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Created February 15, 2019 08:33
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Atera : Dead client removal
####### Edit this section only ##########
$apiKey = "XX" # your API key , get it from:
$offlinePeriodIndays = 60
$deleteAgents = 0 # set to 1 only after you verify the list
####### edit this section only ##########
## Please do not alter the script below, it can cause a real damage to your account ##
try {
$last = 0
$inactiveAgents = @()
$pageLink = ''
$monthAgo = (Get-Date).AddDays(0 - $offlinePeriodIndays)
while (!$last) {
$request = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"X-API-KEY" = $apiKey } -Method GET -Uri $pageLink -ContentType application/json
$inactiveAgents += $request | Select-Object -Expand items | where { $_.Online -eq 0 -and [DateTime]$_.Modified -lt $monthAgo }
if ($request.nextLink.Length -gt 0) {
$pageLink = $request.nextLink;
Start-Sleep -s 1
else {
$last = 1
if (!$deleteAgents) {
#see the agents
$inactiveAgents | select AgentName, IpAddresses, OSType, CustomerName, Modified, Online | Sort-Object -Property AgentName | ft
$agentsCount = $inactiveAgents.Count
Write-Host "$agentsCount agents were found in the last $offlinePeriodIndays days"
Write-Host "###This is just a test, please verify if these are the agents you want to delete.###`nOnce verified, set the deleteAgents parameter to 1 (at the top of this script)."
$retryCount = 0
foreach ($agent in $inactiveAgents)
$retryCount = 0
while ($retryCount -lt 3) {
$retryCount += 1
try {
$url = "$($agent.AgentId)";
Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{"X-API-KEY" = $apiKey } -Method DELETE -Uri $url -ContentType application/json
write-host "$($agent.AgentName) Deleted :)"
Start-Sleep -s 1
catch {
Start-Sleep -s 6
if ($retryCount -eq 3) {
write-host "$($agent.AgentName) Delete Agent Failed. Error: $_.Exception"
try {
$streamReader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($_.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream())
$ErrResp = $streamReader.ReadToEnd()
catch {
catch {
if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq "Unauthorized") {
Write-Host "Failed to authenticate, make sure the correct api-key has been added"
else {
Write-Host "Failed to get your account agents list"
Write-Host "error:" $_.Exception
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