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Last active May 17, 2017 16:48
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perfect antialiasing and font options for Visual Studio on high-dpi display
(.c extension doesn't mean anything. This is not a configuration file, you are supposed to apply settings below yourself)
To use these settigns you need the 'text sharp' extension available at:
If this doesn't work for you, I suggest you upgrade to visual studio 2017 (after preview).
After this version and following configuration the text is rendered like the rest of the OS,
with proper thickness and beautiful rendering. imo it is just like xcode now
/* Install the extension and go to [settings -> text sharp] */
Text rendering mode: ClearType
Text formatting mode: Ideal
Text hinting mode: Animated
Targets: [Main window, Text views]
/* now go to [settings -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors] */
Font: consolas
Font size: 9
Bold: uncheck
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