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Created October 4, 2022 23:44
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Poisson Solve Gauss-Seidel and SOR (MATLAB) 01
% Same as 00, but we explictlly calcuclate the RHS from the R,G Components.
clear all;
format long;
% Square unit domain
N = 64;
dx = 1 / (N-1);
img_path = "C:\Users\Niall\Pictures\rock.png";
img_form = "png";
% Use 64^2 Image as input "vector field" to derive RHS from.
im = imread(img_path, img_form);
% R,G --> U,V components
im_x = im(:, :, 1);
im_y = im(:, :, 2);
% Cast
im_x = cast(im_x, "double");
im_y = cast(im_y, "double");
% Normalize
im_x = im_x / 255;
im_y = im_y / 255;
%im = im * (0.5 * dx);
% Unlike _01 we explictlly RHS calc divergence (using R,G components)
% This better shows what a "real" pressure solution looks like.
rhs = zeros(N, N);
for i=2:N-1
for j=2:N-1
xx = im_x(i, j+1) - im_x(i, j-1);
yy = im_y(i+1, j) - im_y(i-1, j);
rhs(i, j) = (0.5 * dx) * (xx + yy);
n_iter = 512;
resid_k = zeros(n_iter, 1);
resid_k_l10 = zeros(n_iter, 1);
% Presure and RHS vectors (Assume they are 2D Grids, not "real" matrices)
pn = zeros(N, N);
%b = im;
b = rhs;
% Spatial Grid vectors (per dim)
x = 0:dx:1;
y = 0:dx:1;
% Gauss-Seidel + SOR.
for it = 1:n_iter
for i=2:N-1
for j=2:N-1
pn_k = (1/4) * (pn(i+1, j) + pn(i-1, j) + pn(i, j+1) + pn(i, j-1) + b(i,j));
pn(i, j) = (1-1.8) * pn(i, j) + 1.8 * pn_k; % SOR \omega = 1.8
%pn(i, j) = pn_k; % GS
% Calc Residual (it)
r = zeros(N, N);
for i=2:N-1
for j=2:N-1
r(i,j) = (b(i, j) + pn(i+1, j) + pn(i-1, j) + pn(i, j+1) + pn(i, j-1) - 4*pn(i, j));
resid_k(it) = norm(r, "inf");
resid_k_l10(it) = log10(resid_k(it));
% Plot Solution (Pressure) Surface
surf(x, y, pn)
title('Solution Surf');
% Plot Residual Norm Log10
plot((1:n_iter), resid_k_l10);
title('Residual Plot Log');
xlabel('Iteration K');
ylabel('Residual Norm log10');
% Plot Residual Norm
plot((1:n_iter), resid_k);
title('Residual Plot');
xlabel('Iteration K');
ylabel('Residual Norm');
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