An Optimistic Perspective on Offline Reinforcement Learning
- This is still work in progress, follow this Gist if you are interested in the topic
See animated version here
An Optimistic Perspective on Offline Reinforcement Learning
See animated version here
There are two RL Paradigms
the Online RL consists of learning by interacting with the environment which means all the observations come from the best policy which is the policy obtained by updating the policy with the new observations as soon as they are available so it works like this
the Offline RL or Batch RL is radically different from the previous approach as the policy update happens in a batch mode which means
The latter method is generalized in Off Policy RL where the exploration policy(ies) hence mainly aimed at data collection are different from the exploitation policy
Overview (Latex All the Things Version)
How is it possible to categorize RL at a very high level
There are two RL Paradigms
the Online RL consists of learning by interacting with the environment which means all the observations come from the best policy which is the policy obtained by updating the policy with the new observations as soon as they are available so it works like this
the Offline RL or Batch RL is radically different from the previous approach as the policy update happens in a batch mode which means
The latter method is generalized in Off Policy RL where there is a distinction between
This framework allows the agent to learn a policy without any interaction at all, using just a dataset of previously collected experiences