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Last active April 16, 2020 20:36
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Matrix of existing React ui kit (more than 200 download/week, more than 200 stars)
pkg download/week issues stars comment
react-bootstrap 235k 62 17k bootstrap 3
material-ui 160k 146 34k full of bugs, speaking from experience
antd 64k 174 26k
semantic-ui-react 51k 53 6.4K
reactstrap 46k 58 4k bootstrap 4
@blueprintjs/core 27k 240 9k splitted into multiple packages
react-native-web 11k 27 9kk used at and on react-native docs (not just mobile)
react-toolbox 10k 175 8k follow material design
carbon-components-react 10k 101 0.2k
react-materialize 3k 48 0.8k
elemental 2,7k 37 4k
rebass 2,3k 43 3,6k made by a "famous" react guy
material-ui-next 2k 146 34k beta.40 is not a good sign
pivotal-ui 2k 6 0.6k
belle 300 48 2k made by a "famous" react guy

Personnaly really happy with react-native-web (I don't like "huge" toolbox à la Bootstrap)

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MoOx commented Apr 5, 2018

I may have missed some, feel free to post a comment

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MoOx commented Apr 5, 2018

@oskarhane Added! Thanks

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Atlaskit, and grommet

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romainquellec commented Apr 5, 2018

From what I know :
Rebass is really nice for "style framework" (no functionality)
MaterialUI Next is good for more complex components. (using jss) + I like the roadmap.
Antd : I'm scared when i looked at the issues. (chinese, a lot)
carbondesignsystem : NOT OS (Maybe a bias)

If you like material style and a bit complex comp. : MaterialUI.
If you like heavy customization : Rebass (hard to contribute) or just styled-component like
Else semantic-ui-react ? Not sure.

You should also think about Styles (Less for semantic, classic css for blueprint, jss for materialuinext, styled components for rebass).
Typescript should also be an argument.

A lot of project are going on V2, with a lot of rework. Everything will change and you should look a lot at the roadmap. (Personnal : I dont like the react-bootstrap roadmap)

For my current project, I'm using MaterialUI Next, and I'm happy (the doc is not clear though)

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You should add Atlaskit.
~ 50k downloads/week (based on one of our more popular packages - button)
⚠️ I might be biased 😄

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hisk commented Jan 23, 2019

@MoOx I was wondering if you'd consider adding Shards React to the list. It's a sleek and modern UI kit that I just launched and I was wondering what do you think about it?.

I am waiting for your feedback! Cheers!

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