a hypercholesterinemia
h19l historicogeographical
h19m hypsidolichocephalism
h20l historicocabbalistical
h20y honorificabilitudinity
h21a hypobetalipoproteinemia
h21n hydrochlorofluorocarbon
h21r hematospectrophotometer
h21s hexamethylenetetramines
h25e hydroxydesoxycorticosterone
h25s honorificabilitudinitatibus
h26e hydroxydehydrocorticosterone
h28n hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian
i1r ipr
I1v Irv
I1w Iow
i1z isz
I2g Iong
I2z Inez
i3ó igapó
i5b inqilab
i5é igarapé
I5q Inupiaq
i5v isogriv
I6f Issayeff
i7b interclub
i8u intransitu
i9k interstreak
i11f intrigueproof
I14a Integropallialia
i14h interdistinguish
i15p interrelationship
i15r intercommunicator
i16m intrapreneurialism
i16t immunohematologist
i17d interdifferentiated
i18c indigotindisulphonic
i18g interdifferentiating
i18l intercommunicational
i19c immunoelectrophoretic
i19e isopropylideneacetone
i20m interdenominationalism
i20y intercomprehensibility
i22s intercomprehensibilities
i23y immunoelectrophoretically
J1a Jea
J1c Jac
J1f Jaf
j1i jai
J2c Junc
j2é jeté
J2v Jarv
j2w jhow
j4x jawbox
J5p Jewship
j6f joyproof
j6w jinghpaw
J7z Juanadiaz
j8o jaboncillo
j8u jambonneau
j9i jnanashakti
j9k journeywork
j9u jararacussu
j9w jinrickshaw
J10h Jonesborough
J10i Javakishvili
j10k jestingstock
j10m justicialism
J11c Jovinianistic
j11d jerrymandered
J11h Juggernautish
j11p justiciarship
j11r journeyworker
j11t jusquaboutist
j12g jerrymandering
j12p justiciaryship
j13d jackpuddinghood
J13m Jeffersonianism
J13n Jonathanisation
J13r Junggrammatiker
J13y Jovicentrically
j14l juxtaterrestrial
j14n jackassification
j15m jurisdictionalism
j15y jurisprudentially
j16t jurisprudentialist
k1k kkk
k1x kex
K3q Khalq
k3w kotow
k4j kharaj
K7j Kackavalj
k8f knifeproof
K9x Knisteneaux
K9z Kostelanetz
k11k killickinnick
k11m kathenotheism
k12a katagelophobia
k12g knipperdolling
k12m knownothingism
k13d knickerbockered
k13g kindergartening
k13n kjeldahlization
k14h kinetophonograph
k14n krypterophaneron
k15a kakorraphiaphobia
k15l kinematographical
K15m Kierkegaardianism
K15r Kindertotenlieder
K16e Kirkcudbrightshire
k16s knowledgeabilities
K17r Konzentrationslager
k17s knowledgeablenesses
k17y kinematographically
k18s keratoconjunctivitis
k20s keratoconjunctivitises
l3b lulab
l3v lulav
L4v Leonov
L5v Loginov
l7b lightbulb
L7u Lowenbrau
l7w leadscrew
l8b letterbomb
l11k laughingstock
l12f lightningproof
l12x laryngopharynx
l13d laryngectomized
l14d labyrinthodontid
l14h labyrinthibranch
l14l lichenographical
l15d labyrinthodontoid
l15m latitudinarianism
L16i Labyrinthibranchii
l16l lepidopterological
l17l litiscontestational
l18c lithochromatographic
l18e labyrinthibranchiate
l18y laparocholecystotomy
l19l labioglossopharyngeal
l20a lymphangioendothelioma
l20y laparocolpohysterotomy
L56h Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
M1j Maj
m1q meq
M2b Moab
m3é massé
M3j Maraj
M3ö Malmö
M3v Mordv
m5j maharaj
M6é Mallarmé
m7b moneygrub
m8é mouvementé
m8w middlebrow
m9b megacoulomb
m9w marshmallow
m14p metropolitanship
m15m metapostscutellum
m16a myxochondrosarcoma
m16h microcinematograph
m17r micrometallographer
m18l micropaleontological
m18r mechanicocorpuscular
m18t micropalaeontologist
m19e methyltrinitrobenzene
m19h microseismometrograph
m20e microcryptocrystalline
m20l microelectrophoretical
m20r microspectrophotometer
m21c microspectrophotometric
m21y magnetohydrodynamically
m22s microspectrophotometries
m23l microspectrophotometrical
m25y microspectrophotometrically
m27e methylenedioxymethamphetamine
n2é névé
N2z Nitz
n3f nyaff
N4b Nadabb
N4f Nidorf
n4q nasdaq
N4z Nimitz
N6ä Nausicaä
n6q nastaliq
n7b nightclub
N7j Nordenskj
N7v Nikolayev
n7w nightglow
N9j Narayanganj
N10i Nematognathi
N10p Nazariteship
N11k Novocherkassk
n13h noematachograph
N13z Nullstellensatz
n14a nucleoidioplasma
N14i Nikolainkaupunki
n15p nostrummongership
n16a neuroleptanalgesia
n16d nonmicroprogrammed
n16r nonexemplificatior
n17a neuroleptoanalgesia
n17n nonsubjectification
n17p nonacquaintanceship
n18d noninstitutionalized
n18l neuropharmacological
n18m nondenominationalism
n18n nonindustrialization
n19e nitrotrichloromethane
n19l neuroendocrinological
n20c naphthylaminesulphonic
n20m nonrepresentationalism
n20y neuropharmacologically
n21s nonrepresentationalisms
o1é olé
O1z Odz
O2b Odab
O2v Olav
o2z oyez
o3é outré
O3x Ortyx
O4j Ondrej
o4u ormolu
O4z Olmitz
o8b overabsorb
o9f opiateproof
o9k outpolitick
o9o overbravado
O9u Ouagadougou
O10u Oberammergau
O10x Odontopteryx
O12h Oberosterreich
o12o overlubricatio
o13h octodecillionth
o14p ombudspersonship
o16a ophthalmocarcinoma
o16m oversentimentalism
o16r ophthalmotonometer
o16t overdiscouragement
o17d oversentimentalized
o17m overintellectualism
o18a ophthalmoblennorrhea
o18d overintellectualized
o18g oversentimentalizing
o18l orbiculatoelliptical
o19g overintellectualizing
o19t otorhinolaryngologist
o19y overimpressionability
o20l otorhinolaryngological
o21n overintellectualization
o21y overindividualistically
o22s overintellectualizations
Ö8h Österreich
p1ù più
p1v pav
P2j Pulj
p3à pietà
P4á Paraná
p5à podestà
P5q Pontacq
P6é Poincaré
p7b preabsorb
p7é pointillé
P7v Prokofiev
P7z Podhoretz
p9w pussywillow
p12o pronunciamento
p13f punishmentproof
P13i Palaeonemertini
p14f perforationproof
P14i Pharyngobranchii
p14x pneumohemothorax
p15h photogalvanograph
p15p primogenitureship
p15x pneumohydrothorax
p16d photodisintegrated
p16h phonocinematograph
p17d pseudosophisticated
p17p plenipotentiaryship
p18d parathyroidectomised
P19a Pseudolamellibranchia
p19g parathyroidectomising
p19h photochromolithograph
p19m pseudohermaphroditism
p20h photospectroheliograph
p20m pneumohydropericardium
P21a Pseudolamellibranchiata
p21g preinferredpreinferring
p21n phenolsulphonephthalein
p21t psychoneuroimmunologist
p22c pseudointernationalistic
p22e phosphatidylethanolamine
p22n preobtrudingpreobtrusion
p23l philosophicopsychological
p23s phosphatidylethanolamines
q1a qua
Q1e Que
q1f qaf
q1i qui
q1o quo
q1r qtr
q2a quia
q2h qoph
q2l qual
q2w quaw
q2z quiz
q3g qiang
q3q qepiq
Q5k Quebeck
Q5u Queneau
q7u qinghaosu
q8h quickhatch
Q8p Quakership
q8w quartersaw
q8z quodlibetz
Q9h Quackenbush
q10o quattrocento
q10p quaestorship
q11i quindecemviri
q12t quattrocentist
q13c quinquesyllabic
q13h quindecillionth
q13l quasihistorical
q14n quinquepartition
q14r quadritubercular
q15n quattuordecillion
q15p quartermastership
q15r quinquetubercular
q15y quintessentiality
q16d quintessentialised
q16e quinquetuberculate
q16r quadratomandibular
q16y quantificationally
q17g quintessentialising
q17h quattuordecillionth
q18s quattuordecillionths
R1u Rhu
r2é roué
R3q Rafiq
r4é risqué
r4z requiz
r5é remanié
r6b reabsorb
R6v Rashidov
r7b redisturb
R8u Rochambeau
r11k receptionreck
r11o reconcentrado
r12p ringleadership
r12x rickettsialpox
r13p referendaryship
r15d rechromatographed
r15h radiometeorograph
r15r rhomborectangular
r16a rhabdomyosarcomata
r16g rechromatographing
r16h radiocinematograph
r16p representativeship
r16t rhinolaryngologist
r17d reinstitutionalized
r17e reticulatogranulate
r17m representationalism
r18e radioimmunoassayable
r18g reinstitutionalizing
r18t reticulatocoalescent
r19c representationalistic
r20n reinstitutionalization
r21s reinstitutionalizations
r23s regeneratoryregeneratress
s1j saj
s1q suq
s2é semé
s2q shoq
S3q Sercq
s5é soufflé
S6ô Salammbô
s6ú sucurujú
s8u serpenteau
S9v Shcherbakov
S9z Sienkiewicz
s10w schoolfellow
s13i streptococcocci
s14i staphylococcocci
s14x seropneumothorax
s16a sarcoenchondromata
s16g superaccommodating
s16p superintendentship
s17a salpingostenochoria
s17p subcommissionership
s18a saccharogalactorrhea
s18e spinulosodenticulate
s18n superphlogistication
s18r spectropyrheliometer
s18t superacknowledgement
s19h stereophotomicrograph
s19l scientificohistorical
s20e succinylsulphathiazole
s20r snailfishessnailflower
s21l scientificogeographical
s22e schizosaccharomycetaceae
s22l scientificophilosophical
s23s superincomprehensibleness
s32s supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
t1j taj
t1z tez
T2x Trix
t3é tenné
t3ó timbó
t4é touché
T4ø Tromsø
T5v Tupolev
T6b Tayyebeb
T6z Taddeusz
T7v Turgeniev
t8é televérité
t8w thumbscrew
t9z tchervonetz
t10b thingummybob
t10o twentyfourmo
t10x trophothylax
t11o tubulostriato
t13i teleutosorusori
t13p tablefellowship
t15h telegraphonograph
t16a trachelectomopexia
t16d transcendentalised
t16g transubstantiating
t17a thermohyperesthesia
t17g transcendentalising
t17m tetramethylammonium
t17n trigonododecahedron
t17r triangulotriangular
t17y threedimensionality
t18m theoanthropomorphism
t18t thermophosphorescent
t19s tetrahydrocannabinols
t19t transubstantiationist
t20e trifluorochloromethane
t20s transubstantiationists
t20y thyroparathyroidectomy
t21n thymolsulphonephthalein
t21t transubstantiationalist
t22e thyroparathyroidectomize
t22n tetraiodophenolphthalein
t22s transubstantiationalists
t27e trinitrophenylmethylnitramine
u1b urb
u1g ung
U1k Usk
u1q unq
U1r Ukr
u1w usw
u2é urdé
U2k Uruk
U2v Univ
u2z untz
u3q umiaq
u4x unisex
U5v Ustinov
u5z unfrizz
u6f unbelief
u8i umbibilici
u8o ultramicro
u8w understrew
u8x unorthodox
u9k understruck
u10i understimuli
u11f utfangenethef
u11x ultraorthodox
u12h ultrasonograph
U12i Uitzilopochtli
u12k underframework
u13h undergraduatish
u14h uninterferedwith
u14k undersheriffwick
u15c ultraenthusiastic
u15h unbluestockingish
u15p undergraduateship
u16a urethroblennorrhea
u16c ultranationalistic
u16p undersecretaryship
u16t ultrarevolutionist
u17c ultrabrachycephalic
u17l ultradolichocranial
u18c ultradolichocephalic
u18h ultraphotomicrograph
u20y ultranationalistically
u21s undistinguishablenesses
Ü8h Übermensch
Ü10n Übermenschen
v1u vau
v2b verb
V2c Visc
v3à voilà
v3é vairé
v3g vying
V3j Vtarj
v4f vacouf
v4p vertep
V4v Vaclav
v5é velouté
V5f Vingolf
V5v Veljkov
V5w Virchow
v6u vermoulu
V8u Vatteluttu
V8v Voroshilov
v8x vasoreflex
v9i violoncelli
v9u ventricornu
V9z Vladikavkaz
v10i vegetoalkali
v10u vituperatiou
V11o Villavicencio
v12h vigintillionth
v12o vigesimoquarto
v13a variolovaccinia
v13m veterinarianism
v13o vCeskoslovensko
V13t Vsterbottensost
V14a Villiplacentalia
v14g vasoconstricting
v14m vectorcardiogram
v14r vesiculopustular
v15g videoconferencing
v15l vesiculobronchial
v15m valetudinarianism
v15r voltaelectrometer
v16e ventriculopuncture
v17c vectorcardiographic
v17s vicissitudinousness
v18l vagoglossopharyngeal
w1h wah
w1k wok
w1v wtv
w1z wiz
w2x wrox
w3b weamb
W3c Wraac
W3x Wysox
w4b waflib
w4v watfiv
W5z Wellesz
W6c Waccabuc
w7b whitecomb
W7u Weaubleau
w8b willowherb
w8u wirrasthru
W9i Werchowinci
w11h wonderlandish
w11k wahunsonacock
W11t Whitaturalist
W12a Washingtoniana
w12l wheelbarrowful
w12m weathercockism
W12o Washingtonboro
w12r whippersnapper
w13d weatherstripped
w13t whatchamacallit
W14e Williamsoniaceae
w14g weatherstripping
W14m Wordsworthianism
W15r Wirtschaftswunder
w17y westnorthwestwardly
x1d xed
x1l xcl
X1r Xer
x1s xis
x1t xat
X1y Xty
x1z xyz
x2f xref
X2g Xing
x2l xctl
x2v xxiv
x2x xxix
x3d xyrid
X3k Xicak
x3m xylem
X3r Xever
X3u Xingu
x4d xyloid
x4f xeriff
X4g Xizang
X5e Xicaque
x5m xantham
X5u Xiongnu
X5z Ximenez
x6c xerantic
x6d xiphioid
x6h xenolith
X6i Xenarchi
x6l xerophil
x6p xylocarp
x6t xenocyst
x7r xylometer
X8i Xochipilli
x8x xylanthrax
x9t xylophonist
x9y xenobiology
x10d xanthochroid
x10l xiphisternal
x10y xerophthalmy
x11d xanthrochroid
X11i Xanthomelanoi
x11m xanthochroism
x11y xanthocyanopy
x12a xanthocyanopia
x12d xylostromatoid
x12m xenoparasitism
x12n xanthopurpurin
x12t xenotransplant
x13r xylopyrographer
x15s xeroradiographies
x17n xenotransplantation
x18s xenotransplantations
y1b yob
y1i yoi
Y1l Yul
Y2c Yacc
y2x yunx
y3f youff
Y4b Yagnob
Y4v Yaakov
y5p yarwhip
y5u yamaltu
Y5w Yingkow
y6b yawshrub
y6f yourself
Y6w Yamacraw
y7f yawnproof
Y8c Yugoslavic
Y8o Yenakiyero
y8p yellowrump
y8w yokefellow
Y9d Yponomeutid
Y9g Yankeefying
Y9h Youskevitch
y9k yellowshank
Y9o Yevtushenko
y9r yellowammer
y10d younghearted
Y10l Yelisavetpol
Y10m Yorkshireism
Y10o Yamoussoukro
y10p yachtmanship
y10r yellowhammer
y10t yellowthroat
Y11a Yoknapatawpha
y11n yuppification
y11p yachtsmanship
Y11r Yekaterinodar
Y12v Yekaterinoslav
y13n yohimbinization
Z1b Zeb
z1c zac
Z1f Zif
Z1m Zim
Z1v Ziv
z2b zimb
z2m zoom
z2p zarp
z2y zany
z2z zizz
Z3z Zmudz
z4p ziptop
z4q zindiq
z4u zakkeu
Z4v Zhukov
z5p zoocarp
Z5q Zaqaziq
Z5w Zelikow
z5x zovirax
Z6f Zamenhof
z6p zanyship
z6u zaibatsu
z6x zelatrix
z7b zermahbub
z7g zippering
Z7u Zhengzhou
Z8f Zinzendorf
Z9i Zygodactyli
Z9p Zaklohpakap
Z9u Zhangjiakou
Z10b Zeitvertreib
z10i zinjanthropi
z10r zincographer
z11d zeuglodontoid
Z11i Zubenelgenubi
Z12a Zygobranchiata
z12c zeuctocoelomic
Z12i Zubeneschamali
z12l zincographical
z12n zinckification
z13c zomotherapeutic
z13y zoopaleontology
z14c zeuctocoelomatic
Z14m Zarathustrianism
z14s zoophysiologists
z15e zoosporangiophore
Z15s Zygosaccharomyces
z15y zoogeographically
z16d zygomaticosphenoid
z17r zygomaticoauricular
z17y zygomaticomaxillary
z19s zygomaticoauricularis
z20t zoologicoarchaeologist
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