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Last active June 11, 2024 03:42
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Foundry Cheatsheet


Creating new projects

Create a new project:

forge init <project_name>

Create a new project using a template:

forge init --template <template> <project_name>

# Example
forge init --template paradigm_ctf

Usage in existing projects

Initialize Foundry:

# Create required directories
mkdir out lib

# Add `forge-std` module to `lib`
git submodule add lib/forge-std

# Create foundry.toml
touch foundry.toml

Specify directories in foundry.toml:

src = "contracts"
out = "out"
lib = "lib"


Adding dependencies

Install dependencies in an existing project:

forge install

To add a new dependency:

forge install <dependency>

# Example
forge install openzeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts

To add dependencies to existing git repositories:

# Do not create a commit
forge install --no-commit <dependency>

# Do not create a git repository
forge install --no-git <dependency>


Forge can automatically deduce remappings:

forge remappings > remappings.txt

To customize a remapping, simply add it to remappings.txt:

echo "@openzeppelin/=lib/openzeppelin-contracts/" > remappings.txt


To run tests:

forge test


  • -vv shows console.log output.
  • -vvv shows execution traces for failing tests.
  • -vvvv shows execution traces for all tests, and setup traces for failing tests.
  • -vvvvv shows execution and setup traces for all tests.

To run specific tests:

  • --match-test runs tests matching the specified regex.
  • --match-contract runs tests in contracts matching the specified regex.
  • --match-path runs tests in source files matching the specified path.

Fork testing

To fork a network:

forge test --fork-url <rpc_url>

To identify contracts in a forked environment, pass your Etherscan API key using --etherscan-api-key:

forge test --fork-url <rpc_url> --etherscan-api-key <etherscan_api_key>


Refer to Cheatcodes Reference for all available cheatcodes.


// Set block.timestamp
vm.warp(uint256 timestamp)

// Increase block.timestamp by specified seconds
skip(uint256 time)

// Decrease block.timestamp by specified seconds
rewind(uint256 time) 

// Set block.number
vm.roll(uint256 blockNumber)

Storage and memory

// Load a storage slot from an address
vm.load(address account, bytes32 slot) 

// Store a value to an address' storage slot account, bytes32 slot, bytes32 value)

// Set code at address
vm.etch(address addr, bytes calldata code)


// Set msg.sender for the next call
vm.prank(address msgSender)

// Set msg.sender for subsequent calls
vm.startPrank(address msgSender)

// Reset msg.sender for subsequent calls

// Change msg.sender for subsequent calls
changePrank(address msgSender) 

// Set msg.sender and give it ether for the next call
hoax(address who)
hoax(address who, uint256 give)
hoax(address who, address origin)
hoax(address who, address origin, uint256 give)

// Set msg.sender and give it ether for subsequent calls
startHoax(address who)
startHoax(address who, uint256 give)
startHoax(address who, address origin)
startHoax(address who, address origin, uint256 give)


// Mock calls to an address `where`. If the call data `data` matches, return `retdata`  
vm.mockCall(address where, bytes calldata data, bytes calldata retdata);

// Same as the above, but msg.value also has to match `value`
vm.mockCall(address where, uint256 value, bytes calldata data, bytes calldata retdata);

Example usage:

function testMockCall() public {
    // Without value
        abi.encodeWithSelector(token.balanceOf.selector, ALICE),
    assertEq(token.balanceOf(ALICE), 10);

    // With value
        10 ether,
        abi.encodeWithSignature("pay(address,uint256)", ALICE, 10 ether),
    assertTrue({value: 10 ether}(ALICE, 10 ether));


// Expect the next call to revert

// Expect the next call to revert with `message`
vm.expectRevert(bytes calldata message)

// Expect the next call to revert with `bytes4 data` (used for custom error selectors)
vm.expectRevert(bytes4 data)


// Take a snapshot of the current state
uint256 snapshot = vm.snapshot();

// Restore the state
vm.revertTo(uint256 snapshot);

Std Libraries

Refer to Forge Std's Test for all functionality.


// Set ether balance for an address
deal(address to, uint256 balance)

// Set ERC20 token balance for an address
deal(address token, address to, uint256 balance)

// Set ERC20 token balance for an address and increase totalSupply if `adjust` is true
deal(address token, address to, uint256 balance, bool adjust)

// Give ERC721 token with `id` to an address
dealERC721(address token, address to, uint256 id)

// Set ERC1155 token balance for an address
dealERC1155(address token, address to, uint256 id, uint256 balance)

// Set ERC1155 token balance for an address and adjust totalSupply
dealERC1155(address token, address to, uint256 id, uint256 balance, bool adjust)


From forge-std/std-errors, used to catch internal Solidity errors:

  • stdError.assertionError - an assert fails.
  • stdError.arithmeticError - an arithmetic operation fails (e.g. overflow/underflow).
  • stdError.divisionError - a division fails (e.g. division by zero).
  • stdError.indexOOBError - accessing an element of an array that is out of bounds.
  • stdError.popError - popping from an empty array. Does not work for empty arrays in external contracts.
  • stdError.enumConversionError - converting a number larger than the number of enum variants to an enum.
  • stdError.encodeStorageError - accessing data in storage that is corrupted using inline assembly.
  • stdError.memOverflowError - allocating a dynamic memory array with more than 2^64-1 items.
  • stdError.zeroVarError - calling a function via a function pointer that has not been initialized.


From forge-std/std-assertions.

// Fail a test with a message
fail(string memory err)

// Assert true/false
assertTrue(bool data)
assertTrue(bool data, string memory error)

assertFalse(bool data)
assertFalse(bool data, string memory err)

// Assert equal
assertEq(<type> a, <type> b)
assertEq(<type> a, <type> b, string memory err)

// Asserts `a` is approximately equal to `b` with delta in absolute value.
assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta)
assertApproxEqAbs(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxDelta, string memory err)

// Asserts `a` is approximately equal to `b` with delta in percentage, where `1e18` is 100%. 
assertApproxEqRel(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta)
assertApproxEqRel(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 maxPercentDelta, string memory err)

Addresses and Keys

// Create a labelled address
address addr = makeAddr(string memory name)

// Create a labelled address with private key
(address addr, uint256 privateKey) = makeAddrAndKey(string memory name)

// Sign data
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(uint256 privateKey, bytes32 digest)


From forge-std/std-math.

// Returns the absolute value of a number.
uint256 v = abs(int256 a)

// Returns the difference between two numbers in absolute value.
uint256 v = delta(uint256 a, uint256 b)
uint256 v = delta(int256 a, int256 b)

// Returns the difference between two numbers in percentage, where `1e18` is 100%.
uint256 v = percentDelta(uint256 a, uint256 b)
uint256 v = percentDelta(int256 a, int256 b)


Use vm.assume() to specify conditions for inputs. It should only be used for narrow checks:

function testSomething(uint256 v) public {
    vm.assume(v != 0);
    require(v != 0);

Use bound() to restrict inputs to a certain range:

function testSomething(uint256 v) public {
    v = bound(v, 100, 500);
    require(v >= 100 && v <= 500);
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