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Created February 4, 2020 10:21
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drop database learn;
create database learn;
show databases;
use learn;
show tables;
-- #################### CREATE
first_name varchar(25) not null,
last_name varchar(25)not null,
salary decimal(5, 2) check (salary>100),
age int(3),
department varchar(25) DEFAULT 'front'
-- #################### describe
describe users;
-- #################### insert
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("moataz","mohammady",70);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("moataz","mohammady",200);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("moataz","mohammady",250);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("moataz","mohammady",300);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("moataz","mohammady",400);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("moataz","mohammady",500);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("mohamed","mohammady",500);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("zaki","mohammady",500);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("zaki2","mohammady",500);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("zahraa","mohammady",500);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary) values ("mohammady","mohammady",500);
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary , department) values ("moataz","mohammady",400 ,'back');
insert into users (first_name,last_name,salary , department , age ) values ("moataz","mohammady",400 ,'back' , 30);
-- #################### select
select * from users ;
select * from users where id = 1;
select * from users where salary > 200;
select * from users where salary > 200 and salary < 500 ;
select * from users where department = 'back';
select * from users where first_name like 'za%';
select * from users where first_name like '________y%';
select * from users where first_name like '%y';
select * from users where age is not null ;
select * from users where age is null order by salary ;
select * from users where age is null order by salary desc;
-- #################### delete
delete from users where first_name='zaki2';
-- #################### update
update users set salary=900 where first_name="moataz";
select * from users ;
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