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Created June 22, 2016 05:00
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contract CircuitBreaker {
struct Transfer { uint amount; address to; uint releaseBlock; bool released; bool stopped; }
Transfer[] public transfers;
address public curator;
address public authorizedSender;
uint public period;
uint public limit;
uint public currentPeriodEnd;
uint public currentPeriodAmount;
event PendingTransfer(uint id, uint amount, address to, uint releaseBlock);
function CircuitBreaker(address _curator, address _authorizedSender, uint _period, uint _limit) {
curator = _curator;
period = _period;
limit = _limit;
authorizedSender = _authorizedSender;
currentPeriodEnd = block.number + period;
function transfer(uint amount, address to) {
if (msg.sender == authorizedSender) {
if (currentPeriodAmount + amount > limit) {
uint releaseBlock = block.number + period;
PendingTransfer(transfers.length, amount, to, releaseBlock);
transfers.push(Transfer(amount, to, releaseBlock, false, false));
} else {
currentPeriodAmount += amount;
transfers.push(Transfer(amount, to, block.number, true, false));
if(!to.send(amount)) throw;
function updatePeriod() {
if (currentPeriodEnd < block.number) {
currentPeriodEnd = block.number + period;
currentPeriodAmount = 0;
function releasePendingTransfer(uint id) {
Transfer transfer = transfers[id];
if (transfer.releaseBlock <= block.number && !transfer.released && !transfer.stopped) {
transfer.released = true;
if(! throw;
function stopTransfer(uint id) {
if (msg.sender == curator) {
transfers[id].stopped = true;
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Nice work. Why is updatePeriod() necessarily part of transfer()?

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Why is updatePeriod() necessarily part of transfer()?

Because whether we can or cannot transfer funds depends on the periodical limit. If there's a new period we don't want to use previous period's currentPeriodAmount.

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