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Created February 4, 2019 20:31
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import time
from opencensus.stats import stats
from opencensus.stats.exporters import prometheus_exporter as prometheus
from opencensus.stats import aggregation as aggregation_module
from opencensus.stats import measure as measure_module
from opencensus.stats import view as view_module
from opencensus.stats import stats as stats_module
from opencensus.tags import tag_key as tag_key_module
from opencensus.tags import tag_map as tag_map_module
from opencensus.tags import tag_value as tag_value_module
# Create the measures
# The latency in milliseconds
m_latency_ms = measure_module.MeasureFloat("repl_latency", "The latency in milliseconds per REPL loop", "ms")
# Counts/groups the lengths of lines read in.
m_line_lengths = measure_module.MeasureInt("repl_line_lengths", "The distribution of line lengths", "By")
# The stats recorder
stats_recorder = stats.Stats().stats_recorder
# Create the tag key
key_method = tag_key_module.TagKey("method")
# Create the status key
key_status = tag_key_module.TagKey("status")
# Create the error key
key_error = tag_key_module.TagKey("error")
latency_view = view_module.View("demo_latency", "The distribution of the latencies",
[key_method, key_status, key_error],
# Latency in buckets:
# [>=0ms, >=25ms, >=50ms, >=75ms, >=100ms, >=200ms, >=400ms, >=600ms, >=800ms, >=1s, >=2s, >=4s, >=6s]
aggregation_module.DistributionAggregation([0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000]))
line_count_view = view_module.View("demo_lines_in", "The number of lines from standard input",
line_length_view = view_module.View("demo_line_lengths", "Groups the lengths of keys in buckets",
# Lengths: [>=0B, >=5B, >=10B, >=15B, >=20B, >=40B, >=60B, >=80, >=100B, >=200B, >=400, >=600, >=800, >=1000]
aggregation_module.DistributionAggregation([0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000]))
def main():
# In a REPL:
# 1. Read input
# 2. process input
while True:
def registerAllViews(view_manager):
def setupOpenCensusAndPrometheusExporter():
stats = stats_module.Stats()
view_manager = stats.view_manager
exporter = prometheus.new_stats_exporter(prometheus.Options(namespace="oc_python", port=8000))
def readEvaluateProcessLine():
line = sys.stdin.readline()
start = time.time()
# Now record the stats
# Create the measure_map into which we'll insert the measurements
mmap = stats_recorder.new_measurement_map()
end_ms = (time.time() - start) * 1000.0 # Seconds to milliseconds
# Record the latency
mmap.measure_float_put(m_latency_ms, end_ms)
# Record the line length
mmap.measure_int_put(m_line_lengths, len(line))
tmap = tag_map_module.TagMap()
tmap.insert(key_method, tag_value_module.TagValue("repl"))
tmap.insert(key_status, tag_value_module.TagValue("OK"))
# Insert the tag map finally
if __name__ == "__main__":
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