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import math as m
import numpy as np
def nsin(a):
return -1 * m.sin(a)
dcmOps= [[m.cos, m.sin, nsin],[nsin, m.cos, m.sin],[m.sin, nsin, m.cos]];
def dcmRotate(angle, axis):
dcm= np.zeros([3,3])
if axis >= 0 and axis < 3:
for n in range(0,len(dcmOps)):
for m in range(0,len(dcmOps[n])):
if n == axis and m == axis:
dcm[n,m]= 1
elif n == axis or m == axis:
dcm[n,m]= 0
dcm[n,m]= dcmOps[n][m](angle)
return dcm
def dcmFromEulerAngles(ea, sequence=[3,2,1]):
if len(sequence) == len(ea) == 3:
dcm= np.identity(3)
for n in range(0, len(sequence)):
dcm= np.matmul(dcmRotate(ea[n], sequence[n]-1), dcm)
return dcm
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