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Last active April 14, 2021 00:36
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/tg/ list length stats.
Shortly after map load:
All List Stats: (round(log(2,list.len)))
0: 20996
1: 18639
2: 33842
4: 7067
8: 3171
16: 227
32: 122
64: 94
128: 319
256: 20
512: 24
1024: 8
2048: 4
4096: 1
8192: 1
After all systems have loaded and a round has started:
All List Stats: (round(log(2,list.len)))
0: 122604
1: 266224
2: 424405
4: 242942
8: 25888
16: 29392
32: 3229
64: 1090
128: 499
256: 61
512: 66
1024: 25
2048: 8
4096: 4
8192: 4
16384: 1
32768: 1
Detailed small list stats.
Shortly after map load:
Small List Stats:
0: 20996
1: 18639
2: 30236
3: 3606
4: 3230
5: 1965
6: 1154
7: 718
8: 497
9: 2132
10: 268
11: 100
12: 65
13: 51
14: 30
15: 28
16: 23
17: 11
18: 22
19: 13
20: 34
21: 19
22: 17
23: 39
24: 10
25: 5
26: 8
27: 5
28: 7
29: 0
30: 13
31: 1
32: 6
All List Stats:
0: 20996
1: 18639
2: 33842
4: 7067
8: 3171
16: 227
32: 122
64: 94
128: 319
256: 20
512: 24
1024: 8
2048: 4
4096: 1
8192: 1
16384: 0
Total amount of lists: 84535
After all systems have loaded and a round has started:
Small List Stats:
0: 122604
1: 266224
2: 180415
3: 243990
4: 202205
5: 27519
6: 7447
7: 5771
8: 5226
9: 3187
10: 3762
11: 3866
12: 3715
13: 1262
14: 2095
15: 2775
16: 12042
17: 680
18: 685
19: 807
20: 2045
21: 964
22: 750
23: 1164
24: 844
25: 8760
26: 72
27: 41
28: 257
29: 45
30: 205
31: 31
32: 47
All List Stats:
0: 122604
1: 266224
2: 424405
4: 242942
8: 25888
16: 29392
32: 3229
64: 1090
128: 499
256: 61
512: 66
1024: 25
2048: 8
4096: 4
8192: 4
16384: 1
32768: 1
65536: 0
Total amount of lists: 1.11644e+006
var/list/smalllistcount = new /list(32)
var/list/loglistcount = new /list(32)
var/zerolistcount = 0
var/listcount = 0
for (var/list/L)
var/list_length = length(L)
if (!list_length)
var/list_log = round(log(2, list_length))+1
if (list_length <= length(smalllistcount))
world.log << "Small List Stats:"
world.log << "0: [zerolistcount]"
for (var/i in 1 to length(smalllistcount))
world.log << "[i]: [smalllistcount[i] || 0]"
world.log << "All List Stats:"
world.log << "0: [zerolistcount]"
for (var/i in 1 to length(loglistcount))
world.log << "[num2text(((i-1) ? (1 << (i-1)) : 1), 10)]: [loglistcount[i] || 0]"
world.log << "Total amount of lists: [listcount]"
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